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1. Getting Started

1.1. Dynamic vs Weakly Typed Languages

1.2. Converting Data Types

change the string to number.

parseInt("10", 2); //change to a number, then to radix 2
let newResult = result + +userInput.value;
// **also work as*
let newResult = result + parseInt(userInput.value);

if the number's length is more than 16, it wouldn't work. try use BigInt().

change the number to string.

const num = 10;
console.log(num.toString(2)); //1010

check is it a number.

var str = "Hello World!";
var enc = window.btoa(str);
var dec = window.atob(enc);
// Encoded String: SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh
// Decoded String: Hello World!

1.3. Build-in function

delete white space


font setting


A random number


change contents of an array

arrayName.splice(startIndexNumber, deleteCount, addItem1, addItem2, ...);
btn.addEventListener('click', function)
prompt()//alert and input

2. Language Basics, Base Syntax

2.1. Variables & Constants


variable: A data container where the data can be changed during program execution.

2.2. Declaring & Defining


set up as a global value:
it's also quite common to use all uppercase characters there and separate words with an underscore, to make it really clear that this is a global value which you just 'hard coded' into the code.

const ATTACK_VALUE = 10;

2.3. Operators


number = number + newNumber; //same as:
number += newNumber;

number = number + 1; //same as:

2.4. Some data types


Javascript template literal (``). links

let currentResult = "(" + defaultResult + "+ 10) * 3 / 2 -1";
let currentResult = `(${defaultResult} + 10) * 3 / 2 -1`;

string Escape notation. Link

  • css: white-space: pre.

2.5. Function


A function defines code which doesn't execute right away but which can be executed multiple times by calling the function.

A function is "code on demand".

Function parameters are Data that can be provided to the function (input) - available only inside of the function, like local variables.

Most importantly: A function is not "an alternative to a variable". It supports a totally different use-case. But it's also worth pointing out that variables are NOT restricted to storing numbers or strings.


function functionName(parameter1, parameter2) {
  const result = parameter1 + parameter2;
  alert(`The result is ${result}`);

call function

  • Build-in function alert(), addEventListener(), prompt()


2.7. return

function functionName(parameter1, parameter2) {
  const result = parameter1 + parameter2;
  return result;

Any code that have write after return, won't execute.

2.6. "Indirect" vs "Direct" Function Execution

It can be confusing to see that there seem to be two ways of executing a function:

function add() {
  something = someNum + someOtherNum;

add() vs add

It's important to understand why we have these "two ways"!

In general, you call a function that you defined by using its name (e.g. add) and adding parentheses (with any parameters the function might need - or empty parentheses if no parameters are required like in the above example).

=> add()

This is how you execute a function from your code. Whenever JavaScript encounters this statement, it goes ahead and runs the code in the function. Period!

Sometimes however, you don't want to execute the function immediately. You rather want to "tell JavaScript" that it should execute a certain function at some point in the future (e.g. when some event occurs).

That's when you don't directly call the function but when you instead just provide JavaScript with the name of the function.

=> someButton.addEventListener('click', add);

This snippet would tell JavaScript: "Hey, when the button is clicked, go ahead and execute add.".

someButton.addEventListener('click', add()); would be wrong.

Why? Because JavaScript would encounter that line when it parses/ executes your script and register the event listener AND immediately execute add - because you added parentheses => That means (see above): "Please execute that function!".

Just writing add somewhere in your code would do nothing by the way:

let someVar = 5;
alert("Do something else...");


Because you just throw the name of the function in there but you don't give any other information to JavaScript. It basically doesn't know what to do with that name ("Should I run that when a click occurs? After a certain amount of time? I don't know...") and hence JavaScript kind of ignores this statement.

2.8. scope and closures

You can't use local/block-scope variables(= declared inside of functions) outside of them.


What happens if you have this code?

let userName = "Max";
function greetUser(name) {
  let userName = name;
userName = "Menu";

This will actually show an alert that says 'Max' (NOT 'Menu').

You might've expected that an error gets thrown because we use and declare userName more than once - and as you learned, that is not allowed.

It indeed is not allowed on the same level/ in the same scope.

So this would fail:

let userName = "Max";
let userName = "Menu";

Why does it work in the first code snippet though?

Because we first create a global variable userName via

let userName = "Max";

But then we never re-declare that on the global level (that would not be allowed).

We only declare another variable inside of the function. But since variables in functions get their own scope, JavaScript does something which is called "shadowing".

It creates a new variable on a different scope - this variables does not overwrite or remove the global variable by the way - both co-exist.

When referring to userName inside of the greetUser function we now always refer to the local, shadowed variable. Only if no such local variable existed, JavaScript would fall back to the global variable.

2.9. Converting Data Types


change the string to number.


also work as

result + +userInput.value = result + parseInt(userInput.value);

if the number's length is more than 16, it wouldn't work. try use BigInt().

change the number to string.


check is it a number.


font setting


Mix number and string
You saw the example with a number and a "text number" being added

3 + '3'=> '33'

in JavaScript.

That happens because the + operator also supports strings (for string concatenation).

It's the only arithmetic operator that supports strings though. For example, this will not work:

'hi' - 'i'=> NaN

NaN is covered a little later, the core takeaway is that you can't generate a string of 'h' with the above code. Only + supports both strings and numbers.

