您在文章《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》上发表的评论:
- '
- . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '
+ '
+ . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '
' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回复如下:
- '
- . trim($comment->comment_content) . '
+ '
+ . trim($comment->comment_content) . '
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diff --git a/languages/en_US.mo b/languages/en_US.mo
index 8f737cb5..88a8afb2 100644
Binary files a/languages/en_US.mo and b/languages/en_US.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/en_US.po b/languages/en_US.po
index 7a28f355..e05e8619 100644
--- a/languages/en_US.po
+++ b/languages/en_US.po
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sakura\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-06 17:56+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-06 17:56+0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-06 17:39+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-06 17:39+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: en_US\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n"
@@ -21,24 +21,24 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
-#: 404.php:17
+#: 404.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "page %s"
msgstr ""
-#: 404.php:46
+#: 404.php:47
msgid "return to previous page"
msgstr "Return to previous page"
-#: 404.php:47
+#: 404.php:48
msgid "return to home page"
msgstr "Return to home page"
-#: 404.php:50
+#: 404.php:51
msgid "Don't worry, search in site?"
msgstr ""
-#: 404.php:53 footer.php:62 search.php:42
+#: 404.php:54 footer.php:62 search.php:42
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Search..."
@@ -126,15 +126,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Site"
msgstr ""
-#: footer.php:75 footer.php:83
+#: footer.php:76 footer.php:84
msgid "Want to find something?"
msgstr ""
-#: footer.php:85
+#: footer.php:86
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
-#: footer.php:144
+#: footer.php:145
msgid "Widgets"
msgstr ""
@@ -181,35 +181,35 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This guy is so lazy ╮(╯▽╰)╭"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1334
+#: functions.php:1335
msgid "All expand/collapse"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1355 options.php:834
+#: functions.php:1356 options.php:980
msgid " "
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1359
+#: functions.php:1360
msgid " post(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1382 functions.php:1385 inc/theme_plus.php:478
+#: functions.php:1383 functions.php:1386 inc/theme_plus.php:478
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1611
+#: functions.php:1612
msgid "
ERROR: This email domain (
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1716
+#: functions.php:1717
msgid "QQ"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1788
+#: functions.php:1779
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1900
+#: functions.php:1892
msgid ""
" For a better experience, please do not set permalink as plain. To do this, you may need to "
@@ -439,31 +439,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "View comments"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:34 options.php:45 options.php:299
+#: options.php:34 options.php:45 options.php:312
msgid "1"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:35 options.php:46 options.php:300
+#: options.php:35 options.php:46 options.php:313
msgid "2"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:36 options.php:47 options.php:301
+#: options.php:36 options.php:47 options.php:314
msgid "3"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:37 options.php:48 options.php:302
+#: options.php:37 options.php:48 options.php:315
msgid "4"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:38 options.php:49 options.php:303
+#: options.php:38 options.php:49 options.php:316
msgid "5"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:39 options.php:304
+#: options.php:39 options.php:317
msgid "6"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:40 options.php:305
+#: options.php:40 options.php:318
msgid "7"
msgstr ""
@@ -497,59 +497,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: options.php:137
msgid ""
-"Adjust the theme scheme menu transparency, the smaller the value, the more "
-"transparent. The default value is 0.8"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:142
-msgid "Transparent"
+"Adjust the theme scheme menu transparency, fill in decimals between 0 and "
+"1, the smaller the value, the more transparent. The default value is 0.8"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:143
-msgid "Transparency 0.1"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:144
-msgid "Transparency 0.2"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:145
-msgid "Transparency 0.3"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:146
-msgid "Transparency 0.4"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:147
-msgid "Transparency 0.5"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:148
-msgid "Transparency 0.6"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:149
-msgid "Transparency 0.7"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:150
-msgid "Transparency 0.8"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:151
-msgid "Transparency 0.9"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:152
-msgid "Opaque"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:156
msgid "Change web background"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:157
+#: options.php:144
msgid ""
"The foreground switches the background of the webpage. There are 8 urls "
"separated by commas. The order corresponds to the foreground scheme tool "
@@ -560,290 +516,312 @@ msgid ""
"configuration page to any new value!"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:163
+#: options.php:150
+msgid "Darkmode"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:151
+msgid "Automatically turn on dark mode from 10:00 p.m. to 06:00 a.m."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:157
msgid "Personal avatar"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:164
+#: options.php:158
msgid "The best size is 130px*130px."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:169
+#: options.php:163
msgid "Text LOGO"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:170
+#: options.php:164
msgid ""
"The home page does not display the avatar above, but displays a paragraph of "
"text (use the avatar above if left blank).The text is recommended not to be "
"too long, about 16 bytes is appropriate."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:176
+#: options.php:170
msgid "logo"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:177
+#: options.php:171
msgid "The best height size is 40px。"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:182
+#: options.php:176
msgid "Favicon"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:183
+#: options.php:177
msgid "It is the small logo on the browser tab, fill in the url"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:189
+#: options.php:183
msgid "Custom keywords and descriptions "
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:190
+#: options.php:184
msgid "Customize keywords and descriptions after opening"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:196
+#: options.php:190
msgid "Site keywords"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:197
+#: options.php:191
msgid "Each keyword is divided by a comma \",\" and the number is within 5."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:203
+#: options.php:197
msgid "Site descriptions"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:204
+#: options.php:198
msgid "Describe the site in concise text, with a maximum of 120 words."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:210
+#: options.php:204
msgid "Expand the nav menu"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:211
+#: options.php:205
msgid "Check to enable, default shrink"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:217
+#: options.php:211
msgid "Head decoration"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:218
+#: options.php:212
msgid ""
"Enable by default, check off, display on the article page, separate page and "
"category page"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:224
+#: options.php:218
msgid "Search button"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:229 options.php:270 options.php:574 options.php:584
-#: options.php:594 options.php:604
+#: options.php:223 options.php:283 options.php:587 options.php:597
+#: options.php:607 options.php:617
msgid "Open"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:230 options.php:271 options.php:575 options.php:585
-#: options.php:595 options.php:605
+#: options.php:224 options.php:284 options.php:588 options.php:598
+#: options.php:608 options.php:618
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:234
+#: options.php:228
msgid "Home article style"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:239
+#: options.php:233
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:240
+#: options.php:234
msgid "Graphic"
msgstr ""
+#: options.php:238 options.php:390
+msgid "Cover manifest"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:239
+msgid ""
+"Select how to call the post featue image, only for the post without feature "
+msgstr ""
#: options.php:244
+msgid "same as the cover of the first screen (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:245 options.php:398
+msgid "custom api (advanced)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:250 options.php:403
+msgid "Cover images url"
+msgstr "Remove image"
+#: options.php:251
+msgid "Fill in the custom image api url."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:257
msgid "Home article feature images (only valid for standard mode)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:249
+#: options.php:262
msgid "Round"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:250
+#: options.php:263
msgid "Square"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:254
+#: options.php:267
msgid ""
"Home article feature images alignment (only for graphic mode, default left "
"and right alternate)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:259
+#: options.php:272
msgid "Left"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:260
+#: options.php:273
msgid "Right"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:261
+#: options.php:274
msgid "Alternate"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:265
+#: options.php:278
msgid "Comment shrink"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:275
+#: options.php:288
msgid "Display author information at the end of the article?"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:276
+#: options.php:289
msgid "Check to enable"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:282
+#: options.php:295
msgid "Paging mode"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:287
+#: options.php:300
