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simei94 committed May 15, 2024
1 parent ed989e4 commit 45eecec
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Showing 3 changed files with 350 additions and 3 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
package org.matsim.analysis.postAnalysis;

import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Coord;
import org.matsim.application.CommandSpec;
import org.matsim.application.MATSimAppCommand;
import org.matsim.application.options.CsvOptions;
import org.matsim.application.options.InputOptions;
import org.matsim.application.options.OutputOptions;
import picocli.CommandLine;
import tech.tablesaw.api.ColumnType;
import tech.tablesaw.api.Row;
import tech.tablesaw.api.Table;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import static org.matsim.application.ApplicationUtils.globFile;

@CommandLine.Command(name = "average-emissions", description = "Calculates average emission stats based on several sim runs with different random seeds.")
requires = {"runs"},
produces = {"mean_emissions_total.csv", "mean_emissions_per_link_per_m.csv", "mean_emissions_grid_per_day.xyt.csv", "mean_emissions_grid_per_hour.csv"}
public class EmissionsPostProcessingAverageAnalysis implements MATSimAppCommand {

private InputOptions input = InputOptions.ofCommand(EmissionsPostProcessingAverageAnalysis.class);
private OutputOptions output = OutputOptions.ofCommand(EmissionsPostProcessingAverageAnalysis.class);
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--no-runs", defaultValue = "5", description = "Number of simulation runs to be averaged.")
private Integer noRuns;

private final Map<String, List<Double>> totalStats = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, List<Double[]>> perLinkMStats = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, List<Double>> gridPerDayStats = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, List<Double>> gridPerHourStats = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, Double> meanTotal = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, Double[]> meanPerLinkM = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, Double> meanGridPerDay = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, Double> meanGridPerHour = new HashMap<>();

private final CsvOptions csv = new CsvOptions();
String value = "value";

public static void main(String[] args) {
new EmissionsPostProcessingAverageAnalysis().execute(args);

public Integer call() throws Exception {

String runs = input.getPath("runs");

List<String> foldersSeeded =",")).toList();

// add stats from every run to map
for (String folder : foldersSeeded) {
String totalCsv = globFile(Path.of(folder + "/analysis/emissions" ), "*emissions_total.csv*").toString();
String emissionsPerLinkMCsv = globFile(Path.of(folder + "/analysis/emissions"), "*emissions_per_link_per_m.csv*").toString();
String emissionsGridPerDayCsv = globFile(Path.of(folder + "/analysis/emissions"), "*emissions_grid_per_day.xyt.csv*").toString();
String emissionsGridPerHourCsv = globFile(Path.of(folder + "/analysis/emissions"), "*emissions_grid_per_hour.csv*").toString();

Table total =

Table emissionsPerLinkM =

// TODO: update matsim version to newest for necessary changes in detectDelimiter method
Table emissionsGridPerDay =

Table emissionsGridPerHour =

// get all total stats
for (int i = 0; i < total.rowCount(); i++) {
Row row = total.row(i);

if (!totalStats.containsKey(row.getString(i))) {
totalStats.put(row.getString(i), new ArrayList<>());

// some values are in format hh:mm:ss or empty
if (row.getString("kg").isEmpty()) {
} else {

// get all per link per m stats
for (int i = 0; i < emissionsPerLinkM.rowCount(); i++) {
Row row = emissionsPerLinkM.row(i);
Double[] values = new Double[emissionsPerLinkM.columnCount() - 1];

// iterate through columns. this file contains 23 params per link, as of may24
for (int j = 1; i < emissionsPerLinkM.columnCount() - 1; j++) {
if (!perLinkMStats.containsKey(row.getString(i))) {
perLinkMStats.put(row.getString(i), new ArrayList<>());

if (row.getColumnType(j) == ColumnType.INTEGER) {
values[j - 1] = (double) row.getInt(j);
} else {
values[j - 1] = row.getDouble(j);

// get all grid per day stats
getGridData(emissionsGridPerDay, gridPerDayStats);
// get all grid per day stats
getGridData(emissionsGridPerHour, gridPerHourStats);

// calc means for every map
// total means
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Double>> e : totalStats.entrySet()) {
AtomicReference<Double> sum = new AtomicReference<>(0.);
e.getValue().forEach(d -> sum.set(sum.get() + d));

meanTotal.put(e.getKey(), sum.get() / e.getValue().size());

// per linkM means
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Double[]>> e : perLinkMStats.entrySet()) {