Thankfully, JavaScript is pretty smart and therefore is actually able to handle this code:

3 * '3' => 9

Please note: It yields the number (!) 9, NOT a string '9'!

Similarly, these operations also all work:

3 - '3' => 0

3 / '3' => 1

Just 3 + '3' yields '33' because here JavaScript uses the "I can combine text" mode of the + operator and generates a string instead of a number.

2.10. arrays

Section 8 will explain more. Link
Array: A list of data of any kind.

newArray = [1, 2, 3]

2.11. object

Section 9 will explain more. Link
object: grouped data, structured in key-value pairs.

newObject = {
  name: 'max';
  age: 27;

2.12. undefined, null & NaN


undefined & null - whilst the two values are similar, they're not equal. undefined is a special type and the default value for undefined variables, null is actually of type object and never a default value of anything.

2.13. type of

typeof [1, 2, 3] is an Object
typeof undefined is undefined
typeof null is Object
typeof NaN is number

2.14. import JS file with "defer" & "async"

插入(引用)JS, only for external file

find find find

3. Control Structures (if, Loops, Error…)

  • conditional Statements(if) & Expressions
  • Boolean Values & Operators
  • Loops in JavaScript
  • Error Handing

3.1. conditional code


Understanding the "Condition"
Always keep in mind that condition in

if (condition) { ... }

simply has to be a boolean value.

Often, you'll generate such a boolean value with the help of ===, >, < etc. All these operators yield boolean values (without changing the variables/ values you're using them on).

Since if only wants a boolean, you of course don't have to use such an operator. If you already got a variable that holds a boolean, you can use it without any extra operator.


const isLoggedIn = true;
if (isLoggedIn) {
  // This code will execute because isLoggedIn is true => A valid condition

You could write

const isLoggedIn = true;
if (isLoggedIn === true) {

but that would be redundant. You'd generate another new boolean where you already got one.

You can use the ! operator to negate ("invert") the value:

const isLoggedIn = true;
if (!isLoggedIn) {
  // This code will NOT execute because isLoggedIn is true but ! inverts it (in this check)
} else {
  // This would execute because !isLoggedIn yields false => else block executes

Again, that would be similar to:

const isLoggedIn = true;
if (isLoggedIn !== true) {
  // This would NOT execute
} else {
  // This would execute because isLoggedIn is true and hence !== true yields false

But again, that would be redundant.

More on Text (String) Comparisons
Strings can also be compared with greater than (>) or lower/ smaller than (<) operators.

JavaScript compares strings based on standard lexicographical ordering, using Unicode values.

That means that b is greater than a for example.

JavaScript always looks at the first character and only considers other characters if the first character is similar. In addition, capital characters are considered to be smaller than lowercase characters.

See these examples:

"ab" > "aa"; // true
"a" > "B"; // true
"a" > "b"; // false

3.2. if statements


  if (x > 50 && ( x = 30 || x = 20) {
    /* do the right thing */
  } else if (x > 5) {
    /* do the right thing */
  } else {
    /* do the right thing */

compare object and array

ArrayOne = [1, 2, 3];
ArrayTwo = [1, 2, 3];
ArrayOne == ArrayTwo; //return false

same as object

3.3. Operator Precedence (and & or)


Operator precedence

3.4. Falsy and Truthy


Falsy and Truthy value (Print out) find

3.5. Ternary Operator



let maxDamage;
let logEvent;
if (mode === MODE_ATTACK) {
  maxDamage = ATTACK_VALUE;
} else if (mode === MODE_STRONG_ATTACK) {
const logEvent =
  mode === MODE_ATTACK

3.6. Statements vs Expressions

3.7. logical Operators - "Tricks" shorthands


if the first value is true, return the first value.
if the first value is false, return the second value.

const usrInput = "";
const userName = usrInput || "Max";
//return: "Max"

const realUserInput = "Ivy";
const realUserName = realUserInput || "Max";
//return: "ivy"

if the first value is true, return the second value.
if the first value is false, return the first value.

const isLoggedIn = true;
const shoppingCart = isLoggedIn && ["Books"];
//return: ["Books"]

isLoggedIn = false;
isLoggedIn && ["Books"];
//return: false
null && ["Books"];
//return: null
  • change example img to code later: find



3.8. logical Operators

(Print out)

As a reference which you can come back to (or print out), here's a quick summary of how logical operators and comparison operators behave in JavaScript:

const userName = "Max";
const altName = "";
console.log(userName === "Max"); // generates and prints a boolean => true
console.log(userName); // wasn't touched, still is a string => 'Max'

console.log(userName || null); // userName is truthy and therefore returned by || => 'Max'
console.log(altName || "Max"); // altName is falsy (empty string), hence 'Max' is returned => 'Max'
console.log(altName || ""); // both altName and '' are falsy but if the first operand is falsy, the second one is always returned => ''
console.log(altName || null || "Anna"); // altName and null are falsy, 'Anna' is returned => 'Anna'

console.log(userName && "Anna"); // userName is truthy, hence second (!) value is returned => 'Anna'
console.log(altName && "Anna"); // altName is falsy, hence first value is returned => ''
console.log(userName && ""); // userName is truthy, hence second value is returned => ''

Always keep in mind: NO operator (neither ===, > etc. nor && or ||) changes the variable you might be using in the comparison. In the above examples, the values stored in userName and altName are NEVER changed.

