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Releases: mattpannella/pupdate

4.0.0 Beta - Testing .net 9

02 Dec 02:14
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New options for custom archives
But mainly, this is built on .net 9.0 and i want to have some people test it before i push it to everyone

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.20.0...4.0.0-beta

New Custom Archive Type

06 Nov 02:37
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There is a new type of archive you can configure in your settings, that lets you set up a custom core specific archive with a file extension filter. Can be used to set up, for example, your own archive with a full SNES rom set, and then have pupdate auto-download the set when you run the asset downloader


        "name": "agg23.SNES",
        "type": "core_specific_custom_archive",
        "archive_name": "my-snes-archive",
        "url": "",
        "index": "index.php",
        "file_extensions": [
        "enabled": true

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.19.1...3.20.0

Bug Fixes

02 Nov 18:53
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Fixed an issue when installing a core that comes out of beta

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.19.0...3.19.1

New Display Modes options

11 Oct 20:18
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  • Added the ability to reset the display modes back to the core specified list without having to reinstall the core.
  • Added the ability to control the way display modes are added. They can now be merged with the existing core specified list or the core specified list can be overwritten.
  • Added the ability to exclude cores from the display_modes.json file. Specifically for the Spiritualized.GB core not supporting the GB display modes.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.18.0...3.19.0

Sponsor message update and bug fix

24 Sep 22:07
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What's Changed

  • Better sponsor support randomization by @hallem in #345
  • Forgot a location with the licenses directory casing change by @hallem in #347

Full Changelog: 3.17.0...3.18.0

Bug fixes and display modes tweak

23 Sep 01:18
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The platform specific display modes should be added to the top of the list, now
New menu item to list your openFPGA Category structure

What's Changed

  • Better error handling for the server json files by @hallem in #339
  • Display Modes Update by @hallem in #340
  • Print openFPGA categories, bug fixes, & some cleanup by @hallem in #342

Full Changelog: 3.16.0...3.17.0

Coin-Op Beta Support & Custom Display Modes

19 Sep 19:21
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Coin-Op Collection Beta Cores

  • New Setting to enable the Coin-Op beta license API
  • When running Update All it will prompt you to enter your patreon email address and use that to fetch your key
  • If you ever need to change the email, it's under Pocket Setup

Display Modes

  • Option to apply a curated list of display modes to all cores
  • Option to select the modes you want, yourself
  • Your selections will re-apply after updates, now

Menu redesigned to put some stuff into submenus and things less cluttered

When cores leave beta status, they will show up as new cores for you to choose

What's Changed

  • add ignore instance json file for testing by @mattpannella in #338
  • Merges PRs for Coin-Op Beta Support and Display Modes Support by @hallem in #336

Full Changelog: 3.15.0...3.16.0

Display Modes fix, save state cleanup

11 Sep 23:31
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  • From now on all display modes won't be applied to every core. Instead only the "appropriate" ones will be for each core. GB modes for GB cores, etc. This will fix the issue everyone currently has because there's more than 16 display modes

  • New setting to tell pupdate to automatically update itself without asking each time

  • New pocket maintenance feature for pruning save states. It will delete every save state, except for the most recent, for every game. This way you can cleanup unneeded save states. It will run a backup before it deletes anything, so if I fucked anything up, you can recover your files. It's also available via the command line with the prune-memories verb

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.14.0...3.15.0

New openFPGA Display Modes

10 Sep 18:06
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When forcing all display modes on, it includes the new ones added in today's pocket firmware udpate

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.13.0...3.14.0

New Pocket Extras

06 Sep 12:34
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  • Added support for combined williams core in pocket extras
  • bug fix for capcom z80 pocket extra
  • Update to the Saves & Memories backup. No zip is created if there's not been any new save files created since the last backup

What's Changed

New Contributors

  • @jz-k made their first contribution in #324

Full Changelog: 3.12.0...3.13.0