Releases: mfroeling/QMRITools
Releases · mfroeling/QMRITools
Release 4.1.0
Release 4.0.5
Update of tractograph
small fixes in seed and handeling RK4
optimization of tractograph method
added parallelization for tracto
Release 4.0.3
- Muscle Bids analysis
Release 4.0
- finalized segmentation tools
- finalized CNN training framework
- many function optimizations
- full rebuild of docs and htmls docs
- fully tested for 14.1
Updated Segmentation tools
3.31.0 added UNET++ and conv downscaling
new build for 14.1
- updated elastix and dcm2niix
- small updates in trainsegmentationnetwork
Performance updates segmentation analysis
- new trained networks
- optimization of distance functions and loss layers
- training monitoring
- performance updates masking and segmentation analysis
Changing segment networks to U2Net
- code fixes to allow U2Net
- Optimization of mean surface distance calculation.
Large update muscle segmentation
- Added segmentations scripts
- new network versions
- new UNET functions
- new muscle bids functions
Small bug fixes
typos etc.