===, > etc. just generate new boolean values which are used in the comparison. || and && generate NO booleans, they just treat the values before and after them as conditions (which therefore need to yield boolean values and are coerced to booleans if required).

Because of the above-described behaviors, you often use || in JavaScript to assign default/ fallback values to variables/ constants:

const enteredValue = ""; // let's assume this is set based on some input provided by the user, therefore it might be an empty string

const userName = enteredValue || "PLACEHOLDER"; // will assign 'PLACEHOLDER' if enteredValue is an empty string

3.9. Switch with "break"

Switch with 'greater than' ect. Link


let logEntry = {
  event: ev,
  value: val,
  finalMonsterHealth: monsterHealth,
  finalPlayerHealth: playerHealth,
} else if (ev === LOG_EVENT_MONSTER_ATTACK) {
  logEntry = {
    event: ev,
    value: val,
    target: "PLAYER",
    finalMonsterHealth: monsterHealth,
    finalPlayerHealth: playerHealth,
  switch (ev) {
      logEntry = {
        event: ev,
        value: val,
        target: 'MONSTER',
        finalMonsterHealth: mon sterHealth,
        finalPlayerHealth: playerHealth
      logEntry = { };

3.10. Loop


3.10.1. for loop

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

for (let i = 10; i > 0) {
  i--;//from 9 to 0
  //i--; from 10 to 1

3.10.2. for-of loop

for (let i = 0; i < battleLog.length, i++) {

for (const logEntry of battleLog){

3.10.3. for-in loop

let i = 1;
for (const logEntry of battleLog) {
  console.log(`Round ${i}`);
  for (const key in logEntry) {
    console.log(`${key} : ${logEntry[key]}`);

3.10.4. while loops

let randomNumber = [];
let finished = false;

while (!finished) {
  let number1 = Math.random();
  if (number1 > 0.8) {
    finished = true;


let j = 3;
while (j < 3) {
//no output
let j = 3;
do {
} while (j < 3);
//output: 3

read more on array section forEach() & map()

3.11. break and continue in Loop

Break indeed does stop the entire loop execution immediately and moves on to code execution after the loop.

Continue The current iteration is stopped/ skipped and the next iteration (of the same loop) starts.

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
//output: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  if (i === 3) {
//output: 0, 1, 2.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  if (i === 3) {
//output: 0, 1, 2, 4.

Labeled Statements

let j = 0;
outerWhile: do {
  console.log("Outer: ", j);
  innerFor: for (let k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
    if (k === 3) {
      continue outerWhile; //infinite loop, dangerous!
    console.log("Inner", k);
} while (j < 3);

3.12. try catch


try {
} catch (error) {
} finally {

4. Behind the Scenes of JS The (Weird) Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+)

  • ES5 vs ES6+ Syntax
  • How JavaScript Works (heap, stack, Garbage collection & Memory Management)
  • The Weird Parts

4.1. var let const

var has global/function(local) scope, let and const have block scope.

var name = "Max";
var name = "Ivy";

//Output: Ivy
//This will actually not throw an error.
if (name === "Ivy") {
  var hobbies = ["Cooking", "Coding"];
  //let hobbies = ["Cooking", "Coding"];
//throw an error while using let.

In the new project, do not use var anymore.

4.2. "Hoisting"


var name = "Max";
//output: undefined
let name = "Max";
//error: ReferenceError. Cannot access 'name' before initialization.

4.3. Strict Mode

"use strict"; //first line

4.4. Parsed & Compiled

heap and stack Link-CN

primitive vs reference Values
7 个基本原始类型

  • Seven data types that are primitives:
  • and Object (reference)

Garbage collection & Memory Management

Very important this section. Need to come back and really understand what they are. More on JavaScript Memory Management (Garbage Collection): MDN

V8's Garbage Collection Logic: V8-Link

V8's JavaScript Engine in Great Detail: Link

More on Primitive vs Reference Values: Link

5. A Closer Look at Functions

  • Different way of creating Function
  • Anonymous Function (匿名函数)
  • Callback Function & function in function
  • Default Arguments & Rest Operator
  • bind() & more


5.1. Parameter VS Argument

Throughout this course, you'll hear me use the words "parameters" and "arguments" interchangeably.

Technically, there is a difference though:

Parameters are these variables which you specify between parentheses when defining a function.

function sayHi(name) { ... }

In this example, name is a parameter.

Arguments then are the concrete values you pass to a function when calling that function:


'Max' is an argument of the function therefore - for the name parameter to be precise.

Since both concepts obviously are extremely close connected, I will often say "let's define which arguments a function receives" or something comparable, since defining the arguments of a function in the end means that you set up its parameters (and vice-versa).

5.2. creating function

Function & object

function can be a object.
object can be a function.

Function in Variable

Function Expressions vs Function Declarations

Function declarations automatically create variables that hold the function objects, function expressions don't do that - they return an object instead, it's your job to then do something with it (e.g. store it in a variable).


5.3. Anonymous Functions

5.4. Arrow Function

function normalFc(name) {

const normalFc = function (name) {

const arrowFc = (name) => {
const add = function (a, b) {
  return a + b;
const add = (a, b) => a + b;


For arrow functions, you got a couple of different syntaxes which you can use - here's a summary.

Important: Don't miss the "function only returns an object" special case at the end of this article!

1) Default syntax:

const add = (a, b) => {
  const result = a + b;
  return result; // like in "normal" functions, parameters and return statement are OPTIONAL!

