This is a maintained version of fa2 python library. The source code is same as fa2, but this repo can be installed on Python 3.9+ whereas the original fa2 only runs on Python <3.8.
A port of Gephi's Force Atlas 2 layout algorithm to Python 3 (with a wrapper for NetworkX and igraph). This is the fastest python implementation available with most of the features complete. It also supports Barnes Hut approximation for maximum speedup.
ForceAtlas2 is a very fast layout algorithm for force-directed graphs. It's used to spatialize a weighted undirected graph in 2D (Edge weight defines the strength of the connection). The implementation is based on this paper and the corresponding gephi-java-code. Its really quick compared to the fruchterman reingold algorithm (spring layout) of networkx and scales well to high number of nodes (>10000).
Spatialize a random Geometric Graph
Install from pip:
pip install fa2_modified
To build and install run from source:
python install
Cython is highly recommended if you are buidling from source as it will speed up by a factor of 10-100x depending on the graph
- numpy (adjacency matrix as complete matrix)
- scipy (adjacency matrix as sparse matrix)
- tqdm (progressbar)
- Cython (10-100x speedup)
- networkx (To use the NetworkX wrapper function, you obviously need NetworkX)
- python-igraph (To use the igraph wrapper)
Spatialize a 2D Grid
from fa2_modified import ForceAtlas2
Create a ForceAtlas2 object with the appropriate settings. ForceAtlas2 class contains three important methods:
forceatlas2 (G, pos, iterations)
# G is a graph in 2D numpy ndarray format (or) scipy sparse matrix format. You can set the edge weights (> 0) in the matrix
# pos is a numpy array (Nx2) of initial positions of nodes
# iterations is num of iterations to run the algorithm
# returns a list of (x,y) pairs for each node's final position
forceatlas2_networkx_layout(G, pos, iterations)
# G is a networkx graph. Edge weights can be set (if required) in the Networkx graph
# pos is a dictionary, as in networkx
# iterations is num of iterations to run the algorithm
# returns a dictionary of node positions (2D X-Y tuples) indexed by the node name
forceatlas2_igraph_layout(G, pos, iterations, weight_attr)
# G is an igraph graph
# pos is a numpy array (Nx2) or list of initial positions of nodes (see that the indexing matches igraph node index)
# iterations is num of iterations to run the algorithm
# weight_attr denotes the weight attribute's name in, None by default
# returns an igraph layout
Below is an example usage. You can also see the feature settings of ForceAtlas2 class.
import networkx as nx
from fa2_modified import ForceAtlas2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = nx.random_geometric_graph(400, 0.2)
forceatlas2 = ForceAtlas2(
# Behavior alternatives
outboundAttractionDistribution=True, # Dissuade hubs
linLogMode=False, # NOT IMPLEMENTED
adjustSizes=False, # Prevent overlap (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
# Performance
jitterTolerance=1.0, # Tolerance
multiThreaded=False, # NOT IMPLEMENTED
# Tuning
# Log
positions = forceatlas2.forceatlas2_networkx_layout(G, pos=None, iterations=2000)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, positions, node_size=20, with_labels=False, node_color="blue", alpha=0.4)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, positions, edge_color="green", alpha=0.05)
# equivalently
import igraph
G = igraph.Graph.TupleList(G.edges(), directed=False)
layout = forceatlas2.forceatlas2_igraph_layout(G, pos=None, iterations=2000)
igraph.plot(G, layout).show()
You can also take a look at file for understanding the ForceAtlas2 class and its functions better.
- barnesHutOptimize: Barnes Hut optimization, n2 complexity to n.ln(n)
- gravity: Attracts nodes to the center. Prevents islands from drifting away
- Dissuade Hubs: Distributes attraction along outbound edges. Hubs attract less and thus are pushed to the borders
- scalingRatio: How much repulsion you want. More makes a more sparse graph
- strongGravityMode: A stronger gravity view
- jitterTolerance: How much swinging you allow. Above 1 discouraged. Lower gives less speed and more precision
- verbose: Shows a progressbar of iterations completed. Also, shows time taken for different force computations
- edgeWeightInfluence: How much influence you give to the edges weight. 0 is "no influence" and 1 is "normal"
You will find all the documentation in the source code
Contributions are highly welcome. Please submit your pull requests and become a collaborator.
Copyright (C) 2017 Bhargav Chippada [email protected].
Licensed under the GNU GPLv3.
The files are heavily based on the java files included in Gephi, git revision 2b9a7c8 and Max Shinn's port to python of the algorithm. Here I include the copyright information from those files:
Copyright 2008-2011 Gephi
Authors : Mathieu Jacomy <[email protected]>
Website :
Copyright 2011 Gephi Consortium. All rights reserved.
Portions Copyrighted 2011 Gephi Consortium.
The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the
GNU General Public License Version 3 only ("GPL") or the Common
Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
"License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with
the License.
Copyright 2016 Max Shinn <[email protected]>
Available under the GPLv3
Also, thanks to Eugene Bosiakov <>