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DOSE v1.0.3

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@mauriceling mauriceling released this 20 May 01:57
· 228 commits to master since this release

Repository comparison with v1.0.2 --> v1.0.2...v1.0.3
Repository comparison with v1.0.0 --> v1.0.0...v1.0.3

Summary of changes:

  1. Using fully qualified imports in all examples to enable examples to run in any directory when DOSE is installed.
  2. Codes for Case study 02 (Examples 13-17). Reference: Castillo, CFG, Ling, MHT. 2014. Resistant Traits in Digital Organisms Do Not Revert Preselection Status despite Extended Deselection: Implications to Microbial Antibiotics Resistance. BioMed Research International 2014, Article ID 648389.