JRPG is a kanji learning game styled after the classic SNES RPG games (like Final Fantasy 6, or Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past). The game tries to help you learn how to read and understand kanji in context, and in doing that it also helps you improve your Japanese vocabulary. You can also use it to refresh your kana.
There is also a playable demo of how JRPG would look like if it was styled after PlayStation 1 RPG games.
To learn more visit JRPG's website: http://taw.chaosforge.org/jrpg/
The code is pretty messy, and is was not originally intended for public consumption.
Cleanup pull requests welcome.
The game was designed for Python 2.7. You need Pygame library to get it working, and additionally wxwidgets library for level editor.
- the game itselflevel_editor.py
- level editor for the gamejrpg2demo.py
- demo for jrpg in PS1 style, not meant for serious use
and extra_scripts
directories, and Rakefile
contain a lot of
completely undocumented data preprocessing and other such tasks.