Auth0 Authorization Middleware for The Falcon Web Framework
Install through pip via
$ pip install falcon-auth0
You will need to supply a Dictionary containing Auth0 settings. These configurations can be supplied in two different ways. For the average user, you can supply a Dictionary of String keys and String values, such as:
cfg = {
'alg': ['RS256'],
'audience': '',
'domain': '', # or ''
'jwks_uri': ''
If your application has multiple environments (Development, Test, QA, User Acceptance, Production), you may supply a Dictionary of String environment keys and Dictionary values of String keys with String Values, such as:
cfg = {
'dev': {
'alg': ['RS256'],
'audience': '',
'domain': '', # or ''
'jwks_uri': ''
'test': {
'alg': ['RS256'],
'audience': '',
'domain': '', # or ''
'jwks_uri': ''
'uat': {
'alg': ['RS256'],
'audience': '',
'domain': '', # or ''
'jwks_uri': ''
'prod': {
'alg': ['RS256'],
'audience': '',
'domain': '', # or ''
'jwks_uri': ''
Once complete, you'll inject the middleware directly into Falcon's falcon.API([...,Auth0Middleware(cfg),...])