Noteworthy: Semi-colon at end, no function keyword, parentheses around parameters/ arguments.

2) Shorter parameter syntax, if exactly one parameter is received:

const log = (message) => {
  console.log(message); // could also return something of course - this example just doesn't

Noteworthy: Parentheses around parameter list can be omitted (for exactly one argument).

3) Empty parameter parentheses if NO arguments are received:

const greet = () => {
  console.log("Hi there!");

Noteworthy: Parentheses have to be added (can't be omitted)

4) Shorter function body, if exactly one expression is used:

const add = (a, b) => a + b;

Noteworthy: Curly braces and return statement can be omitted, expression result is always returned automatically

5) Function returns an object (with shortened syntax as shown in 4)):

const loadPerson = (pName) => ({ name: pName });

Noteworthy: Extra parentheses are required around the object, since the curly braces would otherwise be interpreted as the function body delimiters (and hence a syntax error would be thrown here).

That last case can be confusing: Normally, in JavaScript, curly braces always can have exactly one meaning.

const person = { name: 'Max' }; // Clearly creates an object
if (something) { ... } // Clearly used to mark the if statement block

But when using arrow functions, curly braces can have two meanings:

  1. Mark the function body (in default form)

  2. Create an object which you want to return (in shorter function body form)

To "tell" JavaScript what you want to do, wrap the expression (e.g. object creation) in parentheses like shown above.

  • explain more in other section.

5.5. default Arguments

function can be called with less(or without any) arguments.

const defaultValue = 1;
const sumUp = (number1, number2 = defaultValue) => {
  return number1 + number2;

//output: 3

Default arguments are not a "validation mechanism".

5.6. Rest Parameters

Rest Operator must be the last Parameters.

const sumUp = (...number) => {
  let sum = 0;
  for (const num of number) {
    sum += num;
  return sum;
console.log(sumUp(1, 2, 3, 4));
//output: 10

It bundles all arguments beyond the first 2 argument into an array.

const sumUp = (a, b, ...number) => {
  let sum = 0;
  for (const num of number) {
    sum += num;
  return sum;
console.log(sumUp(1, 2, 3, 4));
//output: 7

*arguments not work in arrow function. (don't use that in you code)

const sumUp = function () {
  let sum = 0;
  for (const num of arguments) {
    // don't use that
    sum += num;
  return sum;
console.log(sumUp(1, 2, 3, 4));
//output: 10

5.7. function inside of function

Will dive deeper.

5.8. call back function

const sumUp = (resultHandler, ...number) => {
  let sum = 0;
  for (const num of number) {
    sum += num;
const showResult = (result) => {
  alert("Total result is:" + result);

sumUp(showResult, 1, 2, 3, 4);
//output: 10

5.9. bind()

In situations where you want to "pre-configure" a function's arguments, when you're not calling the function on your own.

The following resources may be helpful.

More on Functions : MDN

bind(): MDN

5.10. call() & apply()

Will dive deeper.

6. DOM Basics

  • HTML, DOM & JavaScript
  • Nodes & Elements
  • Querying DOM Nodes & Traversing the Dom
  • Evaluating & Manipulation DOM Nodes
  • Creating & Removing DOM Nodes

find find

6.1. Document and Window Object


window.alert("Max") = alert("Max");
//$0 always gives you access to the last element you selected in the "Elements" tab!

6.2. node & element

find find

Querying Elements find

look at 6.11. live node lists vs static node lists

6.3. Selecting Elements

document.getElementById("id-name"); //live
document.querySelector("tab-name/.class-name/#id-name"); //live
//return the first one

document.querySelectorAll("tab-name/.class-name"); //none live
document.getElementsByTagName("tab-name"); //live

Summary: Node Query Methods
Here's a summary of the various methods you got to reach out to DOM elements (note: you can only query for element nodes).

Besides the below query methods, you also got these special properties on the document object to select parts of the document:

document.body => Selects the <body> element node.

document.head => Selects the <header> element node.

document.documentElement => Selects the <html> element node


document.querySelector(<CSS selector>);

Takes any CSS selector (e.g. '#some-id', '.some-class' or 'div p.some-class') and returns the first (!) matching element in the DOM. Returns null if no matching element could be found.

More information: MDN


Takes an ID (without #, just the id name) and returns the element that has this id. Since the same ID shouldn't occur more than once on your page, it'll always return exactly that one element. Returns null if no element with the specified ID could be found.

More information: MDN

document.querySelectorAll(<CSS selector>);

Takes any CSS selector (e.g. '#some-id', '.some-class' or 'div p.some-class') and returns all matching elements in the DOM as a static (non-live) NodeList. Returns and empty NodeList if no matching element could be found.

More information: MDN

document.getElementsByClassName(<CSS CLASS>);

Takes a CSS class g (e.g. 'some-class') and returns a live HTMLCollection of matched elements in your DOM. Returns an empty HTMLCollection if not matching elements were found.

More information: MDN

document.getElementsByTagName(<HTML TAG>);

Takes an HTML tag (e.g. 'p') and returns a live HTMLCollection of matched elements in your DOM. Returns an empty HTMLCollection if not matching elements were found.

More information: MDN

There also is the getElementsByName() method which really isn't used commonly MDN.

