This add-on package will allow for the creation of taxonomies that will be available globally. A primary purpose is also the addition of the control panel edit form - enabling content editors on the front-end the ability to add, delete or modify as needed without touching yaml.
Add the package to add-ons. If you are using the control panel, a taxonomies.yaml file in config/add-ons will created automatically. If you are not using the CP, create the following file/path: config/add-ons/taxonomies.yaml.
The yaml for that config file should be created with the following example stucture:
type: taxonomy_group
taxonomy_group_slug: xxxxx
taxonomy_name: xxxxx
taxonomy_slug: xxxxx
type: taxonomy_group
taxonomy_group_slug: yyyyy
taxonomy_name: yyyyy
taxonomy_slug: yyyyy
If you wish to enable the top navigation shortcut, add taxonomies:true to config/settings.yaml:
There are two plugin tags available, one for fetching the taxonomies for a given group, and another for fetching a label from a value.
{{ taxonomies:listing group_slug="taxonomy_group_slug" }}
{{ if index == 1 }}
{{ endif }}
<li><a href="{{ current_url }}/categories/{{ value }}">{{ label }}</a></li>
{{ if index == total_options }}
{{ /taxonomies:listing }}
{{ categories }}
{{ taxonomies:name slug="{{ value }}" group_slug="taxonomy_group_slug" }}
{{ /categories }}
In addition to the plugin method taxonomies:name, there is a modifier for retrieving the taxonomy label.
{{ categories }}
{{ value|taxonomies:taxonomy_group_slug }}
{{ /categories }}