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Fix a TypeError

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@mherrmann mherrmann released this 11 Jul 07:38
· 16 commits to master since this release
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "helium/", line 172, in write
    _get_api_impl().write_impl(text, into)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 36, in f_decorated
    result = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 55, in f_decorated
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 145, in write_impl
  File "helium/_impl/", line 170, in _handle_alerts
    return no_alert(*args, **kwargs)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 156, in _write_no_alert
    self._manipulate(into, _write)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 280, in _manipulate
    driver.last_manipulated_element = gui_or_web_elt.perform(action)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 622, in perform
    result = self._perform_no_wait(action)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 629, in _perform_no_wait
    for bound_gui_elt_impl in self.find_all():
  File "helium/_impl/", line 593, in find_all
    for occurrence in self.find_all_occurrences():
  File "helium/_impl/", line 691, in find_all_occurrences
    for occurrence in self._find_all_in_curr_frame():
  File "helium/_impl/", line 712, in _find_all_in_curr_frame
    for occurrence in self.find_anywhere_in_curr_frame():
  File "helium/_impl/", line 1037, in find_anywhere_in_curr_frame
    for bound_gui_elt_impl in element.find_anywhere_in_curr_frame():
  File "helium/_impl/", line 913, in find_anywhere_in_curr_frame
    result = list(self._filter_elts_belonging_to_labels(
  File "helium/_impl/", line 950, in _filter_elts_belonging_to_labels
    labels_to_elts = self._ensure_at_most_one_label_per_elt(labels_to_elts)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 993, in _ensure_at_most_one_label_per_elt
  File "helium/_impl/", line 998, in _retain_closest
    closest = self._find_closest(pivot, elts)
  File "helium/_impl/", line 1012, in _find_closest
    return sorted(distances)[0][1]
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'WebElementWrapper' and 'WebElementWrapper'