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Releases: matrix-org/matrix-ios-kit
Releases · matrix-org/matrix-ios-kit
- MXKAccountManager: API change - [openSessionForActiveAccounts] is replaced by [prepareSessionForActiveAccounts]. This new method checks for each enabled account if a matrix session is already opened. It opens a matrix session for each enabled account which doesn't have a session.
- MXK3PID: support new email binding mechanism.
- MXKAuthenticationViewController, MXKAuthInputsView: Support registration based on MXAuthenticationSession class.
- MXKAuthenticationRecaptchaWebView: Display a reCAPTCHA widget into a webview.
- MXKAccountDetailsViewController: Handle the linked emails.
- MXKAccount: Store (permanently) 3PIDs.
- MXKRecentsDataSource: Remove room notifications and room tags handling (These operations are handled by inherited classes).
- MXKContactManager: List email addresses from the local address book (see 'localEmailContacts').
- MXKAccountManager: Added accountKnowingRoomWithRoomIdOrAlias method.
Bug fixes:
- MXKWebViewViewController: add view controller for webview display.
Bug fixes:
- Chat Screen: scrolling to bottom when opening new rooms seems unreliable.
- Chat Screen: Wrong displayName and wrong avatar are displayed on invitation.
- Chat Screen: Some messages are displayed twice.
- Chat Screen: Some unsent messages are persistent.
- Fix missing loading wheel when app is resumed.
- Upgrade MatrixSDK version (v0.6.3).
- MXKRoomDataSourceManager: Handle the current number of unread messages that match the push notification rules.
- MXKRoomDataSource: Remove the timestamp of unsent messages on data reload.
- MXKRoomViewController: Support the display of a timeline from the past.
- MXKRoomBubbleCellData: Improve the computation of the text components position.
- MXKViewControllerHandling: Define the default tint of the navigation bar.
- MXKViewControllerHandling: Add flag to disable navigation bar tint color change on network status change.
- MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell: Add property to disable the default handling of the long press on event.
- MXKRoomMemberDetailsViewController has been refactored.
- MXKRoomInputToolbarView: Tells the delegate that the user is typing when textView did begin editing.
- MXKRoomInputToolbarView: Add option to enable media auto saving.
- MXKRoomViewController: Add missing constraint on Activities view.
Bug fixes:
- MXKEventFormater: Fixed crash ("NSConcreteMutableAttributedString add Attribute:value:range:: nil value") when trying to display bad formatted links.
- MXKRoomDataSource: At startup, recents are not updated for rooms with a gap during server sync.
- MXKAttachmentsViewController: Remove play icon on videos while they're playing.
- MXKRoomDataSource: A sent message may appear as unsent.
- MXKRoomViewController: Fixed jumps when going forwards. Backwards pagination should be smoother.
- Upgrade MatrixSDK version (v0.6.2).
- MXKRoomViewController: Avoid to make pagination request when opening the page while there may be messages available in the store.
- MXKViewController/MXKTableViewController: Activity indicator. Do not show it if the stopActivityIndicator is called just after (less than 0.3s)
- Handle email invitation.
Bug fixes:
- Messages being sent (echoes) were sometimes displayed in red.
- Deleted unsent messages keep coming back when the app is relaunched.
- If messages arrive whilst you are scrolled back, the scroll offset jumps.
- MXKDataSource: The table/collection view cell classes are now defined by the data source delegate (see README).
- MXKRecentsDataSource: Add methods to get, leave or tag a room.
- MXKRecentsDataSource: Add method to mute/unmute room notifications.
- MXKRecentsDataSource: Add kMXSessionInvitedRoomsDidChangeNotification observer.
- MXKSearchViewController: Add reusable view controller for messages search (add dedicated resources: MXKSearchDataSource, MXKSearchCellData, MXKSearchTableViewCell).
- MXKEventFormatter: Add timeStringFromDate method to generate the time string of a date by considered the current system time formatting.
- MXKRoomBubbleCellData: Add nullable ’senderAvatarPlaceholder’ property. It is used when url is nil, or during avatar download.
- MXKAccount: Add the ‘replacePassword’ method.
- MXKAccount: Enable Background Sync (Active when push body will contain ‘content-available’ key).
- MXKRoomDataSource: Add a new flag 'useCustomReceipts' to disable the default display of read receipts by MatrixKit.
- MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell: Rename inherited classes (MXKRoomIncomingAttachmentWithoutSenderInfoBubbleCell…).
- MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell: Add overlay container.
- MXKRoomBubbleTableView: Add member display name in text input when user taps on avatar.
- MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell: Add listener to content view tap.
- MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell: Add listener to long press on the avatar view.
- MXKRoomBubbleTableViewCell: Improve cell height computation by introducing some constraints.
- Replace MXKReceiptAvartarsContainer with MXKReceiptSendersContainer.
- MXKReceiptSendersContainer: Handle read receipts for incoming messages too.
- MXKAccount: Use “ (iOS)” as app display name for notification pusher.
- MXKEventFormatter: Define properties to allow formatted string customization (color and font).
- MXKContactManager: Define the modes of the contact creation from the room members.
- MXKRoomSettingsViewController: Reusable view controller dedicated to room settings.
- MXKRoomInputToolbarViewWithHPGrowingText: Define growingTextView as protected field.
- NSBundle+MatrixKit: Customize the table used to retrieve the localized version of a string. If the key is not defined in this table, the localized string is retrieved from the default table "MatrixKit.strings".
- MXKRoomViewController: Define as protected UIDocumentInteractionController items.
- MXKRoomViewController: Implement infinite back pagination.
- MXKRoomViewController: Move as protected the saved placeholder of text input.
- MXKAttachmentViewController: Hide status bar.
- MXKImageView: Make public the imageView used as subview (in readonly mode).
- MXKMediaManager: Return asset URL in case of saving in user's library
- MXKRoomCreationInputs: Replace image url with image.
- Add MXKCollectionViewCell class to define custom UICollectionViewCell.
- Add MXKTableViewCellWithLabelAndMXKImageView class.
- MXKTools: Rename resizeImage to reduceImage.
- MXKImageView: Remove ‘mediaInfo’ property.
- MXKTools: Add method to convert an image to a pattern color.
Bug fixes:
- SYIOS-183: Store in-progress messages. Pending and unsent messages are now stored.
- SYIOS-180: Bad scrolling performance on iOS 9.
- The pusher is deleted and recreated every time the app starts, which is a Bad Idea.
- iOS breaks catastrophically if you try to attach a photo when landscape.
- SYIOS-196 - Performance issue in MXKContactManager when resuming the app.
- App freezes during back pagination in #matrix-spam.
- Bing messages are not highlighted in Recents on new login.