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initial commit of srv analysis
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jonkrom committed Sep 20, 2023
1 parent 883b6b3 commit d5af1cd
Showing 1 changed file with 377 additions and 0 deletions.
377 changes: 377 additions & 0 deletions src/main/R/SrV_Leipzig.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@

## 1. Libraries

library(kableExtra) # for styling tables and output them in the viewer pane
library(flextable) # for styling tables and outputs

## 2. Load Data

H_SrV2018_Leipzig <- read_sav("../../../input/srv/H_SrV2018_Leipzig.sav", user_na = TRUE)
P_SrV2018_Leipzig <- read_sav("../../../input/srv/P_SrV2018_Leipzig.sav", user_na = TRUE)
W_SrV2018_Leipzig <- read_sav("../../../input/srv/W_SrV2018_Leipzig.sav", user_na = TRUE)

## 3. Data Processing

#creating district-groups
H_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(UNTERBEZIRK)


H_SrV2018_Leipzig <- H_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% mutate(UNTERBEZIRK_namav = case_when(
UNTERBEZIRK == "6" | UNTERBEZIRK == "7" ~ 3,
UNTERBEZIRK == "8" ~ 4,
TRUE ~ -10
)) %>%
set_variable_labels(UNTERBEZIRK_namav = "Lower Level") %>%
set_value_labels(UNTERBEZIRK_namav = c(
"Zone 1" = 1,
"Zone 2" = 2,
"Zone 3" = 3,
"Zone 4" = 4,
"missing values" = -10))

#checking the new variable "UNTERBEZIRK_namav"
H_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(UNTERBEZIRK_namav)

H_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(as_factor(UNTERBEZIRK)) %>% flextable()

#creating age groups
P_SrV2018_Leipzig <- P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% mutate(E_ALTER_GRUP = case_when(
V_ALTER >= 0 & V_ALTER < 18 ~ 1,
V_ALTER >= 18 & V_ALTER < 25 ~ 2,
V_ALTER >= 25 & V_ALTER < 35 ~ 3,
V_ALTER >= 35 & V_ALTER < 50 ~ 4,
V_ALTER >= 50 & V_ALTER < 65 ~ 5,
V_ALTER >= 65 ~ 6,
TRUE ~ -10
)) %>%
set_variable_labels(E_ALTER_GRUP = "Age Groups") %>%
set_value_labels(E_ALTER_GRUP = c(
"0-18 years" = 1,
"18-24 years" = 2,
"25-34 years" = 3,
"35-49 years" = 4,
"50-64 years" = 5,
"65 and more years" = 6,
"missing values" = -10))

# checking age groups
P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(E_ALTER_GRUP)
P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(E_ALTER_5)

#E_HVM (variable for mean mode of transport)
W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(E_HVM_4)
W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(E_HVM) %>% print(n=Inf)

#creating new variable E_HVM_namav
W_SrV2018_Leipzig <- W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% mutate(E_HVM_namav = case_when(
E_HVM == 1 ~ 1,
E_HVM == 2 | E_HVM == 18 | E_HVM == 19 ~ 2,
E_HVM >=3 & E_HVM <= 6 ~ 3,
E_HVM >=7 & E_HVM <= 9 ~ 4,
E_HVM >=10 & E_HVM <= 17 ~ 5,
TRUE ~ -7
)) %>%
set_variable_labels(E_HVM_namav = "Main Transport Mode") %>%
set_value_labels(E_HVM_namav = c(
"Walk" = 1,
"Bike" = 2,
"Car" = 3,
"Ride" = 4,
"PT" = 5,
"missing values" = -7))

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(E_HVM_namav)

#creating activity groups
W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(V_ZWECK) %>% print(n=Inf)

W_SrV2018_Leipzig <- W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% mutate(V_ZWECK_namav = case_when(
V_ZWECK == 2 ~ 1,
V_ZWECK == 6 ~ 2,
V_ZWECK == 3 ~ 3,
V_ZWECK == 7 ~ 4,
V_ZWECK == 4 ~ 5,
V_ZWECK == 5 ~ 6,
V_ZWECK == 19 | V_ZWECK == 70 ~ 7,
V_ZWECK == 18 ~ 8,
V_ZWECK >= 11 & V_ZWECK <= 17 ~ 9,
V_ZWECK == 10 | V_ZWECK == 8 ~ 10,
V_ZWECK == 9 ~ 11,
V_ZWECK == 14 ~ 12,
V_ZWECK == 1 ~ 13,
TRUE ~ -10
)) %>%
set_variable_labels(V_ZWECK_namav = "Trip Purposes") %>%
set_value_labels(V_ZWECK_namav = c(
"business" = 1,
"educ_higher" = 2,
"educ_kiga" = 3,
"educ_other" = 4,
"educ_primary" = 5,
"educ_secondary and educ_tertiary" = 6,
"errands" = 7,
"home" = 8,
"leisure" = 9,
"shop_daily" = 10,
"shop_other" = 11,
"visit" = 12,
"work" = 13,
"missing values" = -10))

