Trigger notify-send
across the network using HTTP, useful for triggering
notifications from local VMs / Containers into your own computer. It even supports
notification icons!
This project is no longer maintained, please reach out to me if you are interested in continuing working on it.
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 only
Because I do all of my dev work on virtualized environments and I use guard
quite a lot to keep my Ruby tests running when files get changed. The problem is
that its builtin notification support will trigger a notify-send
inside the virtual
environment instead of my machine.
With notify-send-http
I can run an HTTP server on my machine and make use of a
custom notify-send
executable on my virtual environments that has the same
interface as the original command and will send notifications to the HTTP server
so that I can see alerts poping up on my screen whenever the build fails.
First you'll need to download the HTTP server on the machine where notifications
will get displayed and drop it somewhere on your PATH
For example, if $HOME/bin
is on your PATH
curl -L > $HOME/bin/notify-send-server
chmod +x $HOME/bin/notify-send-server
Then fire up the server with:
PORT=12345 notify-send-server
If you are on an Ubuntu machine, you can set it up to start automatically after logging in to the machine:
cat <<-STR > ~/.config/autostart/notify-send-server.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env PORT=12345 ${HOME}/bin/notify-send-server
Name[en_US]=NotifySend server
Name=NotifySend server
From another machine / VM / Linux Container you'll have to first download the
client somewhere on the PATH
curl -L | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/notify-send &>/dev/null
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/notify-send
Then point the CLI to the notification server:
SERVER_IP=$(ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }')
export NOTIFY_SEND_URL="http://${SERVER_IP}:12345"
And trigger notifications with:
notify-send "A summary" "Some message"
Download the client to a folder under $HOME/devstep/bin
mkdir -p $DEVSTEP_DIR
curl -sL > $DEVSTEP_DIR/notify-send
chmod +x $DEVSTEP_DIR/notify-send
Add to your $HOME/devstep.yml
# Share executable with container
- '{{env "HOME"}}/devstep/bin/notify-send:/.devstep/bin/notify-send'
# Set to a different IP if your docker0 bridge is set to something else
# Grab Docker bridge IP
DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP=$(/sbin/ifconfig docker0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}')
# Download binary
curl -sL > /tmp/notify-send && chmod +x /tmp/notify-send
# Start container ready to send notifications
docker run -ti --rm \
-e NOTIFY_SEND_URL="http://${DOCKER_BRIDGE_IP}:12345" \
-v /tmp/notify-send:/usr/bin/notify-send \
-v `pwd`/success.png:/tmp/success.png \
ubuntu:14.04 \
/usr/bin/notify-send "Hello docker" "It Works!" -i /tmp/success.png
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "<YOUR BOX>"
config.vm.provision :shell,
path: '',
args: ['12345']
- Handle other
parameters - Implement support for other notifiers / platforms