- This is a program to check attendance of zoom classes.
- The program checks attendance with a list of students and returns the people who are most proabbly absent.
- It uses various macros and screen capture methods to quickly check the presence of all the students.
- version 3
To clone the repo type:
git clone https://github.com/mathew4STAR/Attendance-Manager
in cmd -
change the directory
cd Attendece-Manager
run the file
python3 main.py
alternatively you could install one of the releases (the latest version is recommended)
Requirments to run python file - python3, pyautogui module[pip install PyAutoGUI], pillow module[pip install Pillow], time and tkinter from python standard library
Run the main file
When the GUI opens click on
edit classes list
Enter the class and section followed by the name of the students in that class (this has to be the same name they enter the zoom classes with(preferably full names to avoid problems with people who have same first name)) in the text box. (This step has to be done every time a new class is added) (Every time you add a class please reload the program)
You can change the first line if you want to add a buffer before the program starts running.
This needs to be done only if there is a problem when the program is run (in case the program misclicks)
Run findloc.py and hover over the search bar. The program should record your current mouse position after 5 seconds. The recording should print in the console copy it and paste it into the third line in config.txt
Repeat step 1 but instead of hovering over the search box, hover over your username and the blue box. And replace this value with the third line.
Note: findloc.py was added to make it easier to find the cordinates on the screen
Open Zoom and open the participants list
Open cmd and change the directory
Run the file
python3 main.py
Once the GUI opens, click on
and choose the class you want to check for. -
Click on
button. -
The program should print a list of absentees in the Text box below the picture.
Note: It prints the strength of the class, number of kids present, definetely absent - people whose first and last name were not found, maybe absent - people who's first name is present but last name is not(this could be if a person enters the meeting without his last name in his username. Just the first name can often be used to confirm presence, but if there are multiple people with the same first name then it could cause confusions, it is best to manually check for these people(by calling them).
Note: If there are lot of people and lot of full names, the program might take some time to find the attendance, for a class of 20 students it can take anywhere from 3-20 seconds.
Note you may have to make small changes to the program for your use case, this program may have errors.