A small twitter clone created with Elixir and Phoenix Framework that has the following features:
- Signup and login a user
- Update user settings
- Upload profile picture
- Post tweet (can include user mentions and hashtags)
- Post retweets
- Favorite tweet
- Follow other users
- Clickable user mention links
- Clickable hashtags to view all tweets with that hashtag
- Swedish translation
There are some Postgres spcific SQL commands since there is no union functionality in Ecto. The CSS is done with SASS and bootstrap-sass with the addition of Font Awesome.
From the phoenix-twitter root directory, execute the following:
$ mix deps.get
$ mix ecto.create
$ mix ecto.migrate
$ npm install
$ mix phoenix.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
I am unable to properly include session management and assign variables to the connection in the test environment, this means that I could not write the tests I wanted.
GPL Version 3.