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Setup From Scratch Notes

admc edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 2 revisions

These are my notes on step by step instructions I followed to get Flex-Pilot installed and working with the Adobe Demo ‘FlexStore’ Application.

Which you can download in a zip, here

Files in place

  1. Extracted the demo app to my desktop, in a folder named ‘flexstore’
  2. Downloaded the flex pilot source to my desktop, into a folder named flex-pilot.
    1. I did this using the following command to pull the latest source from github:
    2. git clone git://
  3. Download the binary FlexPilot.swf into the flexstore directory

Add the codez

  1. I found the main mxml file, flexstore.mxml and opened it in my editor
  2. I then added: applicationComplete="init();" to the mx:Application tag
  3. Then I added the Flex-Pilot boot strapper import: import org.flex_pilot.FPBootstrap;
  4. Then I added the actual init code, that assumes ‘FlexPilot.swf’ is in the same web directory as the app swf
    private function init():void {
             FPBootstrap.flex_pilotLibPath = 'FlexPilot.swf';

Build it

  1. This happens to have a build script which I modified, but I tested it by running the following on the command line: mxmlc -source-path=. -source-path+=../flex-pilot/src flexstore.mxml
  2. Keep in mind that the -source-path stuff just tells the compiler to look in that flex-pilot directory on the desktop to find the import of the boot strapper that we added.

What then?

View it and write/run tests and all kinds of goodness, which you can read more about here.

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