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Separate issuing and emailing into two separate tasks (#531)
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mdjnelson committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent 39e245a commit 072792c
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Showing 7 changed files with 432 additions and 261 deletions.
342 changes: 94 additions & 248 deletions classes/task/email_certificate_task.php

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191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions classes/task/issue_certificates_task.php
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@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.

* A scheduled task for issuing certificates that have requested someone get emailed.
* @package mod_customcert
* @copyright 2024 Oscar Nadjar <[email protected]>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_customcert\task;

use mod_customcert\helper;

* A scheduled task for issuing certificates that have requested someone get emailed.
* @package mod_customcert
* @copyright 2024 Oscar Nadjar <[email protected]>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class issue_certificates_task extends \core\task\scheduled_task {

* Get a descriptive name for this task (shown to admins).
* @return string
public function get_name() {
return get_string('issuecertificate', 'customcert');

* Execute.
public function execute() {
global $DB;

// Get the certificatesperrun, includeinnotvisiblecourses, and certificateexecutionperiod configurations.
$certificatesperrun = (int)get_config('customcert', 'certificatesperrun');
$includeinnotvisiblecourses = (bool)get_config('customcert', 'includeinnotvisiblecourses');
$certificateexecutionperiod = (int)get_config('customcert', 'certificateexecutionperiod');
$offset = (int)get_config('customcert', 'certificate_offset');

// We are going to issue certificates that have requested someone get emailed.
$emailotherslengthsql = $DB->sql_length('c.emailothers');
$sql = "SELECT c.*, as templateid, as templatename, ct.contextid, as courseid,
co.fullname as coursefullname, co.shortname as courseshortname
FROM {customcert} c
JOIN {customcert_templates} ct ON c.templateid =
JOIN {course} co ON c.course =
JOIN {course_categories} cat ON co.category =
LEFT JOIN {customcert_issues} ci ON = ci.customcertid";

// Add conditions to exclude certificates from hidden courses.
$sql .= " WHERE (c.emailstudents = :emailstudents
OR c.emailteachers = :emailteachers
OR $emailotherslengthsql >= 3)";

$params = ['emailstudents' => 1, 'emailteachers' => 1];

// Check the includeinnotvisiblecourses configuration.
if (!$includeinnotvisiblecourses) {
// Exclude certificates from hidden courses.
$sql .= " AND co.visible = 1 AND cat.visible = 1";
// Add condition based on certificate execution period.
if ($certificateexecutionperiod > 0) {
// Include courses with no end date or end date greater than the specified period.
$sql .= " AND (co.enddate > :enddate OR (co.enddate = 0 AND ci.timecreated > :enddate2))";
$params['enddate'] = time() - $certificateexecutionperiod;
$params['enddate2'] = $params['enddate'];

$sql .= " GROUP BY,,, ct.contextid,, co.fullname, co.shortname";

// Execute the SQL query.
$customcerts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $offset, $certificatesperrun);

// When we get to the end of the list, reset the offset.
set_config('certificate_offset', !empty($customcerts) ? $offset + $certificatesperrun : 0, 'customcert');
if (empty($customcerts)) {

foreach ($customcerts as $customcert) {

// Check if the certificate is hidden, quit early.
$cm = get_course_and_cm_from_instance($customcert->id, 'customcert', $customcert->course)[1];
if (!$cm->visible) {

// Do not process an empty certificate.
$sql = "SELECT ce.*
FROM {customcert_elements} ce
JOIN {customcert_pages} cp ON = ce.pageid
JOIN {customcert_templates} ct ON = cp.templateid
WHERE ct.contextid = :contextid";
if (!$DB->record_exists_sql($sql, ['contextid' => $customcert->contextid])) {

// Get the context.
$context = \context::instance_by_id($customcert->contextid);

// Get a list of all the issues.
$sql = "SELECT
FROM {customcert_issues} ci
JOIN {user} u
ON ci.userid =
WHERE ci.customcertid = :customcertid
AND ci.emailed = 1";
$issuedusers = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, ['customcertid' => $customcert->id]);

// Now, get a list of users who can Manage the certificate.
$userswithmanage = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/customcert:manage', '');

// Get the context of the Custom Certificate module.
$cmcontext = \context_module::instance($cm->id);