6.4. Exploring and Changing DOM Properties


6.5. Attributes vs Properties


6.6. Traversing

find find

child nodes

const ul = document.querySelector("ul");
ul.children; //show all elements (li) in the ul
ul.children[1]; // select the second element (li)
ul.childNodes; //show all node in the ul

parent node

document.documentElement.parentElement; //null
document.documentElement.parentNode; //#document

const firstLi = document.querySelector("li");
li.parentNode; //select parent node (ul)

firstLi.closest("body"); //<body></body>
firstLi.closest("header"); //null

sibling element

ul.previousSibling; //text node
ul.previousElementSibling; //<header></header>

6.7. styling dom elements

find via inline style

const task1 = document.querySelector("li"); = "black";["background-color"] = "black"; = "white";

const h1 = document.getElementsByTagName("h1");
h1[0].textContent = "Assignment - Solved!";

via class

const section = document.querySelector("section");
section.className = "xxx"; //change the section css class-name to xxx

section.classList.add("xxx"); //add class name.
section.classList.toggle("xxx"); //Toggles between a class name for an element
section.classList.contains("xxx"); //Returns a Boolean value, indicating whether an element has the specified class name.

6.8. creating elements


creating via HTML (not recommended)

const ulList = document.querySelector("ul");
const p = document.querySelector("p");

p.textContent = "New content"; //rewrite
ulList.innerHTML = "<li>new li<li>"; //rewrite

ulList.innerHTML = ulList.innerHTML + "<li>add li<li>"; //add
//not good for the performance. render other-element you don't want to change.
p.insertAdjacentHTML(position, text);

<!-- beforebegin --> //Before the element itself.
  <!-- afterbegin --> //Just inside the element, before its first child.
  <!-- beforeend --> //Just inside the element, after its last child.
<!-- afterend --> //After the element itself.

creating via createElement()

const list = document.querySelector("ul");
const newLi = document.createElement("li"); //create element
newLi.textContent = "4"; //add text to the element

list.appendChild(newLi); //add element to the `ul`, at the end

chrome may wrong. append: node, appendChild: element. find

6.9. inserting Dom elements

_append, before, after can take multiple nodes
_append(), prepend() not support IE
*appendChild() not support insert a node. (recommended)

ul.appendChild(newLi); //add element in the `ul`, be the last child element

ul.prepend(newLi); //add element in the `ul`, be the first child element
ul.lastElementChild.before(newLi); //before the last child.
ul.firstElementChild.replaceWith(newLi); //replace the first child.

*before, after not support IE & safari, so if you want to insert an element to a specific position, use insertAdjacentElement

const list = document.querySelector("ul");
const secondLi = list.children[1];

const newLi = document.createElement("li");
newLi.textContent = "Number 4";

secondLi.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", newLi); //position same as insertAdjacentHTML
list.insertBefore(newLi, firstLi);
//add new element to the `ul`, will be the before the refernceNode.

6.10. cloning dom node

const newLi2 = newLi.cloneNode(true);
//different between true and false?
//false: no nested elements

6.11. live node lists vs static node lists




if you get all the li first, add an new element (<li>4</li>) to the ul, and get all li again after.
Live node list will get a array HTMLCollection(4)[];
Static node lists will get a array NodeList(3)[], it is not going to get the new li which you just add.
Look at the example below: find
*Live node not means it is better.
It could lead to a higher memory consumption if you're managing a lot of such collections which change all the time.

6.12. Removing Element

const list = document.querySelector("ul");

list.remove(); //not work in IE
list.parentElement.removeChild(list); //for all browsers.

6.13. summary for insert, replace, remove


There are many ways of creating, inserting, replacing and removing DOM elements - here's a summary of the options you have.

For browser support, check the provided links and also the "Browser Support" module you find later in this documents.

Create & Insert
You got two main options: Provide an HTML snippet (e.g. via innerHTML ) to a valid HTML snippet and let the browser render it OR create a DOM object in JS code and append/ insert it manually. The latter approach has the advantage of giving you direct access to the DOM object (useful for setting its properties or adding event listeners). The downside is that you have to write more code.

Adding HTML Code:

const root = document.getElementById("root-el"); // selects something like <div id="root-el">
root.innerHTML = `
        <p>This is all create & rendered automatically!</p>

Important: Any existing content in root is completely replaced when using innerHTML. If you want to append/ insert HTML code, you can use insertAdjacentHTML instead: MDN

const root = document.getElementById("root-el"); // selects something like <div id="root-el">
        <p>This is all create & rendered automatically!</p>

Creating & Inserting DOM Objects Manually:

const someParagraph = document.createElement("p"); // creates a "p" element (i.e. a <p> element)
const root = document.getElementById("root-el"); // selects something like <div id="root-el">

In this example, we create a paragraph and append it to root - append means that it's inserted at the end of root (i.e. inside of it but AFTER all other child nodes it holds).

Insertion Methods:

append() => MDN-Link

Browser support is decent but for IE, appendChild() could be preferred => MDN-Link

prepend() => MDN-Link

Browser support is decent but for IE, insertBefore() could be preferred => MDN-Link

before(), after() => MDN-Before & MDN-After

Browser support is okay but IE and Safari don't support it. Consider insertBefore() MDN-Link or insertAdjacentElement() MDN-Link as substitutes.

Important (no matter how you insert elements): Whenever you insert elements, you MOVE the element to that new place if you already inserted it before. It's NOT copied (you can copy an element via someElement.cloneNode(true) though).

