- Python is a popular programming language.
- Python can be used on a server to create web applications.
- web development
- DevOps
- data science
- data analysis
- machine learning
- finance industry
- Variables are containers for storing data values.
- Python has no command for declaring a variable.
- A variable is created the moment you first assign a value to it.
# Get user first_name and last_name
first_name=input("Enter your first_name") # Takes the input from the user and stores in the variable first_name
last_name=input("Enter your last_name") # Takes the input from the user and stores in the variable last_name
# display the names in the line
print(first_name + last_name )
dob=input("Please , enter your DOB:") # Takes the input dob from user
# course name
course_name=input("Please, Enter your course name :")
# UK_resident
uk_resident =input ("Are you a resident of UK ?")
- Comments can be used to explain Python code.
- Comments can be used to make the code more readable.
- Built-in Data Types
- In programming, data type is an important concept.
- Variables can store data of different types, and different types can do different things.
- Python has the following data types built-in by default, in these categories:
- Text Type: str
- Numeric Types: int, float, complex
- Sequence Types: list, tuple, range
- Mapping Type: dict
- Set Types: set, frozenset
- Boolean Type: bool
- Binary Types: bytes, bytearray, memoryview
- Install Git in your local machine
- Create a github account
- We can connect local host to the github by twoways
- SSH (Secure Shell)
- Step 1 :Generate ssh keys on localhost
- Open git bash terminal
- Go to .ssh directory using the command cd ~/.ssh
- If the .ssh directory does not exist , create it using the command mkdir .ssh
- Now go to the directory using the command cd ~/.ssh
- To generate the key use the command ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
- It will ask to enter the file to save the key.Don't give any file name, just click enter and enter
- Give command ls to list the files in .ssh
- We will have key-pair (2 files) id_rsa ,id_rsa.pub.
- One with .pub extension is public key
- One without .pub extension is called private key
- Open git bash terminal
- Step 2 :Keep the private key on local host inside the .ssh folder
- Step 3 :Copy the public key into your repository on github
- Use the command cat id_rsa.pub to open the public key file.
- Once opened,copy the contents of the file
- Go to the Github account settings--> SSH and GPG Keys-->Click on New SSH Key-->Give some title and paste the key and click on "Add SSH Key".
- It will ask the passwork to confirm
- Use the command cat id_rsa.pub to open the public key file.
- After doing the above three steps we can push anything to Github from our local machine and we can clone anything from Github to pur local machine.
- Always open Pycharm as administrator.
- Make sure you copy the public key without spaces and paste into repository
- create README.md file in pycharm in local machine
- Add the notes
- Use the below commands to push into the github
- git init
- git commit
- git commit -m "first commit"
- git add .
- git branch -M main
- git remote add origin [email protected]:meghanasrividya/git_github_setup.git
- git push -u origin main
add changes to our Git -Hub repo - the changes we made on localhost
git add filename
orgit add .
git commit -m "new markdown guide added"
now let's send this new data to github
git push -u origin main
git status
git add
then add all dependencies that you do not want to push
start a working area (see also: git help tutorial)
clone Clone a repository into a new directory
init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
work on the current change (see also: git help everyday)
add Add file contents to the index
mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
restore Restore working tree files
rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index
examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions)
bisect Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
grep Print lines matching a pattern
log Show commit logs
show Show various types of objects
status Show the working tree status
grow, mark and tweak your common history
branch List, create, or delete branches
commit Record changes to the repository
merge Join two or more development histories together
rebase Reapply commits on top of another base tip
reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state
switch Switch branches
tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
collaborate (see also: git help workflows)
fetch Download objects and refs from another repository
pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
push Update remote refs along with associated objects
+ - * /
greater than<
less than==
True or False>=
Greater than or equal<=
Less than or equal
print(a+b)# outcome added value of a & b
print(a-b)# outcome subtraction of b from a
# comparison
print(a>b)# outcome be True
print(a<b)# outcome be False
# Boolean builtin methods in Python- Boolean Methods
# - DRY do not repeat yoyrself print("")
greeting ="Hello World!"
