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Export duplicate JavaScript functions with parametric polymorphism
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Jonplussed committed Jun 13, 2015
1 parent 3c0f092 commit a4dd0c4
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,881 additions and 1,497 deletions.
1,421 changes: 777 additions & 644 deletions docs/

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58 changes: 26 additions & 32 deletions generator/IDL/AST.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,25 @@
module IDL.AST where

data IDL = IDL
{ enums :: [Decl]
, comments :: [Decl]
, functions :: [Decl]
, attributes :: [Decl]
, types :: [Type]
import qualified Data.Map as Map

data Type
= Generic
| Concrete
{ typeName :: String
, typeIsArray :: Bool
, typeIsMaybe' :: Bool
deriving Show

instance Eq Type where
x == y = typeName x == typeName y

instance Ord Type where
compare x y = compare (typeName x) (typeName y)

data Arg = Arg
{ argType :: Type
, argName :: String
deriving Show

Expand All @@ -19,6 +33,7 @@ data Decl
| Function
{ methodName :: String
, actualName :: String
, methodRetType :: Type
, methodArgs :: [Arg]
, methodRaises :: Maybe String
Expand All @@ -31,36 +46,15 @@ data Decl
| Typedef
deriving Show

instance Eq Decl where
x@Enum{} == y@Enum{} = enumName x == enumName y
x@Comment{} == y@Comment{} = comment x == comment y
x@Function{} == y@Function{} = methodName x == methodName y
x@Attribute{} == y@Attribute{} = attrName x == attrName y
_ == _ = False

data Type
= Generic
| Concrete
{ typeName :: String
, typeIsArray :: Bool
, typeIsMaybe' :: Bool
deriving Show

instance Eq Type where
x == y = typeName x == typeName y

instance Ord Type where
compare x y = compare (typeName x) (typeName y)

data Arg = Arg
{ argType :: Type
, argName :: String
data IDL = IDL
{ enums :: Map.Map String Decl
, functions :: Map.Map String Decl
, types :: Map.Map String Type
deriving Show

emptyIdl :: IDL
emptyIdl = IDL [] [] [] [] []
emptyIdl = IDL Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty

webglContext :: Arg
webglContext = Arg (Concrete "WebGLContext" False False) "webgl"
Expand Down
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions generator/IDL/Cleaner.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
module IDL.Cleaner
( declsToIdl
, getEnums
, getFuncs
, getTypes
) where

import Data.List (foldl')

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import IDL.AST

-- constants

excludedTypes :: [String]
excludedTypes =
[ "ArrayBuffer"
, "DOMString"
, "Float32Array"
, "FloatArray"
, "GLbitfield"
, "GLboolean"
, "GLbyte"
, "GLclampf"
, "GLenum"
, "GLfloat"
, "GLint"
, "GLintptr"
, "GLshort"
, "GLsizei"
, "GLsizeiptr"
, "GLubyte"
, "GLuint"
, "GLushort"
, "HTMLCanvasElement"
, "Int32Array"
, "WebGLContextAttributes"
, "any"
, "boolean"
, "long"
, "object"
, "sequence"
, "void"

-- public functions

declsToIdl :: [Decl] -> IDL
declsToIdl = cleanup . foldr partition emptyIdl

getTypes :: IDL -> [Type]
getTypes = map snd . Map.toList . types

getEnums :: IDL -> [Decl]
getEnums = map snd . Map.toList . enums

getFuncs :: IDL -> [Decl]
getFuncs = map snd . Map.toList . functions

-- private functions

partition :: Decl -> IDL -> IDL
partition e@Enum{} idl = idl
{ enums = Map.insert (enumName e) e (enums idl)
partition f@Function{} idl = idl
{ functions = underscore f $ functions idl
, types = insertFuncTypes f $ types idl
partition _ idl = idl

underscore :: Decl -> Map.Map String Decl -> Map.Map String Decl
underscore f fs
| Map.member name fs = underscore (f { methodName = name ++ "_" }) fs
| otherwise = Map.insert name f fs
name = methodName f

insertFuncTypes :: Decl -> Map.Map String Type -> Map.Map String Type
insertFuncTypes f types = foldl' insert types ftypes
ftypes = methodRetType f : map argType (funcArgs f)
insert ts Generic = ts
insert ts t = Map.insert (typeName t) t ts

cleanup :: IDL -> IDL
cleanup idl = idl { types = removeExcluded $ types idl }
removeExcluded types = foldl' (flip Map.delete) types excludedTypes
144 changes: 45 additions & 99 deletions generator/IDL/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,103 +1,48 @@
module IDL.Parser (parseIdl) where
module IDL.Parser (parseDecls) where