msgid "Ajax load"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:288
+#: options.php:301
msgid "Previous and next page"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:292
+#: options.php:305
msgid "Automatically load the next page"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:293
+#: options.php:306
msgid ""
"(seconds) Set to automatically load the next page time, the default is not "
"automatically loaded"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:298
+#: options.php:311
msgid "0"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:306
+#: options.php:319
msgid "8"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:307
+#: options.php:320
msgid "9"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:308
+#: options.php:321
msgid "10"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:309
+#: options.php:322
msgid "Do not load automatically"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:313
+#: options.php:326
msgid "Blogger description"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:314
+#: options.php:327
msgid "A self-described statement"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:320
+#: options.php:333
msgid "Footer info"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:321
+#: options.php:334
msgid "Footer description, support for HTML code"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:327
+#: options.php:340
msgid "Google analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:328
+#: options.php:341
msgid "UA-xxxxx-x"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:334
+#: options.php:347
msgid "CNZZ Statistics (not recommand)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:335
+#: options.php:348
msgid "Statistics code, which will be invisible in web page."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:341
+#: options.php:354
msgid "Customize CSS styles"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:342
+#: options.php:355
msgid "Fill in the CSS code directly, no need to write style tags"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:349
+#: options.php:362
msgid "First screen"
msgstr "Above The Fold"
-#: options.php:353
+#: options.php:366
msgid "Main switch"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:354 options.php:398
+#: options.php:367 options.php:411
msgid "Default on, check off"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:360
+#: options.php:373
msgid "Social information"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:361
+#: options.php:374
msgid "Enable by default, check off, display avatar, signature, SNS"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:367
+#: options.php:380
msgid "Social information style"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:372
+#: options.php:385
msgid "Merge with signature"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:373
+#: options.php:386
msgid "Independent line"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:377
-msgid "Cover manifest"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:378
+#: options.php:391
msgid "Select how to call the cover random image"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:383
+#: options.php:396
msgid "webp images (optimization)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:384
+#: options.php:397
msgid "built-in api (default)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:385
-msgid "custom api (advanced)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:390
-msgid "Cover images url"
-msgstr "Remove image"
-#: options.php:391
+#: options.php:404
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Fill in the manifest path for random picture display, please refer to here, note we only need the Client ID here."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:787
+msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:788
+msgid ""
+"Register your application here."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:794
+msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:795
+msgid "Get your API key here: "
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:801
+msgid "Chevereto URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:802
+msgid ""
+"Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:808
+msgid "Comment images proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:809
+msgid ""
+"A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:815
+msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:816
+msgid ""
+"A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with "
+"Nginx, following my turtal. This feature is mainly for Chinese who "
+"cannot access to Imgur due to the GFW. The default and official setting is "
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:822
+msgid "Comments reply notification"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:823
+msgid ""
+"WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply "
+"by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply "
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:829
+msgid "Administrator comment notification"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:830
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive "
+"a reply"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:836
+msgid "Enable private comment"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:837
+msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:843
+msgid "Human verification"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:844
+msgid "Enable human verification"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:850
+msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:851
+msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:856
+msgid "Off (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:857
+msgid "use redirect (general security)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:858
+msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:859
+msgid "fetch data at backend (high security,slow)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:863
+msgid "Comment UA infomation"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:864
+msgid ""
+"Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:870
+msgid "Comment location infomation"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:871
+msgid "Check to enable, display the user's location info"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:877
+msgid "Enable disqus"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:878
+msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:884
+msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:885
+msgid ""
+"If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an "
+"integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - "
+"the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:891
msgid "Dashboard configuration"
msgstr "Dashboard"
-#: options.php:750
+#: options.php:896
msgid "Dashboard panel custom color scheme"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:751
+#: options.php:897
msgid ""
"You can design the dashboard panel (/wp-admin/) style yourself below, but "
"before you start, please go to here to "
@@ -1206,79 +1371,79 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:757
+#: options.php:903
msgid "Panel main color A"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:760 options.php:768 options.php:776 options.php:784
+#: options.php:906 options.php:914 options.php:922 options.php:930
msgid ""
"(array) (optional) An array of CSS color definitions which are used "
"to give the user a feel for the theme."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:765
+#: options.php:911
msgid "Panel main color B"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:773
+#: options.php:919
msgid "Panel main color C"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:781
+#: options.php:927
msgid "Panel main color D"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:789
+#: options.php:935
msgid "Panel icon color——base"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:792 options.php:800 options.php:808
+#: options.php:938 options.php:946 options.php:954
msgid ""
"(array) (optional) An array of CSS color definitions used to color "
"any SVG icons."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:797
+#: options.php:943
msgid "Panel icon color——focus"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:805
+#: options.php:951
msgid "Panel icon color——current"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:813
+#: options.php:959
msgid "Other custom panel styles(CSS)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:814
+#: options.php:960
msgid "If you need to adjust other styles of the panel, put the style here."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:820
+#: options.php:966
msgid "Login interface background image"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:821
+#: options.php:967
msgid "Use the default image if left this blank"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:826
+#: options.php:972
msgid "Login interface logo"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:827
+#: options.php:973
msgid "Used for login interface display"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:833
+#: options.php:979
msgid "Login/registration related settings"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:840
+#: options.php:986
msgid "Specify login address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:841
+#: options.php:987
msgid ""
"Forcibly do not use the background address to log in, fill in the new "
"landing page address, such as http://www.xxx.com/login [Note] Before you "
@@ -1286,82 +1451,82 @@ msgid ""
"background or other problems happening"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:847
+#: options.php:993
msgid "Specify registered address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:848
+#: options.php:994
msgid "This link is used on the login page as a registration entry"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:854
+#: options.php:1000
msgid "Allow users to register"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:855
+#: options.php:1001
msgid "Check to allow users to register at the frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:861
+#: options.php:1007
msgid "Automatically redirect after login"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:862
+#: options.php:1008
msgid ""
"After checken, the administrator redirects to the background and the user "
"redirects to the home page."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:868
+#: options.php:1014
msgid "Registration verification (frontend only, backend forced open)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:869
+#: options.php:1015
msgid "Check to enable slide verification"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:876
+#: options.php:1022
msgid "CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:880
+#: options.php:1026
msgid "Images CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:881
+#: options.php:1027
msgid ""
"Note: Fill in the format http(s)://your CDN domain name/.
