Coupling experiment using RAFEM and CEM
If you don't already have Anaconda installed, you'll have to first install it. If you are using Linux, you can get the installer with:
$ curl >
and if you're using Mac,
$ curl >
Now run the installer. This will install a minimal version of Anaconda that contains only a small number of packages. We'll install the rest later.
$ bash ./ -b -f -p ~/anaconda
Note that the last argument is the location where you want to install Anaconda. It doesn't really matter where it goes so long as you have write permission and enough disk space (it will end up being a couple gigabytes).
Now add the new Anaconda distribution to you path,
$ export PATH=$HOME/anaconda/bin:$PATH
You may want to also add the above to your .bashrc (or .bash_profile) file.
Create an empty conda environment to install the software and run the experiments in.
$ conda create -n rafem_cem python=2.7
$ source activate rafem_cem
Install the software needed to run the experiments.
$ conda install pymt -c csdms-stack -c conda-forge
$ conda install pymt_cem pymt_waves rafem -c csdms-stack -c conda-forge
$ conda install ipython matplotlib
Run the model from the command line. The arguments are:
asymmetry of incoming waves angle
highness factor on incoming waves angle
wave height
$ python .5 .5 2.