Allows you to add placeholder content quickly and easily to your site.
Missing content offers multiple different content choices, if you would like to request something else please post it to the support forums.
###How do I use it?
Either with the shortcode [missing-content]
in the post editor or with the function mcn_missing_content( $atts, $echo = true )
in your template.
- Loreum Ipsum from
- Bacon Ipsum from
- Hipster Ipsum from
- Blokk Font
- Image from
- content_type="lipsum" options: lipsum|hipster|bacon|blokk|image
- paragraph_count="3" Ignored if random="true"
- min_paragraph_count="1" Requires random="true"
- max_paragraph_count="5" Requires random="true"
- width="150" Ignored if random="true"
- min_width="150" Requires random="true" and content_type="image"
- max_width="1200" Requires random="true" and content_type="image"
- height="150" Ignored if random="true"
- min_height="150" Requires random="true" and content_type="image"
- max_height="1200" Requires random="true" and content_type="image"
- random="false" options: (shortcode: "true"|"false") (function:
) - cache_duration="10800" 3 hours (3 * 60 * 60) options: {time in seconds}|always|never
3 paragraphs from updated every 3 hours.[missing-content cache_duration="always"]
Never updates the content.[missing-content cache_duration="never"]
3 paragraphs from updated every page refresh. NOTE: do not use this if using a tool like LiveReload.[missing-content paragraph_count="1" cache_duration="86400"]
Displays one paragraph updated every day (24 * 60 * 60).[missing-content content_type="bacon" paragraph_count="5"]
5 paragraphs from updated every 3 hours.[missing-content content_type="hipster"]
3 paragraphs from updated every 3 hours.[missing-content content_type="blokk"]
3 paragraphs of Blokk font using updated every 3 hours.[missing-content content_type="image" width="500" height="500"]
500px x 500px image from NOTE: no cache control.- [missing-content content_type="image" random="true" min_width="150" max_width="500" min_height="150" max_height="300"] Random sized image 150px - 500px wide and 150px - 300px high.
- [missing-content random="true" min_paragraph_count="1" max_paragraph_count="5"] 1-5 paragraphs from a random content source.
More examples can be found here