This repository contains some arduino examples and libraries
##Libraries You can checkout a single folder/library with svn to your local sketchbook folder
svn checkout
- serial_using_structs: Arduino serial communication using structures with a python demo
- timer_zero_tc_interrupt: TC Timer with interrupt handler on capture and ovf
- timer_m0_tc_interrupt: TC Timer with interrupt handler on capture and ovf
- timer_zero_tc_counter: TC Timer reading counter value
- timer_m0_tc_counter: TC Timer reading counter value
- timer_zero_tcc_interrupt: TCC Timer with interrupt handler on capture and ovf
- timer_m0_tcc_interrupt: TCC Timer with interrupt handler on capture and ovf
- Servos_zero: Servo Library for Arduino Zero using Timer TCC1
- Servos_m0: Servo Library for Arduino M0 pro using Timer TCC1
- Servos_leonardo Servo Library for Arduino Leonardo