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Organize and sort your receipts locally, use pandas power to analyze your expenses! But why? There are tons of Apps out there scanning and even some for receipts. Some of them might even be more general or better at parsing. Sure, but here are the core reasons why I built this app. If they are important to you, give it a try (and help to support more receipts)!

Reason 1: Data Privacy

Your receipts combined with some personal data are a pretty good estimator on where you are and what you are doing. I prefer to keep that data locally. This software will never access and send any of that data since it runs locally.

Reason 2: Adaptability

Receipts differ for region and even for supermarkets. Here, some of the more common german stores are included. If something does not work, add your own reader / parser!

Reason 3: Data Analysis

The data is saved in hdf-files for pandas and can be easily exported to csv or any other format manually. So analysis is not limited to the few plots available (even though the initial version has some important ones). You can easily load all your data using a simple one-liner and run all the analysis you want. If you find anything particular useful, let me know and I can implement that.

Uses some icons from Yusuke Kamiyamane

Some emojis / icons designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Current State of Functionality and Roadmap

  • Prepare receipt images for tesseract including manual rotation
  • Parse receipts from (german) supermarkets and read items
  • Sort data into receipt specific categories and item specific groups
  • Correct items, add important metadata
  • Save receipts and organize them in a dedicated folder.
  • Basic data analysis with plots
  • Export data to various formats


  • More types of receipts and more languages
  • Better analysis tools and more pretty plots
  • Continuous UX improvements


This is fairly easy, just run pip install pybudgetbook. Please note that a tesseract>=4 installation is required with Version 5. being recommended, the executable tesseract must be in the current path. This obviously only is necessary if you want to use the data extraction tools.

For macOS, I recommend homebrew for base installation and language packs, running brew install tesseract and brew install tesseract-lang.

For Windows, precompiled binaries can be found and installed. Those not always update PATH so I recommend checking that tesseract works in a console.


First of all, it should be noted that any of the three main parts Parsing, Data Editing and Saving and Plotting can be used independently. They access the same data folder to have a convenient working experience but that is all.

First, a default config and a data dir needs to be set up. To do so, choose one of the following options:

  • Run pybudgetbook, if prompted select a data directory. The config will be created and updated with the directory and well working default values.
  • Start an interpreter, and import pybudgetbook. This will issue a warning if the data directory is none. Go ahead and set it using pybudgetbook.configs.config_tools.set_data_dir() or check the config at pybudgetbook.configs.config_tools.location() and edit the data folder entry.

You can always change most of the config values using the Edit-> menu in the UI.

Just a note: The config is user wide, while the data dir can be freely changed. This can be used to have different matching groups (they are stored with the data and also kept private!) or different languages separated.

To then get started, there are several options. First, if you do not have any receipts and just want to look around the UI, you can create sample data to get started. Just call examples/, then start the UI. Or just start the UI and start entering own data without any receipts.

Finally, if you have a good receipt present, start by loading and extracting the text!

Sample Data Example

After creating sample data, you can try viewing and editing the data. Just start up the UI and load a sample receipt. You should get something like the following and can try the edit functions! If you are working in a separate data folder with example data as recommended, go ahead and change whatever you want! The two images show a sample receipt, first just loaded and second with some manual edits, mind the red difference to the computed default value which was stored as attribute with the receipt ans is now not matching the current computed sum.

Default Receipt Display

Some Edits performed

Data Analysis

Currently, only a small amount of the possibilities existing with pandas are implemented. Again, using sample data or added data, head over to the Data Analysis tab and load all data from the current data folder. Afterwards, two main options exist:

  • A stem based plot grouped by vendor, showing expenses over time and a cumulative sum of expenses. The four largest (by expense) vendors are shown with a distinct color, the rest is grouped in gray.
  • An interactive clickable pie allowing to show different groupings. The combo on the left sets the pie grouping. Afterwards. click on the pie to show a second level. The second level is currently fixed.

Stem Plot

Pie Alternative 1

Pie Alternative 2

Working with Receipts

To get started, you will need a receipt from a (supported) supermarket. Take an image from the receipt as flat as possible, including all from the header (for supermarket identification) to at least the total. Try to include the date. JPEG is fine, iPhones are fine. Lateral crop to the receipt borders. Straighten to make the text horizontal. This all takes a minute on any modern phone.

Even better: Get your receipt as pdf from the store - but check that the pdf has a separate text layer!

Then, hit the load button on the left and either load an image or the pdf file. Start by using the arrow keys (while the cursor is in the plotting area) to rotate the image so the text is horizontal (not working with pdf files!). You can use shift to rotate in larger steps. Adapt filtering until the text pops using the slider, where a slider higher up is more filtering (unsharp masking).

Mind that after rotation and filtering changes, there is a slight delay before tesseract is started, so wait a few seconds and then take a look at the extracted text using Show->Raw Text. This should show the text from the receipt which, in the main body, a single article per line.

Continue to the right side of the UI and extract the vendor using the Vendor button. If this fails, set the Vendor in the field manually (you can always use General if at least the language is supported) and hit the Vendor button to get the parsers.

The continue with Parse Data to fill up the table and show rectangles in the plot with the extracted items. This is where only few receipts are supported right now but the number will be growing!

If all works well, the items are shown in the table. Continue to manual editing!

Adding and Editing Data

Manual editing can be used starting from a blank table if parsing did not work or by altering some fields that have not been detected right. Just change whatever information needs changing and add new rows using the Add Row button. If you need to remove a row, right click it and select Remove Row.

Just a tip: Check the total amount extracted and see if it matches with your receipt, then the difference shown is a good indicator of the data quality as it should be 0!

For manual data without groups, and if you want to Reset current grouping, you can use the Group button. For missing unit price or amounts, fill in one, leave the other as nan at hit Fill.