You can replace elements in the DOM with two main methods:

replaceWith() => MDN-Link

replaceChild() => MDN-Link

replaceWith() is a bit easier to use and has decent browser support - with IE being the exception. To support that as well, consider using replaceChild().

You can remove elements with three main methods:

someElement.innerHTML = '' => Clears all HTML content of someElement and hence removes any objects rendered in there.

someElement.remove() => Removes a single element (someElement) from the DOM MDN-Link. Browser support is good, IE again doesn't like it though. Use removeChild (see below) instead.

someElement.parentNode.removeChild(someElement) => Removes the provided child element (NOT the element on which you call it). Provides broad browser support but of course requires a bit more code MDN-Link.

What about Text Nodes?
You can easily create & insert text nodes in one go:

someElement.textContent = "Hi there!";

This creates and inserts the text node with a content of 'Hi there!'.

Want to append to existing text?

Just use:

someElement.textContent = someElement.textContent + "More text!";

6.14. project

Something need be read again:
clone dom, replace




7. Arrays & Iterables

  • Creating Arrays
  • Important Arrays Methods
  • Maps & Sets

7.1. Creating arrays


const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
//return [1, 2, 3]

const moreNumbers = new Array(1, 5);
//return [1, 5]

const yetMoreNumbers = Array.of(5);
//return [5]

const moreNumbers1 = new Array(5);
//return [empty * 5]

const moreNumbersFrom = Array.from("Hi!");
//return ["H", "i", "!"]

7.2. adding & removing

增加/删除 (改变原数组) push(), unshift(), pop(), shift()

const numbers = [2, 2, 2];

numbers.push(6); //[2, 2, 2, 6]
numbers.unshift(1); //[1, 2, 2, 2, 6]//at the beginning

numbers.pop(); //return [1, 2, 2, 2] delete last one
numbers.shift(); //return [2, 2, 2] delete first one

numbers[1] = 3; //[2, 3, 2]
numbers[6] = 6; //[2, 3, 2, empty × 3, 6]


7.3. Selecting Ranges & Creating Copies

slice(), 不会改变原数组

arrayName.splice(startIndexNumber, deleteCount, addItem1, addItem2, ...);
const newArray = arrayName.slice(arrayIndexStart, arrayIndexEnd);
//return a new array.

Return (copy) a new array after add items at the end. 不改变原数组

const newArray = arrayName.concat([newItem1, newItem2, ...]);

7.4. Retrieving Indexes with indexOf() & lastIndexOf()

return the index number. *not work for object.

arrayName.indexOf(itemValue); //from first one, return index-number
arrayName.lastIndexOf(itemValue); //from last one

7.5. find() and findIndex()

finding stuff in object.
find() dose not create a copy.

const inventory = [
  { name: "apples", quantity: 2 },
  { name: "cherries", quantity: 5 },
const result = inventory.find((item, index, items) => {
  return === "cherries";

const resultIndex = inventory.findIndex((item, index, items) => {
  return === "cherries";
console.log(result, resultIndex);
// { name: 'cherries', quantity: 5 } , 1

7.6. includes()

查找 If cant find, return '-1'.

console.log(arrayName.includes(itemValue)); //return true/false

7.7. sort() and reverse()


const arrayName = [71, 22, 103, 54, 65, 86];
const tax = 0.1;

const newArray = arrayName.sort((a, b) => {
  if (a > b) {
    return 1;
  } else if (a === b) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return -1;

//[22, 54, 65, 71, 86, 103]

7.8. forEach()

const arrayName = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const tax = 0.1;
const newArray = [];

arrayName.forEach((element, idx, elements) => {
  const newElement = { index: idx, number: element + tax };
//[{index: 0, number: 1.1}, {index: 1, number: 2.1}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]

7.9. map()


const arrayName = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const tax = 0.1;

const newArray =, idx, elements) => {
  const newElement = { index: idx, number: element + tax };
  return newElement;

//[{index: 0, number: 1.1}, {index: 1, number: 2.1}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]

7.10. Filtering Arrays with filter()


const arrayName = [71, 22, 103, 54, 65, 86];

const filterArray = arrayName.filter((element, index, elements) => {
  return element > 50;
console.log(`copy:`, filterArray); //[71, 103, 54, 65, 86]

7.11. reduce()


const arrayName = [1.1, 2.2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

const sum = arrayName.reduce((prevValue, curValue, index, Elements) => {
  return prevValue + curValue;
}, 0);
console.log(sum); //21.3x

With all these useful array methods you learned about, it's important to understand how you can combine them. Let's take map() and reduce() as an example:

const originalArray = [{ price: 10.99 }, { price: 5.99 }, { price: 29.99 }];
const transformedArray = => obj.price); // produces [10.99, 5.99, 29.99]
const sum = transformedArray.reduce((sumVal, curVal) => sumVal + curVal, 0); // => 46.97

Of course, you could skip the map step and just add the extraction logic to reduce():

const originalArray = [{ price: 10.99 }, { price: 5.99 }, { price: 29.99 }];
const sum = originalArray.reduce((sumVal, curVal) => sumVal + curVal.price, 0); // => 46.97

But let's say you have a more complex extraction logic and hence want to split this into multiple method calls. Or you have a re-usable map function which you want to be able to use in different places of your app. Then you can still write the initial example in a more concise way if you leverage method chaining:

const originalArray = [{ price: 10.99 }, { price: 5.99 }, { price: 29.99 }];
const sum = originalArray
  .map((obj) => obj.price)
  .reduce((sumVal, curVal) => sumVal + curVal, 0); // => 46.97

We call .reduce() directly on the result of map() (which produces an array, that's why this is possible). Hence we can avoid storing the mapped array in a separate constant or variable that we might not need in any other place.