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(V_ZWECK_namav)
W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(STICHTAG_WTAG)

## 4. Person Level

### 4.1 Number of Trips by Age Groups


P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% select(E_ALTER_GRUP, E_ANZ_WEGE, GEWICHT_P) %>%
filter(E_ALTER_GRUP != -10 & E_ANZ_WEGE >= 0) %>%
summarise(Mean_Trips = weighted.mean(E_ANZ_WEGE, GEWICHT_P)) %>%
gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 2)

P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% select(E_ALTER_GRUP, E_ANZ_WEGE, GEWICHT_P) %>%
filter(E_ALTER_GRUP != -10 & E_ANZ_WEGE >= 0) %>%
group_by(as_factor(E_ALTER_GRUP)) %>%
summarise(Mean_Trips = weighted.mean(E_ANZ_WEGE, GEWICHT_P)) %>%
gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 2)


### 4.2 Analysis of Mobile Persons by Age

# Mobile Personen
P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(E_MOBIL)


P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
filter(E_ALTER_GRUP != -10, E_MOBIL != -7) %>%
mutate(E_MOBIL = as_factor(E_MOBIL)) %>%
crosstab(E_ALTER_GRUP, E_MOBIL, weight = GEWICHT_P, pct_type = "row", unwt_n = TRUE) %>% gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 1)


### 4.3 Analysis of Mobile Persons by Age and District

# Unterbezirk ist auf Haushaltsebene kodiert
# Schritt 1: auf Personenebene holen

Join_Unterbezirk <- H_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% select(ST_CODE, HHNR, UNTERBEZIRK, UNTERBEZIRK_namav)

P_SrV2018_Leipzig <- left_join(P_SrV2018_Leipzig, Join_Unterbezirk, by = c("ST_CODE", "HHNR"))

P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
filter(E_ALTER_GRUP != -10, E_MOBIL != -7) %>%
mutate(E_MOBIL = as_factor(E_MOBIL)) %>%
crosstab_3way(z = E_ALTER_GRUP, y = E_MOBIL, x = UNTERBEZIRK_namav, weight = GEWICHT_P, pct_type = "row", unwt_n = TRUE) %>% gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 1)

P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(UNTERBEZIRK)

## 5. Trip Level

### 5.1 Analysis of Trip Length

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% filter(! & E_WEG_GUELTIG == -1) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = as_factor(E_LAENGE_5G))) +

#### 5.1.1 Average Trip Length by Age

Join_E_ALTER_GRUP <- P_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% select(ST_CODE, HHNR, PNR, E_ALTER_GRUP)

W_SrV2018_Leipzig <- left_join(W_SrV2018_Leipzig, Join_E_ALTER_GRUP, by = c("ST_CODE", "HHNR", "PNR"))

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(V_LAENGE) %>% tail()

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
filter(E_ALTER_GRUP != -10 & E_WEG_GUELTIG == -1) %>%
group_by(as_factor(E_ALTER_GRUP)) %>%
summarise(Mean_Laenge = weighted.mean(V_LAENGE, GEWICHT_W)) %>%
gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 2)

### 5.2 Analysis of Main Transport Mode

#### 5.2.1 Main Transport Mode

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% filter(E_HVM_namav != -7) %>%
count("Main Transport Mode" = as_factor(E_HVM_namav), wt = GEWICHT_W) %>%
mutate("Share in percent" = round(n/sum(n)*100, 1)) %>%
select(-n) %>% flextable()

