Download StoryMaker - Video, Audio & Photo in the the Google Play Store.
Prerequisites: .
- Android SDK
- Working Android NDK toolchain
- Unix build toolchain. Linux and OS X are well tested.
Follow these steps to setup your dev environment:
Clone the git repo, make sure you fork first if you intend to commit
Init and update git submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
env variable is set to the location of your NDK, example:export NDK_BASE=/path/to/android-ndk
Build android-ffmpeg
cd external/android-ffmpeg-java/external/android-ffmpeg/ ./
run script to update all libraries android support library. from command line run in the top level of the repo:
$ scripts/
Import dependancies into Eclipse
Using the File->Import->Android->"Existing Android Code Into Workspace" option, import these projects in this order:
external/HoloEverywhere/contrib/ActionBarSherlock/library/ external/HoloEverywhere/library/ external/NetCipher/ external/android-ffmpeg-java/ external/WordpressJavaAndroid/ external/cardsui-for-android/CardsUILib external/SlidingMenu/library external/Android-ViewPagerIndicator/library external/RangeSeekBar/library
Import the StoryMaker project from the app/ subfolder
(optional) Build from the command line
$ cd app/ $ ./ $ ant clean debug