Double[] sums = new Double[e.getValue().get(0).length];

for (Double[] d : e.getValue()) {
for (int i = 0; i <= d.length - 1; i++) {
sums[i] += d[i];

Double[] means = new Double[sums.length];
for (int i = 0; i <= sums.length - 1; i++) {
means[i] = sums[i] / e.getValue().size();
meanPerLinkM.put(e.getKey(), means);

// grid per day means
calcGridMeans(gridPerDayStats, meanGridPerDay);
// grid per hour means
calcGridMeans(gridPerHourStats, meanGridPerHour);

// write total mean stats
try (CSVPrinter printer = new CSVPrinter(Files.newBufferedWriter(output.getPath("mean_emissions_total.csv")), CSVFormat.DEFAULT)) {
printer.printRecord("Pollutant", "kg");

for (Map.Entry<String, Double> e : meanTotal.entrySet()) {
printer.printRecord("mean-" + e.getKey(), e.getValue());

// write per linkM mean stats
try (CSVPrinter printer = new CSVPrinter(Files.newBufferedWriter(output.getPath("mean_emissions_per_link_per_m.csv")), CSVFormat.DEFAULT)) {
printer.printRecord("linkId", "CO [g/m]", "CO2_TOTAL [g/m]", "FC [g/m]", "HC [g/m]", "NMHC [g/m]", "NOx [g/m]", "NO2 [g/m]", "PM [g/m]", "SO2 [g/m]",
"FC_MJ [g/m]", "CO2_rep [g/m]", "CO2e [g/m]", "PM2_5 [g/m]", "PM2_5_non_exhaust [g/m]", "PM_non_exhaust [g/m]", "BC_exhaust [g/m]", "BC_non_exhaust [g/m]",
"Benzene [g/m]", "PN [g/m]", "Pb [g/m]", "CH4 [g/m]", "N2O [g/m]", "NH3 [g/m]"

for (Map.Entry<String, Double[]> e : meanPerLinkM.entrySet()) {
printer.printRecord(e.getKey(), e.getValue()[0], e.getValue()[1], e.getValue()[2], e.getValue()[3], e.getValue()[4], e.getValue()[5],
e.getValue()[6], e.getValue()[7], e.getValue()[8], e.getValue()[9], e.getValue()[10], e.getValue()[11], e.getValue()[12], e.getValue()[13],
e.getValue()[14], e.getValue()[15], e.getValue()[16], e.getValue()[17], e.getValue()[18], e.getValue()[19], e.getValue()[20], e.getValue()[21],

// write grid mean stats
writeGridFile("mean_emissions_grid_per_day.xyt.csv", meanGridPerDay);
writeGridFile("mean_emissions_grid_per_hour.csv", meanGridPerHour);

return 0;

private void calcGridMeans(Map<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, List<Double>> originMap, Map<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, Double> targetMap) {
for (Map.Entry<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, List<Double>> e : originMap.entrySet()) {
AtomicReference<Double> sum = new AtomicReference<>(0.);
e.getValue().forEach(d -> sum.set(sum.get() + d));

targetMap.put(e.getKey(), sum.get() / e.getValue().size());

private void getGridData(Table gridTable, Map<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, List<Double>> dataMap) {
for (int i = 0; i < gridTable.rowCount(); i++) {
Row row = gridTable.row(i);
Map.Entry<Double, Coord> entry = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(row.getDouble("time"), new Coord(row.getDouble("x"), row.getDouble("y")));

dataMap.computeIfAbsent(entry, key -> new ArrayList<>());

private void writeGridFile(String fileName, Map<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, Double> values) throws IOException {
try (CSVPrinter printer = new CSVPrinter(Files.newBufferedWriter(output.getPath(fileName)), CSVFormat.DEFAULT)) {

printer.printRecord("# EPSG:25832");
printer.printRecord("time", "x", "y", value);

for (Map.Entry<Map.Entry<Double, Coord>, Double> e : values.entrySet()) {
printer.printRecord(e.getKey().getKey(), e.getKey().getValue().getX(), e.getKey().getValue().getY(), e.getValue());