In other "
"words, the original path is http://your.domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx."
"png and the picture will load from http://your CDN domain/2018/05/xx.png"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:887
+#: options.php:1033
msgid "Use the front-end library locally (lib.js、lib.css)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:888
+#: options.php:1034
msgid "The front-end library don't load from jsDelivr, not recommand"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:894
+#: options.php:1040
msgid "Use js and css file of the theme (sakura-app.js、style.css) locally"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:895
+#: options.php:1041
msgid ""
"The js and css files of the theme do not load from jsDelivr, please open "
"when DIY"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:902
+#: options.php:1048
msgid "Others"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:906
+#: options.php:1052
msgid "About"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:907
+#: options.php:1053
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Theme Sakura v %s | Theme "
@@ -1371,408 +1536,233 @@ msgid ""
"square\" alt=\"GitHub release\">"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:913
+#: options.php:1059
msgid "Check for Updates"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:925
+#: options.php:1071
msgid "Footer float music player"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:926
+#: options.php:1072
msgid "Choose which platform you'll use."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:931
+#: options.php:1077
msgid "Netease Cloud Music (default)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:932
+#: options.php:1078
msgid "Xiami Music"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:933
+#: options.php:1079
msgid "KuGou Music"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:934
+#: options.php:1080
msgid "Baidu Music"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:935
+#: options.php:1081
msgid "QQ Music (may fail) "
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:936
+#: options.php:1082
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:940
+#: options.php:1086
msgid "Song list ID"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:941
+#: options.php:1087
msgid ""
"Fill in the \"song list\" ID, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?"
"id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:947
+#: options.php:1093
msgid "Netease Cloud Music cookie"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:948
+#: options.php:1094
msgid ""
"For Netease Cloud Music, fill in your vip account's cookies if you want to "
"play special tracks.If you don't know what does mean, left it blank."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:954
+#: options.php:1100
msgid "Version Control"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:955
+#: options.php:1101
msgid ""
"Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:961
+#: options.php:1107
msgid "Enable PJAX (recommand on)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:962
+#: options.php:1108
msgid "The principle is the same as Ajax"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:968
+#: options.php:1114
msgid "Enable NProgress progress bar"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:969 options.php:976 options.php:983
+#: options.php:1115 options.php:1122 options.php:1129
msgid "Default off, check on"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:975
+#: options.php:1121
msgid "Enable sidebar widget"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:982
+#: options.php:1128
msgid "Enable Announcement"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:989
+#: options.php:1135
msgid "Announcement content"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:990
+#: options.php:1136
msgid ""
"Announcement content, the text exceeds 142 bytes will be scrolled display "
"(mobile device is invalid)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:995
+#: options.php:1141
msgid "Bilibili UID"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:996
+#: options.php:1142
msgid ""
"Fill in your UID, eg.https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/, only fill in with "
"the number part."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1002
+#: options.php:1148
msgid "Bilibili Cookie"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1003
+#: options.php:1149
msgid ""
"Fill in your Cookies, go to your bilibili homepage, you can get cookies in "
"brownser network pannel with pressing F12. If left this blank, you'll not "
"get the progress."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1008
+#: options.php:1154
msgid "The categories of articles that don't not show on homepage"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1009 options.php:1016
+#: options.php:1155 options.php:1162
msgid "Fill in category ID, multiple IDs are divided by a comma \",\""
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1015
+#: options.php:1161
msgid "Images category"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1022
+#: options.php:1168
msgid "Statistics Interface"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1027
+#: options.php:1173
msgid ""
"WP-Statistics plugin (Professional statistics, can exclude invalid access)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1028
+#: options.php:1174
msgid "Theme built-in (simple statistics, calculate each page access request)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1032
+#: options.php:1178
msgid "Statistical data display format"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1037
+#: options.php:1183
msgid "23333 Views (default)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1038
+#: options.php:1184
msgid "23,333 Views (britain)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1039
+#: options.php:1185
msgid "23 333 Views (french)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1040
+#: options.php:1186
msgid "23k Views (chinese)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1044
-msgid "Gravatar avatar proxy"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1045
-msgid ""
-"A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it "
-"blank if you do not need."
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1051
-msgid "Comment image upload API"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1056
-msgid "Imgur (https://imgur.com)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1057
-msgid "SM.MS (https://sm.ms)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1058
-msgid "Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1062
-msgid "Imgur Client ID"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1063
-msgid ""
-"Register your application here, note we only need the Client ID here."
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1069
-msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1070
-msgid ""
-"Register your application here."
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1076
-msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1077
-msgid "Get your API key here: "
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1083
-msgid "Chevereto URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1084
-msgid ""
-"Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto."
