This is a music/video playlist made as a Christmas gift. Click through a list of songs or browse by artist in the menu. Click the icon next to the menu to toggle autoplay mode.
The front end is written in elm, with ports to JavaScript to use the youtube API to listen for video ended events. The server is python/django, with only one endpoint for the list of songs stored in a MySQL DB currently.
Install dependencies
$ bundle install
Run ruby server
$ rails server -p 8000
DB Migrations
$ rails db:migrate
Connect to Cloud SQL via proxy
$ cloud_sql_proxy -instances=music-playlist-191702:us-central1:instance-2=tcp:3306 -credential_file="./credentials.json"
Hot module reloading and elm time-travel debugger
Redirects api calls to django server
$ npm start
The front end is hosted on github pages
$ npm run deploy
The server is hosted on google app engine
$ gcloud app deploy --project music-playlist-191702