- NodeJS
- Truffle
- Geth\TestRPC
- Angular JS
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- MetaMask
This project is used for Smart Contract implement, compile and deployment for Ecommerce Shop. Also it contains the ethereum payment gateway.
Install nodejs 8+ and execute the command below
npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
npm install -g truffle
git clone https://github.com/mdmamunhasan/ethshop.git
cd ethshop
npm install
To generate same addresses every time
testrpc -m "this govern write planet caught leopard require mother long file jazz absurd" -l 4712388
Add localhost:8545 to metamask network. Next, add a couple accounts to MetaMask.
truffle.js contains ethereum network configuration
To deploy your contracts to TestRPC run the following command:
truffle migrate
After change smart contract contracts/Journal.sol
truffle compile
truffle migrate
Here sub-directory src contains the dapp implementation. public/js/app.js contains the HttpProvider for geth rpc for web3.
bash copy.sh