Fork of Labs Email2Chatter App which supports posting to all standard and custom objects, multiple attachments, and parses links into the appropriate Chatter post fields.
For links:
- Subject becomes link Title
- Link is extracted from email body and becomes LinkUrl
- Remaining email body becomes post body
The object hashtag should be the object's label stripped of markup, ie. Custom_Object__c becomes #CustomObject (case-insensitive). Objects will be matched based on the exact name following the hashtag.
This should be particularly useful for the following cases:
- Consultants who are frequently logged into client orgs instead of their internal org
- Mobile users who use a variety of apps to read and share pages
- Frequent posters who want to bypass multiple copy-paste into the link title/location fields
To install the source code in a Salesforce org, use the GitHub Salesforce Deploy Tool.