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1090
-msgid "Comment images proxy"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1091
-msgid ""
-"A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1097
-msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1098
-msgid ""
-"A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with "
-"Nginx, following my turtal. This feature is mainly for Chinese who "
-"cannot access to Imgur due to the GFW. The default and official setting is "
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1104
+#: options.php:1190
msgid "Enable live search"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1105
+#: options.php:1191
msgid ""
"Real-time search in the foreground, call the Rest API to update the cache "
"every hour, you can manually set the cache time in api.php"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1111
+#: options.php:1197
msgid "Include comments in live search"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1112
+#: options.php:1198
msgid ""
"Search for comments in real-time search (not recommended if there are too "
"many comments on the site)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1118
+#: options.php:1204
msgid "Enable baguetteBox"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1119
+#: options.php:1205
msgid ""
"Default off,please read wiki"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1125
+#: options.php:1211
msgid "Enable lazyload in posts"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1132
+#: options.php:1218
msgid "lazyload spinner"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1133
+#: options.php:1219
msgid "The placeholder to display when the image loads, fill in the image url"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1139
+#: options.php:1225
msgid "Whether to enable the clipboard copyright"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1140
+#: options.php:1226
msgid ""
"Automatically add a copyright to the clipboard when copying more than 30 "
"bytes, which is enabled by default."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1146
+#: options.php:1232
msgid "Email address prefix"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1147
+#: options.php:1233
msgid ""
"For sending system mail, the sender address displayed in the user's mailbox, "
"do not use Chinese, the default system email address is bibi@your_domain_name"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1153
-msgid "Comments reply notification"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1154
-msgid ""
-"WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply "
-"by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply "
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1160
-msgid "Administrator comment notification"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1161
-msgid ""
-"Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive "
-"a reply"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1167
-msgid "Enable private comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1168
-msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1174
-msgid "Human verification"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1175
-msgid "Enable human verification"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1181
-msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1182
-msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1187
-msgid "Off (default)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1188
-msgid "use redirect (general security)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1189
-msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1190
-msgid "fetch data at backend (high security,slow)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1194
-msgid "Comment UA infomation"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1195
-msgid ""
-"Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1201
-msgid "Enable disqus"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1202
-msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1208
-msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1209
-msgid ""
-"If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an "
-"integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - "
-"the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)"
-msgstr ""
#: search.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "search result: %s"
@@ -1782,17 +1772,17 @@ msgstr "Search result: %s"
msgid "NOTHING"
msgstr ""
-#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:56
+#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:43
#: tpl/content.php:34
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
-#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:56
+#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:43
#: tpl/content.php:34
msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: tpl/content-image.php:38 tpl/content-status.php:34 tpl/content-thumb.php:55
+#: tpl/content-image.php:38 tpl/content-status.php:34 tpl/content-thumb.php:42
#: tpl/content.php:37
msgid "Hit"
msgid_plural "Hits"
diff --git a/languages/sakura.pot b/languages/sakura.pot
index 8137f778..b585a2c5 100644
--- a/languages/sakura.pot
+++ b/languages/sakura.pot
@@ -3,42 +3,40 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Sakura\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-06 17:55+0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-06 17:39+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-01 14:27+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n"
"X-Poedit-WPHeader: style.css\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;"
+"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
-#: 404.php:17
+#: 404.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "page %s"
msgstr ""
-#: 404.php:46
+#: 404.php:47
msgid "return to previous page"
msgstr ""
-#: 404.php:47
+#: 404.php:48
msgid "return to home page"
msgstr ""
-#: 404.php:50
+#: 404.php:51
msgid "Don't worry, search in site?"
msgstr ""
-#: 404.php:53 footer.php:62 search.php:42
+#: 404.php:54 footer.php:62 search.php:42
msgid "Search..."
msgstr ""
@@ -126,15 +124,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Site"
msgstr ""
-#: footer.php:75 footer.php:83
+#: footer.php:76 footer.php:84
msgid "Want to find something?"
msgstr ""
-#: footer.php:85
+#: footer.php:86
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
-#: footer.php:144
+#: footer.php:145
msgid "Widgets"
msgstr ""
@@ -142,7 +140,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Nav Menus"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:423 inc/theme_plus.php:186 layouts/authorprofile.php:11 options.php:121
+#: functions.php:423 inc/theme_plus.php:186 layouts/authorprofile.php:11
+#: options.php:121
msgid "Author"
msgstr ""
@@ -171,48 +170,43 @@ msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: functions.php:527
-msgid ""
-"Please install pulgin WP-Statistics"
+msgid "Please install pulgin WP-Statistics"
msgstr ""
#: functions.php:577
msgid "This guy is so lazy ╮(╯▽╰)╭"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1334
+#: functions.php:1335
msgid "All expand/collapse"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1355 options.php:834
+#: functions.php:1356 options.php:980
msgid " "
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1359
+#: functions.php:1360
msgid " post(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1382 functions.php:1385 inc/theme_plus.php:478
+#: functions.php:1383 functions.php:1386 inc/theme_plus.php:478
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1611
+#: functions.php:1612
msgid "ERROR: This email domain (@"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1716
+#: functions.php:1717
msgid "QQ"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1788
+#: functions.php:1779
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1900
-msgid ""
-" For a better experience, please do not set "
-"permalink as plain. To do this, you may need to configure pseudo-static . b>"
+#: functions.php:1892
+msgid " For a better experience, please do not set permalink as plain. To do this, you may need to configure pseudo-static . b>"
msgstr ""
#: header.php:35
@@ -224,7 +218,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "category/tag image"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/categories-images.php:48 inc/categories-images.php:68 inc/categories-images.php:197
+#: inc/categories-images.php:48 inc/categories-images.php:68
+#: inc/categories-images.php:197
msgid "add image"
msgstr ""
@@ -244,7 +239,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The comment is private"
msgstr ""
-#: inc/options-framework.php:182 inc/options-framework.php:183 inc/options-framework.php:412
+#: inc/options-framework.php:182 inc/options-framework.php:183
+#: inc/options-framework.php:412
msgid "Sakura Options"
msgstr ""
@@ -403,8 +399,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Sign out? "
msgstr ""
-#: inc/theme_plus.php:298 inc/theme_plus.php:353 inc/theme_plus.php:421 tpl/content-single.php:16
-#: tpl/single-image.php:18
+#: inc/theme_plus.php:298 inc/theme_plus.php:353 inc/theme_plus.php:421
+#: tpl/content-single.php:16 tpl/single-image.php:18
msgid "View"
msgid_plural "Views"
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -435,31 +431,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "View comments"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:34 options.php:45 options.php:299
+#: options.php:34 options.php:45 options.php:312
msgid "1"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:35 options.php:46 options.php:300
+#: options.php:35 options.php:46 options.php:313
msgid "2"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:36 options.php:47 options.php:301
+#: options.php:36 options.php:47 options.php:314
msgid "3"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:37 options.php:48 options.php:302
+#: options.php:37 options.php:48 options.php:315
msgid "4"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:38 options.php:49 options.php:303
+#: options.php:38 options.php:49 options.php:316
msgid "5"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:39 options.php:304
+#: options.php:39 options.php:317
msgid "6"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:40 options.php:305
+#: options.php:40 options.php:318
msgid "7"
msgstr ""
@@ -492,1249 +488,1163 @@ msgid "Theme scheme tool transparency"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Adjust the theme scheme menu transparency, the smaller the value, the more transparent. The "
-"default value is 0.8"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:142
-msgid "Transparent"
+msgid "Adjust the theme scheme menu transparency, fill in decimals between 0 and 1, the smaller the value, the more transparent. The default value is 0.8"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:143
-msgid "Transparency 0.1"
+msgid "Change web background"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:144
-msgid "Transparency 0.2"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:145
-msgid "Transparency 0.3"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:146
-msgid "Transparency 0.4"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:147
-msgid "Transparency 0.5"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:148
-msgid "Transparency 0.6"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:149
-msgid "Transparency 0.7"
+msgid "The foreground switches the background of the webpage. There are 8 urls separated by commas. The order corresponds to the foreground scheme tool button position (the order of the buttons is from left to right, top to bottom). If no background is needed, fill in the corresponding position as none.Note: If the theme is updated from v3.2.3 and below, be sure to change the [Version Control] parameter under the [Other] tab of this configuration page to any new value!"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:150
-msgid "Transparency 0.8"
+msgid "Darkmode"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:151
-msgid "Transparency 0.9"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:152
-msgid "Opaque"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:156
-msgid "Change web background"
+msgid "Automatically turn on dark mode from 10:00 p.m. to 06:00 a.m."
