Go into the IAIDSWebsite Directory in your Windows or Linux Terminal and run
vagrant up
This will run vagrant bash script and it would look for a "Vagrantfile", which would find and configure the machine. Once the machine runs, you can go ahead and
vagrant ssh
into the machine.
Then run
cd IAIDSWebsite
to change the directory. Once you're in the directory, run
command to run the server.
If the database gets curropted were you have to start from scratch just run
cd IAIDSWebsite
Cool tip: If you don't want a gui interface for vagrant, just edit the Vagrantfile and set v.gui = false, or vice versa. It will trigger the gui interface to be on or off. It will be located here:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.gui = false
v.name = "IAIDSVM"
v.memory = 2048
v.cpus = 1
v.customize ["modifyvm",:id,"--natdnshostresolver1","on"]
If you decided to not use the GUI, just
vagrant ssh
into the machine. You will be able to just use the VM just like any other computer
For those who are developing on Windows: The VM environment has this issue if you're on Windows, any shell scripts wouldn't be able to run. To fix this issue, go on the vagrant machine and run
sudo apt install dos2unix
Then once you install it, run
dos2unix provision.sh
dos2unix startupScript.sh
to fix the issue. You will be able to run the script like this:
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt