Solutions to end of chapter exercises in Java How to Program 11th edition
These projects are a collection of the assignments from two Java courses using the book Java How to Program 11th Edition
Chapter 2
- Arithmetic -> take two user input integers and returns the sum, product, difference, and quotient.
- Comparing Integers -> take two user input integers and compares to determine which is larger or if they are equal.
- Circle -> takes user input radius of a circle and returns diameter, circumference, and area.
Chapter 3
- Date -> takes three integers and checks for they conform to month day year constraints and prints in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
- Print Triangles -> prints various triangle shapes using *
- Parking Charges -> calculates parking charges based on number of hours parked. First 3 hours free and a max charge are considered.
Chapter 4
- Credit Limit -> simulates a credit card with a credit limit and calculates debits and credits and prints balance.
- Tabular Output -> creates a table of exponents using a while loop.
- Triangle -> request 3 user inputs and determines whether the input make a valid triangle.
- Bar Chart -> creates a simple bar chart using * based on user input.
Chapter 5
- Factorial -> prints out the factorial of a variable.
- Pythagorean Triple -> prints out the Pythagorean triple.
- Smallest Integer -> take user input of 5 integers and returns the smallest input integer.
- Value of Pi -> endlessly prints the value of Pi -> will have to check the point of this exercise to determine if program runs as expected.
Chapter 6
- Exponents -> takes user input for integer and exponent and returns the result -> 5^2 returns 25
- Hypotenuse -> takes user input for 2 sides of a triangle and returns the hypotenuse.
- Sets -> prints out a random even, odd, or 4's from randomly generated set of values.
- Square Asterisks -> takes user integer input and then creates a square/rectangle based on that number using *
Chapter 7
- Dice Rolling -> simulates rolling two die 36,000,000 times and prints the frequency each value 2 - 12 was returned.
- Fibonnaci -> takes user input and return the fibonacci sequence.
- Liquids -> either uses a fixed or random array based on user response of user defined size. Generates the number of ounces then converts that to quarts. Then converts to gallons.
- Two by Three -> performs various functions on a 2x3 array.
- Sales Commisions -> calculates salary + commission calculations.
- Exer 7 14 -> takes user input with a Ctrl-Z break then calculates the product of all integers submitted.
- Exer 7 11 -> exercise to fill arrays with all 0's and fill with a given integer, etc.
Chapter 8
- Employee -> creates an Employee class to store names, salaries, and calculate salary raises.
- Huge Integer -> takes user input and performs comparisons to a stored integer value.
- Patterns -> takes user input and creates various patterns using *
Chapter 9
- Date -> prints dates in various formats -> U.S., European, etc. then compares two dates
- Line of Code -> practice extending classes and using super
- Quadrilateral -> extends multiple classes and calculates area of various shapes by extending and using super.
Chapter 10
- Shapes -> similar to Quadrilateral but breaks shapes into 2d and 3d then extends from there.
Chapter 11
- Exceptions -> tests using exceptions to handle errors.
Chapter 16
- Time -> uses a Comparator and a Priority Queue to compare two Time objects
Chapter 18
- Recursive Power -> caluclates the power of an integer using recursion.
Chapter 19
- Bubble Sort -> exercise to demonstarte bubble sort.
Chapter 20
- Pair -> uses Generics and sorting
Chapter 21
- Concatenate Lists -> uses LinkedList objects and concatenates them.
- Reverse Sentance -> takes a user inputed line of text, prints the line split into its elements and then prints it in reverse. Uses Generics, stack, and pop.
- Sorted List -> sorts a randomly generated list of integers.
- Tree Depth -> uses the Tree class from the text and determines the depth of a tree of random values.
Chapter 23
- Bouncing Ball - creates a frame and generates random size and color circles when a mouse is clicked that move and bounce around the frame.
Chapter 26
- Calculator -> creates a calculator gui with no functionality.
- Coordinates -> compares array of coordinates and sorts them from low to high
Chapter 27
- Client Server Connect -> simulates a client server connection. Validates client username and password and presence of a file. Username and password in text file.
- Grid Five -> creates a 5x5 grid in JFrame.
- BMI Calculator -> creates a JavaFX gui that calculates BMI.
- Tip Calculator -> creates a JavaFX gui that calculates a tip based on total.