This library provides an implementation of the Money Pattern in Rust, based on the Money Pattern defined by Martin Fowler, supporting various currencies, operator overloading for common arithmetic operations, and user-defined currencies.
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
money = { git = "" }
use money::{Money, Currency, Decimal};
fn main() {
// Creating a new Currency for Bitcoin
let bitcoin = Currency::new("BTC", "₿");
let usd_currency = Currency::USD;
let eur_currency = Currency::EUR;
let gbp_currency = Currency::GBP;
let money1 = Money::new(Decimal::new(100, 0), usd_currency);
let money2 = Money::new(Decimal::new(50, 0), Currency::USD);
let money3 = (money1.clone() + money2.clone()).unwrap();
let money4 = (money3.clone() - money2.clone()).unwrap();
let money5 = money2.clone() * Decimal::new(3, 0);
println!("Money 1: {}", money1);
println!("Money 2: {}", money2);
println!("Money 3 (Money 1 + Money 2): {}", money3);
println!("Money 4 (Money 3 - Money 2): {}", money4);
println!("Money 5 (Money 2 * 3): {}", money5);
// Example with different currencies
let money6 = Money::new(Decimal::new(100, 0), eur_currency);
println!("Money 6: {}", money6);
// Example with custom Bitcoin currency
let btc_money = Money::new(Decimal::new(1, 0), bitcoin);
println!("Bitcoin Money: {}", btc_money);