msgstr ""
#: options.php:157
-msgid ""
-"The foreground switches the background of the webpage. There are 8 urls separated by commas. "
-"The order corresponds to the foreground scheme tool button position (the order of the buttons "
-"is from left to right, top to bottom). If no background is needed, fill in the corresponding "
-"position as none.Note: If the theme is updated from v3.2.3 and below, be sure to "
-"change the [Version Control] parameter under the [Other] tab of this configuration page to any "
-"new value!"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:163
msgid "Personal avatar"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:164
+#: options.php:158
msgid "The best size is 130px*130px."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:169
+#: options.php:163
msgid "Text LOGO"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:170
-msgid ""
-"The home page does not display the avatar above, but displays a paragraph of text (use the "
-"avatar above if left blank).The text is recommended not to be too long, about 16 bytes is "
+#: options.php:164
+msgid "The home page does not display the avatar above, but displays a paragraph of text (use the avatar above if left blank).The text is recommended not to be too long, about 16 bytes is appropriate."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:176
+#: options.php:170
msgid "logo"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:177
+#: options.php:171
msgid "The best height size is 40px。"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:182
+#: options.php:176
msgid "Favicon"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:183
+#: options.php:177
msgid "It is the small logo on the browser tab, fill in the url"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:189
+#: options.php:183
msgid "Custom keywords and descriptions "
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:190
+#: options.php:184
msgid "Customize keywords and descriptions after opening"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:196
+#: options.php:190
msgid "Site keywords"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:197
+#: options.php:191
msgid "Each keyword is divided by a comma \",\" and the number is within 5."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:203
+#: options.php:197
msgid "Site descriptions"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:204
+#: options.php:198
msgid "Describe the site in concise text, with a maximum of 120 words."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:210
+#: options.php:204
msgid "Expand the nav menu"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:211
+#: options.php:205
msgid "Check to enable, default shrink"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:217
+#: options.php:211
msgid "Head decoration"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:218
-msgid ""
-"Enable by default, check off, display on the article page, separate page and category page"
+#: options.php:212
+msgid "Enable by default, check off, display on the article page, separate page and category page"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:224
+#: options.php:218
msgid "Search button"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:229 options.php:270 options.php:574 options.php:584 options.php:594
-#: options.php:604
+#: options.php:223 options.php:283 options.php:587 options.php:597
+#: options.php:607 options.php:617
msgid "Open"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:230 options.php:271 options.php:575 options.php:585 options.php:595
-#: options.php:605
+#: options.php:224 options.php:284 options.php:588 options.php:598
+#: options.php:608 options.php:618
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:234
+#: options.php:228
msgid "Home article style"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:239
+#: options.php:233
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:240
+#: options.php:234
msgid "Graphic"
msgstr ""
+#: options.php:238 options.php:390
+msgid "Cover manifest"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:239
+msgid "Select how to call the post featue image, only for the post without feature image"
+msgstr ""
#: options.php:244
+msgid "same as the cover of the first screen (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:245 options.php:398
+msgid "custom api (advanced)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:250 options.php:403
+msgid "Cover images url"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:251
+msgid "Fill in the custom image api url."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:257
msgid "Home article feature images (only valid for standard mode)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:249
+#: options.php:262
msgid "Round"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:250
+#: options.php:263
msgid "Square"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:254
-msgid ""
-"Home article feature images alignment (only for graphic mode, default left and right alternate)"
+#: options.php:267
+msgid "Home article feature images alignment (only for graphic mode, default left and right alternate)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:259
+#: options.php:272
msgid "Left"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:260
+#: options.php:273
msgid "Right"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:261
+#: options.php:274
msgid "Alternate"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:265
+#: options.php:278
msgid "Comment shrink"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:275
+#: options.php:288
msgid "Display author information at the end of the article?"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:276
+#: options.php:289
msgid "Check to enable"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:282
+#: options.php:295
msgid "Paging mode"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:287
+#: options.php:300
msgid "Ajax load"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:288
+#: options.php:301
msgid "Previous and next page"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:292
+#: options.php:305
msgid "Automatically load the next page"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:293
-msgid ""
-"(seconds) Set to automatically load the next page time, the default is not automatically loaded"
+#: options.php:306
+msgid "(seconds) Set to automatically load the next page time, the default is not automatically loaded"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:298
+#: options.php:311
msgid "0"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:306
+#: options.php:319
msgid "8"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:307
+#: options.php:320
msgid "9"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:308
+#: options.php:321
msgid "10"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:309
+#: options.php:322
msgid "Do not load automatically"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:313
+#: options.php:326
msgid "Blogger description"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:314
+#: options.php:327
msgid "A self-described statement"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:320
+#: options.php:333
msgid "Footer info"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:321
+#: options.php:334
msgid "Footer description, support for HTML code"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:327
+#: options.php:340
msgid "Google analytics"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:328
+#: options.php:341
msgid "UA-xxxxx-x"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:334
+#: options.php:347
msgid "CNZZ Statistics (not recommand)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:335
+#: options.php:348
msgid "Statistics code, which will be invisible in web page."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:341
+#: options.php:354
msgid "Customize CSS styles"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:342
+#: options.php:355
msgid "Fill in the CSS code directly, no need to write style tags"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:349
+#: options.php:362
msgid "First screen"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:353
+#: options.php:366
msgid "Main switch"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:354 options.php:398
+#: options.php:367 options.php:411
msgid "Default on, check off"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:360
+#: options.php:373
msgid "Social information"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:361
+#: options.php:374
msgid "Enable by default, check off, display avatar, signature, SNS"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:367
+#: options.php:380
msgid "Social information style"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:372
+#: options.php:385
msgid "Merge with signature"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:373
+#: options.php:386
msgid "Independent line"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:377
-msgid "Cover manifest"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:378
+#: options.php:391
msgid "Select how to call the cover random image"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:383
+#: options.php:396
msgid "webp images (optimization)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:384
+#: options.php:397
msgid "built-in api (default)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:385
-msgid "custom api (advanced)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:390
-msgid "Cover images url"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:391
+#: options.php:404
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Fill in the manifest path for random picture display, please refer to Wiki . If you select webp images above, click "
-"here to update manifest"
+msgid "Fill in the manifest path for random picture display, please refer to Wiki . If you select webp images above, click here to update manifest"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:397
+#: options.php:410