7.12. split() and join()

string to array

const data = "Sydney;Canberra;Melbourne";
const array = data.split(";");
console.log(array); //["Sydney", "Canberra", "Melbourne"]

const nameFragments = ["Max", "Zhang"];
const name = nameFragments.join(" ");
console.log(name); //Max Zhang

7.13. Spread Operator (...)

spread for copy or

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
const newNumber = [...numbers];

console.log(numbers, newNumber);
//[1, 2, 3, 4]    //[1, 2, 3]
console.log(Math.min(...numbers)); //1

包括上面的所有复制,object 的 refer 都是相同的。(详情看堆内存详解)
改变原有 array 的 object 值,复制的 array 也会随之改变。(引申:浅拷贝,深拷贝)

const name = [{ age: 1 }, { age: 2 }];
const newName = [];

name.push({ age: 3 });
console.log(name, newName);
//[{age: 1}, {age: 2}, {age: 3}]
//[{age: 1}, {age: 2}]

name[0].age = 4;
console.log(name, newName);
//[{age: 4}, {age: 2}, {age: 3}]
//[{age: 4}, {age: 2}]

7.14. Array Destructuring

const nameFragments = ["Max", "Zhang", "male", 28];
const [firstName, LastName, ...others] = nameFragments;
console.log(firstName, LastName, others);
//Max Zhang ["male", 28]

7.15. maps and sets

3 major iterable data structures.(Array, Set, Map)

find ???????????????????????????????????

Map & object find

7.16. WeakSet & WeakMap

7.17. Question 小问题

*两个 array 变成一个 object:{array1 : array2}

*array 前面的 property 名字变换:

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const arrayMonth = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May"];

const mapArray = => {
  return { [array[idx] + `月`]: val };
// 0: {1月: "Jan"}
// 1: {2月: "Feb"}
// 2: {3月: "Mar"}
// 3: {4月: "Apr"}
// 4: {5月: "May"}

8. Objects

8.1. Objects & Primitive Values

Objects are reference values - you learned that.

It might not have been obvious yet but it's also important to recognize that, in the end, objects are of course made up of primitive values.

Here's an example:

const complexPerson = {
    name: 'Max',
    hobbies: ['Sports', 'Cooking'],
    address: {
        street: 'Some Street 5',
        stateId: 5,
        country: 'Germany',
        phone: {
            number: 12 345 678 9,
            isMobile: true

Event though complexPerson has multiple nested reference values (nested arrays and objects), you end up with primitive values if you drill into the object.

name holds a string ('Max') => Primitive value

hobbies holds an array (i.e. a reference value) which is full of strings ('Sports', 'Cooking') => Primitive values

address holds an object which in turn holds a mixture of primitive values like 'Some Street 5' and nested objects (phone), but if you dive into phone, you find only numbers and booleans in there => Primitive values

So you could say: Primitive values are the core building blocks that hold your data, objects (and arrays) are helpful for organizing and working with that data.

8.2. Adding, Modifying & Deleting

Adding, Modifying & Deleting Properties

const person = {
  name: "Max",
  age: 30,
  hobbies: ["Sports", "Cooking"],
  greet: function () {
    alert("Hi there!");
person.admin = true;
delete person.age;
//{name: "Max", hobbies: Array(2), admin: true, greet: ƒ}

8.3. Dynamic Property Access & Setting Properties Dynamically

Property Types & Property Order

const person = {
  99: 20,
  1: 30,
console.log(person); //return {1: 30, 99: 20}
//1 will be the first one. only numbers.
const person = {
  "first name": "Max",
  1.9: 30,

console.log(person["first name"]); //Max
console.log(person[1.9]); //30
const propKey = "field 12";
const person = {
  [propKey]: "Max",
console.log(person["field 12"]);

output dynamic properties

const movie = {
  info: {
    title: newTitle,
    [newExtraName]: newExtraValue,
  id: Math.random(),

movies.forEach((movie) => {
  const movieEleLi = document.createElement("li");
  let text = + " - ";
  for (const key in {
    if (key !== "title") {
      text = text + `${key} : ${[key]}`;
  movieEleLi.textContent = text;

8.4. shorthand property syntax

const newObject = {
  propertyName: propertyName,
  //same as

8.5. filter

const movie = {
  info: {
    title: newTitle,

const filterText = document.getElementById("filter-title").value;

const filterMovie = !filterText
  ? movies
  : movies.filter((movie) =>;

8.6. chaining


const movie = {
  info: {
    title: newTitle,


8.7. Object Spread Operator

link to array

8.8. Object.assign()

Deep copy

8.9. Object Destructuring

const movie = {
  info: {
    title: "New",
  id: 123,
const { info, ...others } = movie;
console.log(info.title); //New
console.log(others); //{id: 123}

const { info: newInfo, ...others } = movie;
console.log(newInfo.title); //New

8.10. Checking for Property existence

const movie = {
  info: {
    title: "New",
if ("info" in movie) {

8.11. this

Very important part!!!
关于 this 的详解,网上有很多解释得特别好的文章。毕竟面试必问。推荐直接看下列文章。这章的笔记请无视。
45 Question about this
This 关键字
what is context?
You Don't Know JS, CN


