AWSAM (Amazon Web Services Account Manager) allows you to easily manage multiple sets of AWS credentials. It has support for multiple accounts and multiple key-pairs per account.
Account switching auto-populates ENV vars used by AWS' command line tools and AWSAM additionally gives you intelligent wrappers for ssh
and scp
which can be used like:
# ssh by AWS instance id
$ assh ubuntu@i-123456
# ssh by AWS tag name
$ assh ubuntu@web-node-01
# ssh by AWS tag name to an arbitrary node using a substring
# This example assumes you have the following nodes and that
# you're indifferent to which node you connect to:
# web-node-01, web-node-02, web-node-3
$ assh -f ubuntu@web-node-
# scp by instance id
$ ascp local-file ubuntu@i-123456:remote-file
AWSAM supports both AWS' legacy Java-based CLI tools and their newer python-based CLI.
Install the gem.
$ gem install awsam
Install BASH rc file
$ raem --init Initialized AWS Account Manager Add the following to your .bashrc: if [ -s $HOME/.awsam/bash.rc ]; then source $HOME/.awsam/bash.rc fi
Open a new bash environment.
AWS Account Manager will set a variety of environment variables when
you execute the aenv
shell wrapper:
$ env | grep AMAZON_ACCESS
Exit 1
$ aenv env | grep AMAZON_ACCESS
Some of these environment variables match the ones used by the Amazon
EC2 CLI tools and some our unique to AWSAM. It is often convenient to
use these environment variables in DevOPs scripts in place of
hard-coded values -- allowing your scripts to be seamlessly used for
staging and production environments simply by switching the active
account with aem
and wrapping execution of the command with aenv
The environment variables set when selecting an account are:
- API access key -
- Secret API access key -
- The integer ID of this AWS account
When selecting an SSH key, the following environment variables are set:
- Name of the keypair.AMAZON_SSH_KEY_FILE
- Full path to the public key PEM file
NOTE: As of version 0.2.0, these are no longer set in the shell
environment by default. You must run any command that requires AWS
access with the aenv
Update repo (fetch && merge) or
gem update awsam
raem --init
. Ignore instructions to setup .bashrc if you've already done so. -
Close and reopen your shell or
source ~/.bashrc
If the environment already contains AWS variables, these will be presented as defaults.
$ aem add
Creating a new AWS account...
Short name: staging
Description: Staging account
AWS Region [us-east-1]: us-east-1
Access key [12346]: 123 *from AWS credentials*
Secret key [secret123456]: 455 *from AWS credentials*
AWS ID: aws_account
Note: if your shell can't find the aem
command it is most likely because you haven't successfully sourced .awsam/bash.rc
in the install steps.
This will update the current environment with the appropriate AWS environment variables.
$ aem use staging
When selecting an account you can mark it as the default account with
the --default
$ aem use --default staging
The active account will be marked with an arrow. The default, if set, will be marked with an asterisk.
$ aem list
AWS Accounts:
prod [Librato Production] [1 key: my-prod-key]
=> staging [Staging account]
*dev [Librato Development] [1 key: devel-key]
Add a key to the default account, or the specified account. Defaults
chosen from current environment if set. IMPORTANT: my-key-name
match the logical name of the AWS EC2 keypair.
$ aem key add my-key-name /path/to/my-keypair.pem
Imported key pair my-key-name for account staging [Staging account]
The keypair must match the name of the keypair in AWS
This will select an SSH keypair to use from your current account and
set the environment variables AMAZON_SSH_KEY_NAME
appropriately. It will also highlight the key in
the list output with the '>' character.
$ aem key use my-key-name
$ aem list
AWS Accounts:
staging [Staging account]
=> dev [Librato Development] [1 key: >my-key-name]
You can also define a default key for each account that will
automatically be selected when the account is chosen. Just use the
option when selecting a key to set a default key. Picking
a default will place an asterisk next to the key name in the aem list
$ aem key use --default my-key-name
The aenv
utility will wrap execution of any command with the AWS
environment variables matching the currently selected account. This
allows you to securely propagate environment variables only to
commands that should have access to the current environment. Just
prefix your command execution with aenv
$ aenv aws s3 ls
Instance IDs will be looked up using the current account details. If the instance's keypair name exists, that keyfile will be used as the identity file to ssh.
$ assh [user@]<instance-id>
$ assh ubuntu@i-123456
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
Loging in as ubuntu to
Instances will be looked up by their tag name. This tag name can be found assigned to the "value" key when you run ec2-describe-tags, using the AWS CLI Tools.
$ assh [user@]<instance tag name>
$ assh ubuntu@web-node-01
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
Loging in as ubuntu to
If you use assh with a substringed tag name which matches against several nodes, you will have the option to choose a specific node. For example, let's say you have 3 nginx nodes all running the same code and your nodes are named:
web-node-01, web-node-02, web-node-03
Then you run the following from within your terminal:
$ assh ubuntu@web-node-
Please select which node you wish to use:
0) web-node-01 (i-43dfed45)
1) web-node-02 (i-789eft24)
2) web-node-03 (i-546fer56)
> 1
You'll notice that you're given a list of the nodes in your account that match the "web-node-*" pattern. The instance ID associated with each node is appended to each option as well. You will then be given a prompt (>) where you enter the index of the node you want to connect to.
Finally, if you use assh with a substringed tag name using the -f option, you can pass the base substring of a cluster of common nodes to connect to an arbitrary node within that cluster. The -f option assumes you have 'n' number of machines using a shared base name, all running mirrored environments. Once again, we will use the web-node-[01,02,03] scenario from our previous example:
$ assh -f [user@]web-node-
In this example, you would automatically connect to one of the machines in your account which matches the "web-node-*" pattern without having to explicitly choose a node.
Run the following from your terminal:
$ assh --help
$ assh -h
Instance IDs will be looked up using the current account details. If the instance's keypair name exists, that keyfile will be used as the identity file to scp.
$ ascp [user@]<instance ID>:remote-file local-file
$ ascp local-file [user@]<instance ID>:remote-file
You can specify a default user to assh by setting
$ AWS_DEFAULT_USER=ubuntu assh datanode
Please select which node you wish to use:
0) metrics_facing-stg-v2-datanode-11 (i-30XXXXX, m1.large, 2014-02-12T20:46:29.000Z)
1) metrics_facing-stg-v2-datanode-12 (i-91XXXXX, m1.large, 2014-02-13T04:20:32.000Z)
2) metrics_facing-stg-v2-datanode-13 (i-64XXXXX, m1.large, 2014-03-04T18:59:26.000Z)
q) Quit
> 2
Logging in as ubuntu to
You can remove ah SSH key from an account (defaults to the current account).
$ aem key remove --acct prod my-prod-key
You can remove an account as long as it is not the active one.
$ aem remove staging
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
assh utility:
- ssh to a tag name (multiple?)
- caches instance id => hostname for fast lookup
- determines user?
- supports complete SSH CLI options
- inline commands, eg:
ssh user@instance sudo tail /var/log/messages
Copyright (c) 2011 Mike Heffner. See LICENSE.txt for further details.