// Now, get a list of users who can view and issue the certificate but have not yet.
// Get users with the mod/customcert:receiveissue capability in the Custom Certificate module context.
$userswithissue = get_users_by_capability($cmcontext, 'mod/customcert:receiveissue');
// Get users with mod/customcert:view capability.
$userswithview = get_users_by_capability($cmcontext, 'mod/customcert:view');
// Users with both mod/customcert:view and mod/customcert:receiveissue cabapilities.
$userswithissueview = array_intersect_key($userswithissue, $userswithview);

foreach ($userswithissueview as $enroluser) {
// Check if the user has already been issued and emailed.
if (in_array($enroluser->id, array_keys((array)$issuedusers))) {

// Don't want to issue to teachers.
if (in_array($enroluser->id, array_keys((array)$userswithmanage))) {

// Now check if the certificate is not visible to the current user.
$cm = get_fast_modinfo($customcert->courseid, $enroluser->id)->instances['customcert'][$customcert->id];
if (!$cm->uservisible) {

// Check that they have passed the required time.
if (!empty($customcert->requiredtime)) {
if (\mod_customcert\certificate::get_course_time($customcert->courseid,
$enroluser->id) < ($customcert->requiredtime * 60)) {

// Ensure the cert hasn't already been issued, e.g via the UI (view.php) - a race condition.
$issue = $DB->get_record('customcert_issues',
['userid' => $enroluser->id, 'customcertid' => $customcert->id], 'id, emailed');

// Ok, issue them the certificate.
$issueid = empty($issue) ?
\mod_customcert\certificate::issue_certificate($customcert->id, $enroluser->id) : $issue->id;

// Validate issueid and one last check for emailed.
if (!empty($issueid) && empty($issue->emailed)) {
// We create a new adhoc task to send the email.
$task = new \mod_customcert\task\email_certificate_task();
$task->set_custom_data(['issueid' => $issueid, 'customcertid' => $customcert->id]);
$useadhoc = get_config('customcert', 'useadhoc');
if ($useadhoc) {
} else {
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion db/tasks.php
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$tasks = [
'classname' => 'mod_customcert\task\email_certificate_task',
'classname' => 'mod_customcert\task\issue_certificates_task',
'blocking' => 0,
'minute' => '*',
'hour' => '*',
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion lang/en/customcert.php
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$string['languageoptions'] = 'Force Certificate Language';
$string['userlanguage_help'] = 'You can force the language of the certificate to override the user\'s language preferences.';

// Acess API.
$string['customcert:managelanguages'] = 'Manage language on edit form';
$string['certificateexecutionperiod'] = 'Ignore inactive certificates older than';
$string['certificateexecutionperiod_desc'] = 'If not 0, the task will not process certificates whose course has been inactive or the last issue is older than the configured time. This may help to improve the performance of the scheduled task.';
$string['certificatesperrun'] = 'Certificates per run';
$string['certificatesperrun_desc'] = 'Enter the number of certificates to process per scheduled task run where 0 means it will process all certificates.';
$string['customcert:managelanguages'] = 'Manage language on edit form';
$string['includeinnotvisiblecourses'] = 'Include certificates in hidden courses';
$string['includeinnotvisiblecourses_desc'] = 'Certificates from hidden courses are not proccesed by default. If you want to include them, enable this setting.';
$string['scheduledtaskconfigheading'] = 'Scheduled task configuration';
$string['scheduledtaskconfigdesc'] = 'Configure the settings for the scheduled task that processes certificates.';
$string['issuecertificate'] = 'Issue certificates task';
$string['useadhoc'] = 'Use Email Certificate adhoc task';
$string['useadhoc_desc'] = 'If enabled, the email will be processed on an adhoc task created per issue. If disabled, the email will be processed by the scheduled task. This may help to improve the performance of the scheduled task.';
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions settings.php
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get_string('includeinnotvisiblecourses', 'customcert'),
get_string('includeinnotvisiblecourses_desc', 'customcert'), 0));

$settings->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('customcert/useadhoc',
get_string('useadhoc', 'customcert'),
get_string('useadhoc_desc', 'customcert'), 0));

$settings->add(new admin_setting_configduration('customcert/certificateexecutionperiod',
get_string('certificateexecutionperiod', 'customcert'),
get_string('certificateexecutionperiod_desc', 'customcert'), 365 * DAYSECS));
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