This module allows adding function composition
with the |
operator to any function, method,
class, or other callable.
is used for the function composition.
used to add the operator as transparently and
unintrusively as possible. This ensures that:
composition operator does not interfere at runtime with any introspection, other operators, and (optionally) Python 3.10's|
type union operator. -
-composed functions still work with signature introspection, method binding, pickling, and so on.
This library's version numbers follow the SemVer 2.0.0 specification.
pip install compose-operator
Import composable
>>> from compose_operator import composable
A simple inline composition:
>>> stringify_as_integer = composable(int) | str
>>> stringify_as_integer(12.3)
Naturally, the result of |
on a composable
function is also composable, so you can chain it:
>>> (composable(int) | str | list)(12.3)
['1', '2']
You can also use composable
as a decorator:
>>> @composable
... def my_stringify(thing):
... return f'hello {thing}'
>>> stringify_as_integer = int | my_stringify
>>> stringify_as_integer(12.3)
'hello 12'
will stick to callable return
values, so it works out-of-the-box with
currying, partial application, and so on:
>>> import functools
>>> import operator
>>> import toolz
>>> partial = composable(functools.partial)
>>> add1 = partial(operator.add, 1)
>>> (add1 | str)(2)
>>> curry = composable(toolz.curry)
>>> add = curry(operator.add)
>>> (add(2) | float)(2)
also sticks to the results of
method binding, so if you make a composable
method, or assign a function composed with
the |
operator as a method, it "just works":
>>> class Adder:
... def __init__(self, value):
... self._value = value
... @composable
... def add(self, thing):
... return thing + self._value
... add_then_stringify = add | str
>>> adder = Adder(42)
>>> (adder.add | str)(8)
>>> adder.add_then_stringify(9)
If you want to decorate a class so that the class
is composable, use @composable_constructor
that way, normal class functionality such as |
for type unions still works:
>>> from compose_operator import composable_constructor
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @composable_constructor
... @dataclass
... class MyClass:
... x: int
>>> isinstance(1, int | MyClass)
>>> isinstance("hello!", int | MyClass)
>>> isinstance(MyClass(0), int | MyClass)
>>> (operator.add | MyClass)(3, 2)
takes precedence over
, so you can
still force |
to do composition
instead of type union if you need to:
>>> (composable(int) | MyClass)("6")
>>> (int | composable(MyClass))("7")
If you are defining a class with a __call__
you can make its instances automatically composable
by using composable_instances
>>> from compose_operator import composable_instances
>>> @composable_instances
... class Greeter:
... def __init__(self, target):
... self._target = target
... def __call__(self):
... return f"Hello, {self._target}!"
>>> world_greeter = Greeter("world")
>>> world_greeter()
'Hello, world!'
>>> (world_greeter | list)()
['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!']