print(greeting.isalpha())# This method checks whether there are only alphabets in the string
print(greeting.islower())# This method checks whether there are only lower case alphabets in the string
print(greeting.startswith("H"))# This method checks whtehr the string starts with "H"
print(greeting.endswith("!")) # checks if it ends with letter
print(greeting.isdigit())# This method checks whether there are only digit in the string
greeting="Hello WOrld!"
white_space="lot's of spaces at the end "
#strip() removes the white spaces at the end
Example_text ="here's is sOme text with loT's of text"
print(Example_text.count("text"))# This method counts the word that taken as argument in the string
print(Example_text.lower())# This method converts the string to lower case alphabets
print(Example_text.upper())# This method converts the string to upper case alphabets
print(Example_text.capitalize())# This method capitalise the first letter of each word in the string
print(Example_text.replace("with",","))# This method uses to replace particular word with other word which is given as argument in the string
- adding strings together
- casting/converting one data type to another data type
first_name= "Meghana" # string
last_name= "Aenugu"
salary= 40 # int
print(first_name + last_name)
print(first_name+ " "+ last_name + " " +str(salary))
Get user first_name and last_name
first_name=input("Enter your first_name") # Takes the input from the user and stores in the variable first_name
last_name=input("Enter your last_name") # Takes the input from the user and stores in the variable last_name
# display the names in the line
print(first_name + last_name )
dob=input("Please , enter your DOB:") # Takes the input dob from user
salary=input("Please, enter your salary")
# course name
course_name=input("Please, Enter your course name :")
# UK_resident
uk_resident =input ("Are you a resident of UK ?")
address = input("Could you please enter the address")
hobbies= input("Could you please enter your hobbies")
print( " Hello " + first_name +" "+ last_name+"Your details are:")
print("\n Full name: "+first_name +" "+ last_name)
print("\n DOB: "+dob)
print("\n salary : "+ str(salary))
print("\n Course name: "+course_name)
print("\n UK resident :"+ uk_resident)
print("\n address: "+ address)
print("\n hobbies: " +hobbies)
# Data Collections
# Lists
# Tuples
# Dict
# Lists
# syntax list_name=["addhh","asdfg","2erfghj"]
# Apply DRY
shopping_list =["ketchup","fanta","eggs","bread"]
# indexing = 0 1 2 3
#print()# add an item to the list
shopping_list[2]="ice cream"
# find out how to remove an item from the list
# find out how to remove fanta from the list
shopping_list.remove("fanta") # use remove method to delete an item from the list
multiple_type=[1 ,2,3,"one","two","three"]
# Tuple
# Immutable - cant be changed - edited- add
# user_details = DOB - country name - city name
# Syntax ("")
essentials = ("milk","paracetamol","drinks")
# what is the diff between Lists & Tuples
#What is a Dictionary?
# How to manage data using Dictionaries
# How does it work as key= value
# Syntax { "name": "Sparta"}
# store student's data-name,course_name,progress,completed_lessons
student_1 = {
"name": "Meghana",
"completed _lessons_names":["lists","tuples","strings"]
print(student_1["stream"])# This will display the value saved inside stream
#print/display completed_lessons_names
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"])
#print/display completed_lessons_names index 0 means lists
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"][0])# displays lists
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"][1])# displays tuples
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"][2])# displays strings
print(student_1["stream"])# This will display the value saved inside stream
#print/display completed_lessons_names
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"])
#print/display completed_lessons_names index 0 means lists
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"][0])# displays lists
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"][1])# displays tuples
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"][2])# displays strings
#delete an item from the list of completed _lessons/key
student_1["completed _lessons_names"].remove("OOP")
print(student_1["completed _lessons_names"])
#Dict BuiltIn Methods
#display keys only or values
#keys() values()
# display values only from student_1