This is the course project for CSC3170 (Database System) . Contributors to this project are:
116010004: Wenjing, Cai
116010103: Yifan, Lan
116010265: Chengwei, Ye
116010266: Haolin, Ye
It aims at providing small scale photography studios with an integrated data management system. Tools we use to implement this system include Python3, Flask, Jinja, MySQL, Bootstrap, jQuery, HTML, JS and CSS. You can follow this document to set up the environment by yourself. You can also go to the website demo to directly access our project. If you have any problem, feel free to raise issue.
Setting up the virtual environment. The system is currently developed with Python3. Please make sure that the Flask, Pymysql is properly installed in the
virtual environment
. Refer to
For Linux and Mac:
cd photography-website python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate
For Windows:
py -3 -m venv venv venv\Scripts\activate
Install dependency packages in virtual environment:
pip install Flask pip install pymysql pip install cryptography
To simplify development, create a mysql database called 'photo'.
When log in mysql as root, create a user 'photodev' and grant privilege.
CREATE USER 'photodev'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON photo.* TO 'photodev'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
To initialize the database, the following command should be executed. This command will overwrite all data in the database 'photo'
flask init-db
For Linux and Mac:
export FLASK_APP=photo
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run
For Windows cmd, use set instead of export:
set FLASK_APP=photo
set FLASK_ENV=development
flask run
For Windows PowerShell, use $env: instead of export:
$env:FLASK_APP = "photo"
$env:FLASK_ENV = "development"
flask run
If you deploy it on Linux server, run flask run --host=
instead of flask run
The log in page should be on
(For TA) How to test our website
We have four views:
- Login & Initialize page
- Dashboard page (charts are specific for different positions)
- Order pages (create order/ order details/ completed order)
- Profile page
Note: Since the photographer website is designed for internal members, users can only login using the existing accounts. That's the reason why we set the "Initialize" page, rather than a "register" page.
We provide several accounts for you to test our website:
All passwords are preset to 123456. You can initialize the password through Initialize page for the first time. Later if you want to change the password again, please visit the profile page.
Project Manager:
Account | Password |
yifanlan | 123456 |
Mary Chen | 123456 |
Account | Password |
wenjingcai | 123456 |
Barbara Yang | 123456 |
After Effect:
Account | Password |
Charles An | 123456 |
Susan Bao | 123456 |