Code for TD and ANCCR simulations in Qian, Burrell et al., 2023
photometry_data_analysis: contains the code used to analyse experimental data presented
matlab_simulation_code: contains code for generating simulated experiments, running the belief state model (modified from:, Starkweather et al., 2018) and ANCCR simulations (modified from:
python_simulation_code: code for simulating cue-context and CSC models, training and generating data from the value RNNs
value_rnn (install with pip): Forked from, contains frozen version of valuernn as used
r_analysis_code: Code for finding common state space of RNNs
- Python 3.9
conda create --name qian-2023 python=3.9 pytorch matplotlib numpy scipy scikit-learn pandas tqdm
conda activate qian-2023
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyarrow