A cross functional User Interface application to control the Model 2450 Brightness and Color kit
This application is a simple interface for MCCI Model2450. its support manual testing of Model 2450 Brightness and Color kit.
Development environment
- OS - Windows 11 64 bit
- Python - 3.7.6
- wxPython - 4.2.1
- pyserial - 3.4
Download python3.7.6 and install.
pip install wxpython
pip install pyserial
api is a python library, this libabry intract with Model 2450 UI
- download the model2450 from here model2450lib
- To install the library using below command and install package in
Windows OS
python setup.py install
Please navigate to dist/ directory and you will find the files .egg file. Example: model2450lib-1.0.0-py3.7.egg
here provide the REAMDME.md information about Model2450 lib please follow the instrunctions README
Move to the directory destdir/src/
Run the below command
For Windows:
python main.py
To update the version for each release
- Move to the directory
- Open the file
- Update the value of the String Macro
- Update the VERSION.md
the Model 2450 allows you to test the Brightness and color of video displays on Windows.
Link: For more information, see the product home page.
v1.0.0 initial release of Model 2450 UI.
- Initial Release.
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