A brief description of what this project does and who it's for
To get this project up and running you should start by having NodeJs & MySql installed on your computer. It's advised you create a virtual environment to store your project dependencies separately.
- Clone or download this repository and open it in your editor of choice.
- Now you can run the project with this command
- npm install npm@latest -g
- At first needed Database (MySql)
create new database in your pc database name as "time_tracking".
- That will create a new file .env in your project directory.
- add data same as .env.sample form project file in .env file.
- And fill up required info
- How to get database entities?
run two command in terminal
- npx sequelize db:migrate
- npx sequelize db:seed:all
Then assigne some required demo data in your database & assigne an admin in this project.
- npm start
Then show UI in your browser & see login UI.
needed admin email & password
- Mail: [email protected]
- Password: 123456
- Authentication With JWT
- Registration, Login, Logout
- Social Login Passport.js
- Reset Password
- User Profile Page
- Middleware
- User Authorization
- User Validation
- Migrations
- Seed
- Session
- Cookie
- CURD Operation
- File Upload
- Form Validation
- Searching
- Sorting
- Flash Messages
- Pagination
- Admin Plane
- Reports Generate
- MVC Design
- Mail verify
- Nodemailer
- Fully Responsive Design