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.List (nub)

import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as PP
import qualified Text.Parsec as PP
import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as PP
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language as PP
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as PP (Parser)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Par
import qualified Text.Parsec as Par
import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as Par
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language as Par
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Par (Parser)

import IDL.AST

type Parse a = PP.Parsec String () a

symbol' = PP.symbol lexer
whiteSpace' = PP.whiteSpace lexer
identifier' = PP.identifier lexer
integer' = PP.integer lexer
semi' = PP.semi lexer
parens' = PP.parens lexer
brackets' = PP.brackets lexer
angles' = PP.angles lexer

excludedTypes :: [String]
excludedTypes =
[ "ArrayBuffer"
, "DOMString"
, "Float32Array"
, "FloatArray"
, "GLbitfield"
, "GLboolean"
, "GLbyte"
, "GLclampf"
, "GLenum"
, "GLfloat"
, "GLint"
, "GLintptr"
, "GLshort"
, "GLsizei"
, "GLsizeiptr"
, "GLubyte"
, "GLuint"
, "GLushort"
, "HTMLCanvasElement"
, "Int32Array"
, "WebGLContextAttributes"
, "any"
, "boolean"
, "object"
, "sequence"
, "void"

lexer :: PP.GenTokenParser String u Identity
lexer = PP.makeTokenParser PP.emptyDef

parseIdl :: Parse IDL
parseIdl = parseDecls >>= return . cleanup . foldr partition emptyIdl . nub

-- helpers

partition :: Decl -> IDL -> IDL
partition e@Enum{} idl = idl
{ enums = e : enums idl
partition c@Comment{} idl = idl
{ comments = c : comments idl
partition f@Function{} idl = idl
{ functions = f : functions idl
, types = methodRetType f : map argType (funcArgs f) ++ types idl
partition a@Attribute{} idl = idl
{ attributes = a : attributes idl
, types = attrType a : types idl
partition _ idl = idl

cleanup :: IDL -> IDL
cleanup idl = idl { types = nub . filter onlyAllowedTypes $ types idl }
onlyAllowedTypes Concrete{ typeName = t } = t `notElem` excludedTypes
onlyAllowedTypes _ = False
type Parse a = Par.Parsec String () a

-- constants

symbol' = Par.symbol lexer
whiteSpace' = Par.whiteSpace lexer
identifier' = Par.identifier lexer
integer' = Par.integer lexer
semi' = Par.semi lexer
parens' = Par.parens lexer
brackets' = Par.brackets lexer
angles' = Par.angles lexer

-- parsers
lexer :: Par.GenTokenParser String u Identity
lexer = Par.makeTokenParser Par.emptyDef

-- public functions

parseDecls :: Parse [Decl]
parseDecls =
PP.manyTill (whiteSpace' >> parseDecl) PP.eof PP.<?> "expecting idl"
Par.manyTill (whiteSpace' >> parseDecl) Par.eof Par.<?> "expecting idl"

-- private functions

parseDecl :: Parse Decl
parseDecl = decl PP.<?> "expecting decl"
parseDecl = decl Par.<?> "expecting decl"
decl = PP.try parseConst PP.<|>
PP.try parseComment PP.<|>
PP.try parseMethod PP.<|>
PP.try parseAttr PP.<|>
PP.try parseTypedef
decl = Par.try parseConst Par.<|>
Par.try parseComment Par.<|>
Par.try parseMethod Par.<|>
Par.try parseAttr Par.<|>
Par.try parseTypedef

parseConst :: Parse Decl
parseConst = do
Expand All @@ -113,36 +58,37 @@ parseConst = do

parseComment :: Parse Decl
parseComment = inlineComment PP.<|> blockComment
parseComment = inlineComment Par.<|> blockComment
inlineComment = PP.try $ do
inlineComment = Par.try $ do
symbol' "//"
comment <- PP.manyTill PP.anyChar PP.newline
PP.optional whiteSpace'
comment <- Par.manyTill Par.anyChar Par.newline
Par.optional whiteSpace'
return Comment { comment = comment }
blockComment = do
symbol' "/*"
comment <- PP.manyTill PP.anyChar $ symbol' "*/"
comment <- Par.manyTill Par.anyChar $ symbol' "*/"
return Comment { comment = comment }

parseMethod :: Parse Decl
parseMethod = do
PP.optional $ symbol' "[WebGLHandlesContextLoss]"
Par.optional $ symbol' "[WebGLHandlesContextLoss]"
returnType <- parseType
methodName <- identifier'
args <- parens' . PP.sepBy parseArg $ symbol' ","
condRaises <- PP.option Nothing parseRaises
args <- parens' . Par.sepBy parseArg $ symbol' ","
condRaises <- Par.option Nothing parseRaises
return Function
{ methodName = methodName
, actualName = methodName
, methodRetType = returnType
, methodArgs = args
, methodRaises = condRaises

parseAttr :: Parse Decl
parseAttr = do
isReadonly <- PP.option False $ symbol' "readonly" >> return True
isReadonly <- Par.option False $ symbol' "readonly" >> return True
symbol' "attribute"
typ <- parseType
name <- identifier'
Expand All @@ -156,12 +102,12 @@ parseAttr = do
parseTypedef :: Parse Decl
parseTypedef = do
symbol' "typedef"
PP.manyTill PP.anyChar semi'
Par.manyTill Par.anyChar semi'
return Typedef

parseType :: Parse Type
parseType = typ PP.<?> "expecting type"
parseType = typ Par.<?> "expecting type"
arrayName = do
symbol' "sequence"
Expand All @@ -171,8 +117,8 @@ parseType = typ PP.<?> "expecting type"
name <- identifier'
return (name, False)
typ = do
(name, isArray) <- PP.try arrayName PP.<|> singleName
isMaybe <- PP.option False $ symbol' "?" >> return True
(name, isArray) <- Par.try arrayName Par.<|> singleName
isMaybe <- Par.option False $ symbol' "?" >> return True
return $
if name `elem` ["any", "object"]
then Generic
Expand Down

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