msgid "full-screen display"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:404
+#: options.php:417
msgid "Enable video"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:405
+#: options.php:418
msgid "Check on"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:411
+#: options.php:424
msgid "Live"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:412
+#: options.php:425
msgid "Check to enable, the video will continue to play automatically, you need to enable Pjax"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:418
+#: options.php:431
msgid "Video address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:419
-msgid ""
-"The source address of the video, the address is spliced below the video name, the slash is not "
-"required at the end of the address"
+#: options.php:432
+msgid "The source address of the video, the address is spliced below the video name, the slash is not required at the end of the address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:425
+#: options.php:438
msgid "Video name"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:426
-msgid ""
-"abc.mp4, just fill in the video file name abc, multiple videos separated by commas such as "
-"abc, efg, do not care about the order, because the loading is random extraction"
+#: options.php:439
+msgid "abc.mp4, just fill in the video file name abc, multiple videos separated by commas such as abc, efg, do not care about the order, because the loading is random extraction"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:432
+#: options.php:445
msgid "Background image filter"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:437
+#: options.php:450
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:438
+#: options.php:451
msgid "Undertint"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:439
+#: options.php:452
msgid "Dim"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:440
+#: options.php:453
msgid "Grid"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:441
+#: options.php:454
msgid "Dot"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:445
+#: options.php:458
msgid "Whether to turn on the top-feature"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:446 options.php:1126
+#: options.php:459 options.php:1212
msgid "Default on"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:452
+#: options.php:465
msgid "Top-feature style"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:457
+#: options.php:470
msgid "Alternate left and right"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:458
+#: options.php:471
msgid "From bottom to top"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:462
+#: options.php:475
msgid "Top-feature title"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:463
-msgid ""
-"Default is Discovery, you can also change it to other, of course you can't use it as an "
-"advertisement!Not allowed!!"
+#: options.php:476
+msgid "Default is Discovery, you can also change it to other, of course you can't use it as an advertisement!Not allowed!!"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:470
+#: options.php:483
msgid "Top-feature 1 image"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:471 options.php:499 options.php:527
+#: options.php:484 options.php:512 options.php:540
msgid "size 257px*160px"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:477 options.php:478
+#: options.php:490 options.php:491
msgid "Top-feature 1 title"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:484 options.php:485
+#: options.php:497 options.php:498
msgid "Top-feature 1 description"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:491 options.php:492
+#: options.php:504 options.php:505
msgid "Top-feature 1 link"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:498
+#: options.php:511
msgid "Top-feature 2 image"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:505 options.php:506
+#: options.php:518 options.php:519
msgid "Top-feature 2 title"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:512 options.php:513
+#: options.php:525 options.php:526
msgid "Top-feature 2 description"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:519 options.php:520
+#: options.php:532 options.php:533
msgid "Top-feature 2 link"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:526
+#: options.php:539
msgid "Top-feature 3 image"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:533 options.php:534
+#: options.php:546 options.php:547
msgid "Top-feature 3 title"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:540 options.php:541
+#: options.php:553 options.php:554
msgid "Top-feature 3 description"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:547 options.php:548
+#: options.php:560 options.php:561
msgid "Top-feature 3 link"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:555
+#: options.php:568
msgid "Post page"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:559
+#: options.php:572
msgid "Post style"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:564
+#: options.php:577
msgid "Sakura"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:565 options.php:660
+#: options.php:578 options.php:673
msgid "GitHub"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:569
+#: options.php:582
msgid "Post like"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:579
+#: options.php:592
msgid "Post share"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:589
+#: options.php:602
msgid "Previous and Next"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:599
+#: options.php:612
msgid "Author profile"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:609
+#: options.php:622
msgid "Alipay reward"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:610
+#: options.php:623
msgid "Alipay qrcode"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:615
+#: options.php:628
msgid "Wechat reward"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:616
+#: options.php:629
msgid "Wechat qrcode "
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:622
+#: options.php:635
msgid "Social network"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:626
+#: options.php:639
msgid "Wechat"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:627
+#: options.php:640
msgid "Wechat qrcode"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:632
+#: options.php:645
msgid "Sina Weibo"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:633
+#: options.php:646
msgid "Sina Weibo address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:639
+#: options.php:652
msgid "Tencent QQ"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:640
+#: options.php:653
msgid "tencent://message/?uin={{QQ number}}. for example, tencent://message/?uin=123456"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:646
+#: options.php:659
msgid "Telegram"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:647
+#: options.php:660
msgid "Telegram link"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:653
+#: options.php:666
msgid "Qzone"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:654
+#: options.php:667
msgid "Qzone address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:661
+#: options.php:674
msgid "GitHub address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:667
+#: options.php:680
msgid "Lofter"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:668
+#: options.php:681
msgid "Lofter address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:674
+#: options.php:687
msgid "BiliBili"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:675
+#: options.php:688
msgid "BiliBili address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:681
+#: options.php:694
msgid "Youku video"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:682
+#: options.php:695
msgid "Youku video address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:688
+#: options.php:701
msgid "Netease Cloud Music"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:689
+#: options.php:702
msgid "Netease Cloud Music address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:695
+#: options.php:708
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:696
+#: options.php:709
msgid "Twitter address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:702
+#: options.php:715
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:703
+#: options.php:716
msgid "Facebook address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:709
+#: options.php:722
msgid "Jianshu"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:710
+#: options.php:723
msgid "Jianshu address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:716
+#: options.php:729
msgid "CSDN"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:717
+#: options.php:730
msgid "CSND community address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:723
+#: options.php:736
msgid "Zhihu"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:724
+#: options.php:737
msgid "Zhihu address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:730
+#: options.php:743
msgid "Email-name"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:731
-msgid ""
-"The name part of name@domain.com, only the frontend has js runtime environment can get the "
-"full address, you can rest assured to fill in"
+#: options.php:744
+msgid "The name part of name@domain.com, only the frontend has js runtime environment can get the full address, you can rest assured to fill in"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:737
+#: options.php:750
msgid "Email-domain"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:738
+#: options.php:751
msgid "The domain.com part of name@domain.com"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:745
-msgid "Dashboard configuration"
+#: options.php:758
+msgid "Comment field"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:750
-msgid "Dashboard panel custom color scheme"
+#: options.php:762
+msgid "Gravatar avatar proxy"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:751
-msgid ""
-"You can design the dashboard panel (/wp-admin/) style yourself below, but before you start, "
-"please go to here to change the color scheme to custom."
