Miscellaneous projects to try out different technologies and ideas
- jsp-servlet-webapp: old style java web application to show what web apps used to be like
- spring-webapp: example spring-mvc app (spring 4, java config)
- yatspec-acceptance-tests: demonstrate how to use yatspec for acceptance tests and how to configure gradle to keep different level of tests organized
- jdbi-hsqldb: how to use jdbi for the database layer; uses hsqldb as in-memory db
- dropwizard: showcase of a simple dropwizard project, trying out a few functionalities
- angular.js
- Thymeleaf
- Mustache
- Dagger
- java 8
- assertj vs fest
- Atom for events
- HATEOAS & hypermedia
- microservices architecture
- hadoop
- Spring 4 & Spring Boot
- Chef and/or Puppet
- MongoDB
- Neo4J
- Play
- Bootstrap
- Typography
- Less vs Sass
- Guava
- Multithreading strategies