Tags can be added by preference and, during save, are written to metadata. They have no use in the UI yet but can be used in custom filtering later on.

Saving Data

Just hit save, the data will be saved in hdf in your data folder. Tags, the total amount, language settings and some version info will be added as metadata. The receipt image is copied or moved depending on your config. If you do not want to add an image, uncheck the option in the menu. Done!

The group matcher feedback will be performed on save with the box checked. That is a reduction on article names will be performed and the reduced article names will be added to their respective groups in the template files in your data folder.

If you have a hdf receipt loaded and you want to save that, you maybe need to uncheck the Always Ask For Image flag in the menu. Also, if you want to change some data and override the old file, uncheck Generate Unique Name.

Pitfalls and Current Limitations

The following points should be noted before usage:

Current Supermarkets

Besides smaller stores and supermarkets which work with the general format, currently the following supermarket receipts are tested:

  • Germany: Aldi, DM, Rewe, Real
  • France: Carrefour

The above list will get updates. Others might work out of the box or with very little adaptions. Im happy to help.

A Note on Language Settings

Currently language settings is split into two settings. The left selector sets the tesseract language and the default language for grouping and matching. The latter can be changed using the second selector (after activation). This gives all options but can mess up your grouping data - use with care! (One possible use would be shopping in a different country just a few times a year.)

If you want a new language, you will need to prove the following:

  • A matcher pattern, initially a general one. See the parser module for the API.
  • If not english or french: A set of default groups. They may be empty but at least the keys should be defined. Store them in a group_templates/item_groups_lang.json.
  • Icons for the groups. You can reuse the existing or add new. Optional.

Pitfall: Currently, a general_eng parser is missing, so english will not work. I will happily include this as soon as is get a receipt from an english store.

A Note on Tax classes

Tax classes are very country-specific and, at least in Germany, not even standardized. Currently implemented is a number system which covers them the best:

  • Germany has 1, 2 (and A, B will be converted to that numbers). Here, 1 is the high tax class and 2 is the low tax class used for food.
  • France has 6 and 7, maybe more that I do not know about.

Pitfall: The very common supermarket Aldi in Germany has the tax class switched, e.g. A is the low tax class. This seems to be the exception so they will get switched on reading. The switcher can be extended to other exceptions.

More Information

The following can be considered for advanced use or if something fails:

Data export

Data can be exported in two manners: The first is used for single receipts and latter can be used to create a copy of the full dataset in the current data folder.

  1. With a receipt loaded (either during parsing or by loading a hdf receipt) and selecting File->Export to CSV. The receipt will be written to csv and the metadata will be written in the header. Matcher feedback will not run in this case!
  2. Selecting File->Create data backup will create a merged dataframe with all receipts in the current data folder and write that to a csv. Any metadata from the receipts will get lost.

Good Scans / Images

  • Have your receipt as flat as possible against a darker background.
  • Images are scaled to 600dpi assuming a basic receipt width of 75mm. This is an option which might needs adaption. Scale is important for tesseract and also for some types of identification where a logo is matched.
  • Try to apply a lateral crop fairly close at the receipt borders. Rotate to have the text horizontal.
  • Take the image under good lighting (e.g. daylight). Low light effects and especially noise will lead to bad text extraction.

If this all does not work, you can try to use some other extractors and then feed the pdf. E.g. macOS Preview can extract text from images and then create a pdf containing the image and the text in a separate layer.


Grouping searches language specific (currently only german,french, english) dicts which are consecutively improved from data (if you want to help, see below). Tagging your articles will improve matching since on save the data will be used for feedback (only in your data folder, not publicly). Feel free to create issues / gists with your local dicts so I can merge them in if you want to share your data.

Under the hood:

  • Base dataset dicts are delivered for some languages with the package and updated from time to time with package updates.
  • A User data dict with the same syntax is kept in the data folder and is updated with your data.
  • On load, those will be combined (exclusive set()).
  • Before feedback, article names will be split in groups. Too small elements will be removed. A possible negative_match_lang.json can be provided that is used to further filter the article names.
  • Reduced article names will be fed back into grouping file in the user dict.

Currently, there are no AI or other complex models for matching due to a lack of data. This might come in the future if enough matching data exists.


The receipt is not detected or the information is not parsed correctly

Check the following step by step. If you need more information on where to look, run the functions and analyze the output without the UI (see also under the hood). You can always look at the raw text output under Show->Raw Text

  • Check orientation and rotation of image
  • Check image crop
  • Check filter result (text legible?)
  • Check raw text
  • Check detected supermarket. If not correct, set manually by entering and hitting the button.

Still not detected?

  • If your receipt type is supported and your raw text is recognized but not parsed, create an issue.
  • If your receipt type is not supported and your raw text is recognized but not parsed, create a PR asking for the new receipt type. If you do not have the capabilities for a PR, create an issue and support the receipt image and additional information (the more receipts of a type, the better!)
  • If your raw text is not recognized, you need to adapt filtering parameters. Check filtered output and use the API to improve (UI not supported). If there are better parameters, let me know via issues or PR!

API Usage

You can always use the API in its base version, check examples/api_read_receipt for a good start.

Under the hood

  1. Images are scaled, filtered and possibly manually rotated.
  2. Text extraction using OCR by tesseract.
  3. Vendor detection by either:
    1. Text search for a known vendor.
    2. Logo detection: Logo is filtered and pattern matched in the receipt (ToDo).
    3. Manual vendor setup.
  4. Regexp based text analysis with receipt specific patterns (optional) and / or best fit for all patterns.
  5. Sort and post-process data in DataFrame, article grouping, display data.
  6. Feedback matching data to continuously improve grouping.
  7. Convert and save data.


Helps to analyze your weekly spendings







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