Tip: How to match colors? Maybe this can help you."
+#: options.php:763
+msgid "A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it blank if you do not need."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:757
-msgid "Panel main color A"
+#: options.php:769
+msgid "Comment image upload API"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:760 options.php:768 options.php:776 options.php:784
-msgid ""
-"(array) (optional) An array of CSS color definitions which are used to give the user a "
-"feel for the theme."
+#: options.php:774
+msgid "Imgur (https://imgur.com)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:765
-msgid "Panel main color B"
+#: options.php:775
+msgid "SM.MS (https://sm.ms)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:773
-msgid "Panel main color C"
+#: options.php:776
+msgid "Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:780
+msgid "Imgur Client ID"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:781
-msgid "Panel main color D"
+msgid "Register your application here, note we only need the Client ID here."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:789
-msgid "Panel icon color——base"
+#: options.php:787
+msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:792 options.php:800 options.php:808
-msgid "(array) (optional) An array of CSS color definitions used to color any SVG icons."
+#: options.php:788
+msgid "Register your application here."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:797
-msgid "Panel icon color——focus"
+#: options.php:794
+msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:805
-msgid "Panel icon color——current"
+#: options.php:795
+msgid "Get your API key here: "
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:813
-msgid "Other custom panel styles(CSS)"
+#: options.php:801
+msgid "Chevereto URL"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:814
-msgid "If you need to adjust other styles of the panel, put the style here."
+#: options.php:802
+msgid "Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto.com"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:820
-msgid "Login interface background image"
+#: options.php:808
+msgid "Comment images proxy"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:821
-msgid "Use the default image if left this blank"
+#: options.php:809
+msgid "A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:826
-msgid "Login interface logo"
+#: options.php:815
+msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:827
-msgid "Used for login interface display"
+#: options.php:816
+msgid "A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with Nginx, following my turtal. This feature is mainly for Chinese who cannot access to Imgur due to the GFW. The default and official setting is 【https://api.imgur.com/3/image/】"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:833
-msgid "Login/registration related settings"
+#: options.php:822
+msgid "Comments reply notification"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:840
-msgid "Specify login address"
+#: options.php:823
+msgid "WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply notification"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Forcibly do not use the background address to log in, fill in the new landing page address, "
-"such as http://www.xxx.com/login [Note] Before you fill out, test your new page can be opened "
-"normally, so as not to enter the background or other problems happening"
+#: options.php:829
+msgid "Administrator comment notification"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:847
-msgid "Specify registered address"
+#: options.php:830
+msgid "Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive a reply"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:848
-msgid "This link is used on the login page as a registration entry"
+#: options.php:836
+msgid "Enable private comment"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:854
-msgid "Allow users to register"
+#: options.php:837
+msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:855
-msgid "Check to allow users to register at the frontend"
+#: options.php:843
+msgid "Human verification"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:861
-msgid "Automatically redirect after login"
+#: options.php:844
+msgid "Enable human verification"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:862
-msgid ""
-"After checken, the administrator redirects to the background and the user redirects to the "
-"home page."
+#: options.php:850
+msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:868
-msgid "Registration verification (frontend only, backend forced open)"
+#: options.php:851
+msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:869
-msgid "Check to enable slide verification"
+#: options.php:856
+msgid "Off (default)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:876
-msgid "CDN"
+#: options.php:857
+msgid "use redirect (general security)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:880
-msgid "Images CDN"
+#: options.php:858
+msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:881
-msgid ""
-"Note: Fill in the format http(s)://your CDN domain name/.
In other words, the original "
-"path is http://your.domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx.png and the picture will load from "
-"http://your CDN domain/2018/05/xx.png"
+#: options.php:859
+msgid "fetch data at backend (high security,slow)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:887
-msgid "Use the front-end library locally (lib.js、lib.css)"
+#: options.php:863
+msgid "Comment UA infomation"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:888
-msgid "The front-end library don't load from jsDelivr, not recommand"
+#: options.php:864
+msgid "Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:894
-msgid "Use js and css file of the theme (sakura-app.js、style.css) locally"
+#: options.php:870
+msgid "Comment location infomation"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:895
-msgid "The js and css files of the theme do not load from jsDelivr, please open when DIY"
+#: options.php:871
+msgid "Check to enable, display the user's location info"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:902
-msgid "Others"
+#: options.php:877
+msgid "Enable disqus"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:906
-msgid "About"
+#: options.php:878
+msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:907
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Theme Sakura v %s | Theme document | Source code"
+#: options.php:884
+msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:913
-msgid "Check for Updates"
+#: options.php:885
+msgid "If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:925
-msgid "Footer float music player"
+#: options.php:891
+msgid "Dashboard configuration"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:926
-msgid "Choose which platform you'll use."
+#: options.php:896
+msgid "Dashboard panel custom color scheme"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:931
-msgid "Netease Cloud Music (default)"
+#: options.php:897
+msgid "You can design the dashboard panel (/wp-admin/) style yourself below, but before you start, please go to here to change the color scheme to custom.(Custom).