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
/* *********************************************************************** *
* project: org.matsim.*
* *
* *********************************************************************** *
* *
* copyright : (C) 2007 by the members listed in the COPYING, *
* LICENSE and WARRANTY file. *
* email : info at matsim dot org *
* *
* *********************************************************************** *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file *
* *
* *********************************************************************** */

package org.matsim.dashboard;

import org.matsim.analysis.postAnalysis.EmissionsPostProcessingAverageAnalysis;
import org.matsim.analysis.postAnalysis.drt.DrtPostProcessingAverageAnalysis;
import org.matsim.simwrapper.Dashboard;
import org.matsim.simwrapper.Data;
import org.matsim.simwrapper.Header;
import org.matsim.simwrapper.Layout;
import org.matsim.simwrapper.viz.GridMap;
import org.matsim.simwrapper.viz.Links;
import org.matsim.simwrapper.viz.Table;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* Average emissions dashboard for several runs with the same config but a different random seed.
public class AverageKelheimEmissionsDashboard implements Dashboard{
private final List<String> dirs;
private final Integer noRuns;
private final String pathToCsvBase;

public AverageKelheimEmissionsDashboard(List<String> dirs, Integer noRuns) {
this.dirs = dirs;
this.noRuns = noRuns;
this.pathToCsvBase = null;

public AverageKelheimEmissionsDashboard(List<String> dirs, Integer noRuns, String pathToBaseRun) {
this.dirs = dirs;
this.noRuns = noRuns;

if (!pathToBaseRun.endsWith("/")) {
pathToBaseRun += "/";
this.pathToCsvBase = pathToBaseRun + "analysis/emissions/emissions_per_link_per_m.csv";

private String postProcess(Data data, String outputFile) {
// args for analysis have to be: list of paths to run dirs + drt modes / folder names
List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(List.of("--input-runs", String.join(",", dirs), "--no-runs", noRuns.toString()));

return data.compute(EmissionsPostProcessingAverageAnalysis.class, outputFile, args.toArray(new String[0]));

* Produces the dashboard.
public void configure(Header header, Layout layout) {
header.title = "Average Emissions";
header.description = "Shows the average emissions footprint and spatial distribution for several simulation runs.";

String linkDescription = "Displays the emissions for each link per meter. Be aware that emission values are provided in the simulation sample size!";
if (pathToCsvBase != null){
linkDescription += String.format("\n Base is %s", pathToCsvBase);
String finalLinkDescription = linkDescription;

.el(Table.class, (viz, data) -> {
viz.title = "Emissions";
viz.description = "by pollutant. Total values are scaled from the simulation sample size to 100%.";
viz.dataset = postProcess(data, "mean_emissions_total.csv");
viz.enableFilter = false;
viz.showAllRows = true;
viz.width = 1.0;
.el(Links.class, (viz, data) -> {
viz.title = "Emissions per Link per Meter";
viz.description = finalLinkDescription;
viz.height = 12.0;
viz.datasets.csvFile = postProcess(data, "mean_emissions_per_link_per_m.csv");
viz.datasets.csvBase = this.pathToCsvBase; = data.compute(CreateGeoJsonNetwork.class, "network.geojson");
viz.display.color.columnName = "CO2_TOTAL [g/m]";
viz.display.color.dataset = "csvFile";
viz.display.width.scaleFactor = 100;
viz.display.width.columnName = "CO2_TOTAL [g/m]";
viz.display.width.dataset = "csvFile"; = data.context().getCenter();
viz.width = 3.0;
layout.row("second").el(GridMap.class, (viz, data) -> {
viz.title = "CO₂ Emissions";
viz.description = "per day. Be aware that CO2 values are provided in the simulation sample size!";
viz.height = 12.0;
viz.file = postProcess(data, "mean_emissions_grid_per_day.xyt.csv");
.el(GridMap.class, (viz, data) -> {
viz.title = "CO₂ Emissions";
viz.description = "per hour. Be aware that CO2 values are provided in the simulation sample size!";
viz.height = 12.;
viz.file = postProcess(data, "mean_emissions_grid_per_hour.csv");
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/main/java/org/matsim/dashboard/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ public class CreateAverageDashboards implements MATSimAppCommand {
private String inputPath;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--no-runs", defaultValue = "5", description = "Number of simulation runs to be averaged.")
private Integer noRuns;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--base-run", description = "Path to directory base run.", defaultValue = "/net/ils/matsim-kelheim/v3.0-release/output-base/25pct")
private String pathToBaseRun;

public static void main(String[] args) {
new CreateAverageDashboards().execute(args);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,11 +62,14 @@ public Integer call() throws Exception {

// TODO: rather call generate method with append true than the standard one bc we are in post processing

sw.addDashboard(Dashboard.customize(new AverageKelheimEmissionsDashboard(foldersSeeded, noRuns, pathToBaseRun)).context("emissions"));

// TODO: rather call generate method with append true than the standard one bc we are in post processing
sw.generate(Path.of(inputPath), true);;

return 0;
Expand Down

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