Run the project, easy way
- npm
- python3
What need you do?
- Run launcher_%platform%
- Choose the city
- Wait for loading
- Enjoy
Run the project, hard way
- npm
- python3
Dancing with a timbrel:
- Run "nodejs index.js" from "js" directory
- Run "python3 *city*" from "python" directory
- Go to 'localhost:8080"
Available cities as typing at city:
- 'London'
- 'Paris'
- 'SPb3'
- 'Toronto'
- 'Moscow' (*)
- 'NY' (**)
* - badly connected graph (because of following issues)
** - very badly connected graph (because of following issues)
Note v1.0: That cities were fetched from the OSM Service as raw responds, therefore graphs we got ain't perfect because all the graphs AIN'T CONNECTED, for example most of the bridges on the maps is NOT CONNECTED WITH THE REST GRAPHS. It's the reason why algorithms say "NO WAY" or give a visually bad path sometimes. Also because of that reason VISUAL EXPERIENCE MAY BE NOT THE SAME WITH REAL GRAPH AS IT KEEPS IN MEMORY. To check correctness of any algorithm, use "Dijkstra" or better "Dijkstra with early stop" algorithms.
Note v1.1: As said in previous note the graphs aint perfect and it's worth to say that EVERY EDGE IS A DIRECTED EDGE, what may cause a BAD VISUAL EXPERIENCE. That is the reason why algorithms on UNDIRECTED GRAPH were added. The algorithms do not care about a direction of an edge as each edge becomes UNDIRECTED. FOR BETTER VISUAL EXPERIENCE WE RECOMMEND TO USE ALGORITHMS FOR UNDIRECTED GRAPH.