- Install the application at the command prompt:
$ git clone https://github.com/memcmahon/rails_engine.git
$ cd rails_engine
$ bundle install
- Setup the database:
$ rails db:create db:migrate
- Import data
$ rake import
You're now set to use the App!
Before sending any API requests, start your server:
$ rails server
Pay attention to the port that is opened when you start your server, most likely, it will be port 3000 as illustrated below; but, it may be slightly different on your machine.
* Listening on tcp://
After identifying your port, open your internet browser of choice, or Postman (more information about postman here)
You can send any of the requests below to localhost::3000
or whatever port is opened when you start your local server.
GET /api/v1/merchants
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id
GET /api/v1/transactions/random
GET /api/v1/merchants/find?id=x
* where x is a merchant id
GET /api/v1/merchants/find?name=x
* where x is a merchant name
GET /api/v1/merchants/find?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/merchants/find?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/merchants/find_all?id=x
* where x is a merchant id
GET /api/v1/merchants/find_all?name=x
* where x is a merchant name
GET /api/v1/merchants/find_all?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/merchants/find_all?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/items
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/invoices
GET /api/v1/merchants/most_revenue?quantity=x
* where x is the number of merchantsyou would like returned
GET /api/v1/merchants/most_items?quantity=x
* where x is the number of merchants you would like returned
GET /api/v1/merchants/revenue?date=x
* where x is a date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/revenue
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/revenue?date=x
* where x is a date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/favorite_customer
GET /api/v1/merchants/:id/customers_with_pending_invoices
GET /api/v1/transactions
GET /api/v1/transactions/:id
GET /api/v1/transactions/random
GET /api/v1/transactions/find?id=x
* where x is a transaction id
GET /api/v1/transactions/find?result=x
* where x is either success or failed
GET /api/v1/transactions/find?credit_card_number=x
* where x is a credit card number
GET /api/v1/transactions/find?created_at=x
* where x is date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/transactions/find?updated_at=x
* where x is date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/transactions/find_all?id=x
* where x is a transaction id
GET /api/v1/transactions/find_all?result=x
* where x is either success or failed
GET /api/v1/transactions/find_all?credit_card_number=x
* where x is a credit card number
GET /api/v1/transactions/find_all?created_at=x
* where x is date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/transactions/find_all?updated_at=x
* where x is date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/transactions/:id/invoice
GET /api/v1/customers
GET /api/v1/customers/:id
GET /api/v1/customers/random
GET /api/v1/customers/find?id=x
* where x is a customer id
GET /api/v1/customers/find?first_name=x
* where x is a customer first name
GET /api/v1/customers/find?last_name=x
* where x is a customer last_name
GET /api/v1/customers/find?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/customers/find?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/customers/find_all?id=x
* where x is a customer id
GET /api/v1/customers/find_all?first_name=x
* where x is a customer first name
GET /api/v1/customers/find_all?last_name=x
* where x is a customer last_name
GET /api/v1/customers/find_all?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/customers/find_all?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/customers/:id/invoices
GET /api/v1/customers/:id/transactions
GET /api/v1/customers/:id/favorite_merchant
GET /api/v1/invoices
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id
GET /api/v1/invoices/random
GET /api/v1/invoices/find?id=x
* where x is an invoice id
GET /api/v1/invoices/find?customer_id=x
* where x is a customer id
GET /api/v1/invoices/find?merchant_id=x
* where x is a merchant id
GET /api/v1/invoices/find?status=x
* where x is an invoice status
GET /api/v1/invoices/find?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/invoices/find?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/invoices/find_all?id=x
* where x is an invoice id
GET /api/v1/invoices/find_all?customer_id=x
* where x is a customer id
GET /api/v1/invoices/find_all?merchant_id=x
* where x is a merchant id
GET /api/v1/invoices/find_all?status=x
* where x is an invoice status
GET /api/v1/invoices/find_all?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/invoices/find_all?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/transactions
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/invoice_items
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/items
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/customer
GET /api/v1/invoices/:id/merchant
GET /api/v1/items
GET /api/v1/items/:id
GET /api/v1/items/random
GET /api/v1/items/find?id=x
* where x is an item id
GET /api/v1/items/find?name=x
* where x is an item name
GET /api/v1/items/find?description=x
* where x is an item description
GET /api/v1/items/find?unit_price=x
* where x is a price in 00.00 format
GET /api/v1/items/find?merchant_id=x
* where x is a merchant id
GET /api/v1/items/find?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/items/find?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/items/find_all?id=x
* where x is an item id
GET /api/v1/items/find_all?name=x
* where x is an item name
GET /api/v1/items/find_all?description=x
* where x is an item description
GET /api/v1/items/find_all?unit_price=x
* where x is a price in 00.00 format
GET /api/v1/items/find_all?merchant_id=x
* where x is a merchant id
GET /api/v1/items/find_all?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/items/find_all?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/items/:id/invoice_items
GET /api/v1/items/:id/merchant
GET /api/v1/items/most_revenue?quantity=x
* where x is the number of items to return
GET /api/v1/items/most_items?quantity=x
* where x is the number of items to return
GET /api/v1/items/:id/best_day
GET /api/v1/invoice_items
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/random
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find?id=x
* where x is an invoice item id
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find?invoice_id=x
* where x is an invoice_id
GET /api/v1/invoices_items/find?item_id=x
* where x is an item id
GET /api/v1/invoice_item/find?unit_price=x
* where x is a price in 00.00 format
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find?quantity=x
* where x is a quantity of items
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find_all?id=x
* where x is an invoice item id
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find_all?invoice_id=x
* where x is an invoice_id
GET /api/v1/invoices_items/find_all?item_id=x
* where x is an item id
GET /api/v1/invoice_item/find_all?unit_price=x
* where x is a price in 00.00 format
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find_all?quantity=x
* where x is a quantity of items
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find_all?created_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/find_all?updated_at=x
* where x is a date formatted yyyy-mm-dd
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id/invoice
GET /api/v1/invoice_items/:id/item
There is a full test suite available within the application. To run this test suite, you will need to do the following:
$ rails db:test:prepare
$ rspec