This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 12, 2022. It is now read-only.
- MXKAccountManager: API change - [openSessionForActiveAccounts] is replaced by [prepareSessionForActiveAccounts]. This new method checks for each enabled account if a matrix session is already opened. It opens a matrix session for each enabled account which doesn't have a session.
- MXK3PID: support new email binding mechanism.
- MXKAuthenticationViewController, MXKAuthInputsView: Support registration based on MXAuthenticationSession class.
- MXKAuthenticationRecaptchaWebView: Display a reCAPTCHA widget into a webview.
- MXKAccountDetailsViewController: Handle the linked emails.
- MXKAccount: Store (permanently) 3PIDs.
- MXKRecentsDataSource: Remove room notifications and room tags handling (These operations are handled by inherited classes).
- MXKContactManager: List email addresses from the local address book (see 'localEmailContacts').
- MXKAccountManager: Added accountKnowingRoomWithRoomIdOrAlias method.
Bug fixes: