VanillaJS Pagination Plugin with custom handler
VanillaJS Pagination Plugin with custom handler
npm install poltoratchi-pagination-js-plugin
<ul id="pagination"></ul>
import Pagination from 'poltoratchi-pagination-js-plugin';
const paginationWrapper = document.querySelector('#pagination');
const pagination = new Pagination(paginationWrapper, { options });
activeColor: string ( hex / rgb )
Color of active page buttonoptional | default: 'red'
activeClass: string (className without ".")
Class of active page buttonoptional | default: 'selected-page'
elements: number
Total elements data, from serverrequired
pageSize: number
Page sizerequired
pagesShow: number
Number of central pagesoptional | default: 5
classes: {object}
Classes for pagination elementsoptional | default:
classes: {
mainParent: 'pagination-plugin', // class name of pagination wrapper
centerParent: 'pagination-plugin__wrapper', // class name of centered pages wrapper
page: 'pagination-plugin__wrapper-btn', // class name of page
selectedSiblings: 'selected-siblings-pages', // class name of elements if activePage is first elements or last
lastPage: 'pagination-lastPage', // class name of last page
firstPage: 'pagination-firstPage', // class name of first page
pageHandle: function
Custom function for click the page buttons -
optional | default:
function handlePage(pageNumber, lastPageNumber, event) {
Change the pagepageNumber: number
Destroy the pagination and remove elements;
Initialize the pagination (you can make this before destroy);
Rebuild pagination with new options ( default | {} );
You can override style using these classes
- .pagination-plugin
- .pagination-plugin__wrapper
- .pagination-plugin__wrapper-btn
- .pagination-lastPage
- .pagination-firstPage
- .selected-siblings-pages
This is my first plugin, I will gradually add new methods and functionality.
I would be grateful for your help and corrections in my code.
Good luck, happy hacking!!!