#### 5.2.2 Modal Split by Distance


# creating new distance groups
W_SrV2018_Leipzig <- W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
mutate(V_LAENGE_namav = case_when(
V_LAENGE >= 0 & V_LAENGE < 1 ~ 1,
V_LAENGE >= 1 & V_LAENGE < 2 ~ 2,
V_LAENGE >= 2 & V_LAENGE < 5 ~ 3,
V_LAENGE >= 5 & V_LAENGE < 10 ~ 4,
V_LAENGE >= 10 & V_LAENGE < 20 ~ 5,
V_LAENGE >= 20 ~ 6,
TRUE ~ -999
)) %>% set_variable_labels(V_LAENGE_namav = "Distance Classes") %>%
set_value_labels(V_LAENGE_namav = c("0-1 km" = 1,
"1-2 km" = 2,
"2-5 km" = 3,
"5-10 km" = 4,
"10-20 km" = 5,
"20 km and more" = 6,
"missing values" = -999))

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(V_LAENGE_namav)

#check distance groups
W_SrV2018_Leipzig_Laenge <- W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% select(V_LAENGE,V_LAENGE_namav)

#check distance groups and Main Transport Mode (NO FILTER FOR TRIP LENGTH)
W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
select(V_LAENGE_namav, E_HVM_namav) %>%
filter(V_LAENGE_namav >=0, E_HVM_namav >=0) %>%
group_by(V_LAENGE_namav, E_HVM_namav) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
group_by(V_LAENGE_namav) %>%
mutate(Share = n / sum(n) * 100) %>%
ungroup() %>%
ggplot(aes(x = as_factor(V_LAENGE_namav), y = Share, fill = as_factor(E_HVM_namav))) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "fill") +
title = "Modal Split by Distance",
x = "Distance Classes",
fill = "Transport Modes")+
geom_text(aes(label = ifelse(Share < 3, "", paste0(round(Share), "%"))),
position = position_fill(vjust = 0.5)) +
theme_light() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 16))

#check distance groups and Main Transport Mode (FILTER FOR TRIP LENGTH <=100km)

#creating V_LAENGE_namav100 for filtering
W_SrV2018_Leipzig <- W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
mutate(V_LAENGE_namav100 = case_when(
V_LAENGE >=0 & V_LAENGE < 100 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0))

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(V_LAENGE_namav100)

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
filter(V_LAENGE_namav >=0, E_HVM_namav >=0,V_LAENGE_namav100 == 1) %>%
select(V_LAENGE_namav, E_HVM_namav) %>%
group_by(V_LAENGE_namav, E_HVM_namav) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
group_by(V_LAENGE_namav) %>%
mutate(Share = n / sum(n) * 100) %>%
ungroup() %>%
ggplot(aes(x = as_factor(V_LAENGE_namav), y = Share, fill = as_factor(E_HVM_namav))) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "fill") +
title = "Modal Split by Distance with filter: trip length <100km",
x = "Distance Classes",
fill = "Transport Modes")+
geom_text(aes(label = ifelse(Share < 3, "", paste0(round(Share), "%"))),
position = position_fill(vjust = 0.5)) +
theme_light() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 16))

### 5.3 Analysis of Duration of Trips

#### 5.3.1 Average Trip Duration


W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
filter(E_DAUER != -7 & E_WEG_GUELTIG == -1) %>%
summarise(Mean_Duration = weighted.mean(E_DAUER, wt = GEWICHT_W)) %>%
gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 2)

#### 5.3.2 Average Trip Duration by Age

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
filter(E_ALTER_GRUP != -10 & E_DAUER != -7 & E_WEG_GUELTIG == -1) %>%
group_by(as_factor(E_ALTER_GRUP)) %>%
summarise(Mean_Duration = weighted.mean(E_DAUER, wt = GEWICHT_W)) %>%
gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 2)

### 5.4 Analysis of Trip Purpose

#### 5.4.1 Trip Purpose

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>% count(V_ZWECK_namav)

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
filter(V_ZWECK_namav != -10) %>%
count(as_factor(V_ZWECK_namav), wt = GEWICHT_W) %>%
mutate("Anteil in %" = round(n/sum(n)*100, 1)) %>%
# select(-n) %>%
gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 1)

#### 5.4.2 Trip Purpose by Age

W_SrV2018_Leipzig %>%
filter(E_ALTER_GRUP != -10 & V_ZWECK_namav != -10) %>%
mutate(V_ZWECK = as_factor(V_ZWECK_namav)) %>%
crosstab(E_ALTER_GRUP, V_ZWECK_namav, weight = GEWICHT_W, pct_type = "row", unwt_n = TRUE) %>% gt() %>% fmt_number(decimals = 1)

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