Bagstr is a small app designed to manage locker reservations at a hotel concierge desk. Written by Guillermo Haas-Thompson
Ruby version: 2.2.3
RSpec and FactoryGirl for testing.
Haml for views.
Postgresapp for local database.
Prawn for PDF generation.
- Has many reservations.
- Assigned to a reservation based on availalbilty and size.
- Return error if no locker is available.
- Belongs to locker.
- Generates a confirmation number upon saving.
- Allows concierge to create printable PDF to act as ticket.
- Return error and do not save reservation if no locker is available.
'Reservations' come and go while a single locker can have many reservations in it's lifetime.
A PDF view of a reservation suffices as a ticket, therefore I did not need to use a
has_many :through
association. -
If this was a real app, would add authentication, authorization, and require https. Would offer email confirmations of reservations.
Each reservation is for one bag. Each locker holds one bag.
Collected guest name as backup in case ticket is lost.