  1. 使用箭头函数定义对象的方法
let obj = {
  value: "LinDaiDai",
  getValue: () => console.log(this.value),
obj.getValue(); // undefined
  1. 定义原型方法
function Foo(value) {
  this.value = value;
Foo.prototype.getValue = () => console.log(this.value);

const foo1 = new Foo(1);
foo1.getValue(); // undefined
  1. 构造函数使用箭头函数
const Foo = (value) => {
  this.value = value;
const foo1 = new Foo(1);
// 事实上直接就报错了 Uncaught TypeError: Foo is not a constructor
  1. 作为事件的回调函数
const button = document.getElementById("myButton");
button.addEventListener("click", () => {
  console.log(this === window); // => true
  this.innerHTML = "Clicked button";

5 rules with this binding - call site

  • Default Binding
  • Implicit Binding
  • Explicit Binding
  • New Binding
  • arrow function binding
const dragon = {
  weapon: "fire",
  attack: function () {
    console.log(`attacking with ${this.weapon}`);
dragon.attack(); //第一:attacking with fire
const abc = dragon.attack;
abc(); //第二:attacking with undefined
const abc2 = "defined?: " + dragon.attack(); //第三:attacking with fire
console.log(abc2); //defined?: undefined

第一种情况,this 指的是 object(dragon), 所以输出的值是 attacking with fire.
第二种情况,会返回 undefined(window?),因为只是赋予了变量 abc 一个 function,当执行 abc 的时候,this 前面没有 object,返回 undefined。

第三种情况(谁会这么写???为了防止不懂,解释一下。。。),当 abc2 定义的时候,**dragon.attack()**后面加括号,等于立马执行了这个函数,所以会出现 attacking with fire 的结果,但是当再次读取 abc2 时候,会是 undefined。

  • return


8.12. bind()

Bind is useful whenever you want to pre-configure a function for the future execution

8.13. call() & apply()

executing the function right away, argArray,argArray...);
function.apply(this, [Array]);

8.14. getter and setter

const newTitle = "Default";

const movie = {
  info: {
    set title(value) {
      if (value.trim() === "") {
        this._title = "undefined";
      this._title = value;
    get title() {
      return this._title;
  id: Math.random(),
}; = "Java";
console.log(; //Java

9. Classes & Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

  • what is OOP
  • class & instances
  • properties, fields & methods
  • inheritance

9.1. OOP

9.2. class

class Product {
  // title;
  constructor(title) {
    this.title = title;
  render() {

9.3. Field vs Properties

find Fields are in the end simply translated to properties you would otherwise set up in the constructor method.

9.4. class with 'this'

9.5. Static Methods & Properties

static/instance find

9.6. classes vs object


9.7. getter and setter

9.8. inheritance


constructor(); 创建实例的时候的数据传值 super(); 从父级拿数据

overriding methods

Add the 'product' to the DOM, but you render the 'DOM' after you add(create) 'product'.
(254, 4:12)

super() constructor

9.9. Private Properties

A property should be used internally only.

9.10. instanceof

9.11. Object Descriptors


Object.defineProperty(person, "name", {
  configurable: true,
  enumerable: true,
  value: "Max",
  writable: false,
//this is a way to change/locking down the property

9.12. Question

the class itself is not the object. objects based on classes.

MDN - Classes

10. Constructor Functions & Prototypes

find 原型链

10.1. class and constructor functions

Syntactical sugar

10.2. Prototype

super important! find find find


11. Practice: OOP & Classes

12. More about DOM & Browser APIs

13. Events

14. Advanced Function Concepts

15. More about Numbers & Strings

16. Asynchronous/Async JS: Promises & Callbacks

17. Background Http (Ajax)

18. 3rd Party Libraries

19. JavaScript Modules

20. Tooling (Webpack, Babel, …)

21. Working with Browser Storage

22. Browser Support

23. Practice

24. JavaScript Frameworks

25. Meta-programming: Symbols, Iterators, Generators, Reflect API & Proxy API

26. NodeJS Introduction

27. Security

28. Deployment

29. Performance Optimizations & Memory Leaks

30. Testing

31. Bonus: Programming Paradigms (Procedural vs Object Oriented vs Functional)

32. Bonus: Data Structures & Algorithms Introduction

33. Bonus: TypeScript Introduction

34. Bonus: Web Components

35. Roundup & Next Steps

36. Efficient Development & Debugging

36.1. Overview


36.2. IDE

color,theme, Icon, extensions,

Toggle block comment: option + shift + a ;
Toggle line comment: cmd + /;
Add Selection To Next Find Match: cmd+d;
Add Selection all Match: cmd + shift + L;
move line: option + top/button;
copy line: option + shift + top/button;
delete whole line: shift + cmd + K


open the suggestion: control + space;
hints: shift + cmd + space;

36.3. Find Help



36.4. debug

console.log(), breakpoint with IDE and chrome.

36.5. Need be careful

  • this
  • let & const (let for changing value)


  • project 1
    about basics js.
  • project 2
    if, &&, loop, switch(break & continue), try-catch
  • project 3
    DOM(add, delete...)
  • project 4
  • project 5

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