Tip: How to match colors? Maybe this can help you."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:932
-msgid "Xiami Music"
+#: options.php:903
+msgid "Panel main color A"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:933
-msgid "KuGou Music"
+#: options.php:906 options.php:914 options.php:922 options.php:930
+msgid "(array) (optional) An array of CSS color definitions which are used to give the user a feel for the theme."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:934
-msgid "Baidu Music"
+#: options.php:911
+msgid "Panel main color B"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:935
-msgid "QQ Music (may fail) "
+#: options.php:919
+msgid "Panel main color C"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:936
-msgid "Off"
+#: options.php:927
+msgid "Panel main color D"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:940
-msgid "Song list ID"
+#: options.php:935
+msgid "Panel icon color——base"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:941
-msgid ""
-"Fill in the \"song list\" ID, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2288037900 The ID is "
+#: options.php:938 options.php:946 options.php:954
+msgid "(array) (optional) An array of CSS color definitions used to color any SVG icons."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:947
-msgid "Netease Cloud Music cookie"
+#: options.php:943
+msgid "Panel icon color——focus"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:948
-msgid ""
-"For Netease Cloud Music, fill in your vip account's cookies if you want to play special tracks."
-"If you don't know what does mean, left it blank."
+#: options.php:951
+msgid "Panel icon color——current"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:954
-msgid "Version Control"
+#: options.php:959
+msgid "Other custom panel styles(CSS)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:955
-msgid "Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used"
+#: options.php:960
+msgid "If you need to adjust other styles of the panel, put the style here."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:961
-msgid "Enable PJAX (recommand on)"
+#: options.php:966
+msgid "Login interface background image"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:962
-msgid "The principle is the same as Ajax"
+#: options.php:967
+msgid "Use the default image if left this blank"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:968
-msgid "Enable NProgress progress bar"
+#: options.php:972
+msgid "Login interface logo"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:969 options.php:976 options.php:983
-msgid "Default off, check on"
+#: options.php:973
+msgid "Used for login interface display"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:975
-msgid "Enable sidebar widget"
+#: options.php:979
+msgid "Login/registration related settings"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:982
-msgid "Enable Announcement"
+#: options.php:986
+msgid "Specify login address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:989
-msgid "Announcement content"
+#: options.php:987
+msgid "Forcibly do not use the background address to log in, fill in the new landing page address, such as http://www.xxx.com/login [Note] Before you fill out, test your new page can be opened normally, so as not to enter the background or other problems happening"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:990
-msgid ""
-"Announcement content, the text exceeds 142 bytes will be scrolled display (mobile device is "
+#: options.php:993
+msgid "Specify registered address"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:995
-msgid "Bilibili UID"
+#: options.php:994
+msgid "This link is used on the login page as a registration entry"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:996
-msgid ""
-"Fill in your UID, eg.https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/, only fill in with the number part."
+#: options.php:1000
+msgid "Allow users to register"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1002
-msgid "Bilibili Cookie"
+#: options.php:1001
+msgid "Check to allow users to register at the frontend"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1003
-msgid ""
-"Fill in your Cookies, go to your bilibili homepage, you can get cookies in brownser network "
-"pannel with pressing F12. If left this blank, you'll not get the progress."
+#: options.php:1007
+msgid "Automatically redirect after login"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1008
-msgid "The categories of articles that don't not show on homepage"
+msgid "After checken, the administrator redirects to the background and the user redirects to the home page."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1009 options.php:1016
-msgid "Fill in category ID, multiple IDs are divided by a comma \",\""
+#: options.php:1014
+msgid "Registration verification (frontend only, backend forced open)"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1015
-msgid "Images category"
+msgid "Check to enable slide verification"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1022
-msgid "Statistics Interface"
+msgid "CDN"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:1026
+msgid "Images CDN"
msgstr ""
#: options.php:1027
-msgid "WP-Statistics plugin (Professional statistics, can exclude invalid access)"
+msgid "Note: Fill in the format http(s)://your CDN domain name/.
In other words, the original path is http://your.domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx.png and the picture will load from http://your CDN domain/2018/05/xx.png"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1028
-msgid "Theme built-in (simple statistics, calculate each page access request)"
+#: options.php:1033
+msgid "Use the front-end library locally (lib.js、lib.css)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1032
-msgid "Statistical data display format"
+#: options.php:1034
+msgid "The front-end library don't load from jsDelivr, not recommand"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1037
-msgid "23333 Views (default)"
+#: options.php:1040
+msgid "Use js and css file of the theme (sakura-app.js、style.css) locally"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1038
-msgid "23,333 Views (britain)"
+#: options.php:1041
+msgid "The js and css files of the theme do not load from jsDelivr, please open when DIY"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1039
-msgid "23 333 Views (french)"
+#: options.php:1048
+msgid "Others"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1040
-msgid "23k Views (chinese)"
+#: options.php:1052
+msgid "About"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1044
-msgid "Gravatar avatar proxy"
+#: options.php:1053
+#, php-format
+msgid "Theme Sakura v %s | Theme document | Source code"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1045
-msgid ""
-"A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it blank if you do not "
+#: options.php:1059
+msgid "Check for Updates"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1051
-msgid "Comment image upload API"
+#: options.php:1071
+msgid "Footer float music player"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1056
-msgid "Imgur (https://imgur.com)"
+#: options.php:1072
+msgid "Choose which platform you'll use."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1057
-msgid "SM.MS (https://sm.ms)"
+#: options.php:1077
+msgid "Netease Cloud Music (default)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1058
-msgid "Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)"
+#: options.php:1078
+msgid "Xiami Music"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1062
-msgid "Imgur Client ID"
+#: options.php:1079
+msgid "KuGou Music"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1063
-msgid ""
-"Register your application here, note we "
-"only need the Client ID here."
+#: options.php:1080
+msgid "Baidu Music"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1069
-msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
+#: options.php:1081
+msgid "QQ Music (may fail) "
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1070
-msgid "Register your application here."
+#: options.php:1082
+msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1076
-msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
+#: options.php:1086
+msgid "Song list ID"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1077
-msgid "Get your API key here: "
+#: options.php:1087
+msgid "Fill in the \"song list\" ID, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1083
-msgid "Chevereto URL"
+#: options.php:1093
+msgid "Netease Cloud Music cookie"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1084
-msgid "Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto.com"
+#: options.php:1094
+msgid "For Netease Cloud Music, fill in your vip account's cookies if you want to play special tracks.If you don't know what does mean, left it blank."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1090
-msgid "Comment images proxy"
+#: options.php:1100
+msgid "Version Control"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1091
-msgid "A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
+#: options.php:1101
+msgid "Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1097
-msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
+#: options.php:1107
+msgid "Enable PJAX (recommand on)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1098
-msgid ""
-"A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with Nginx, following my turtal. "
-"This feature is mainly for Chinese who cannot access to Imgur due to the GFW. The default and "
-"official setting is 【https://api.imgur.com/3/image/"
+#: options.php:1108
+msgid "The principle is the same as Ajax"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1104
-msgid "Enable live search"
+#: options.php:1114
+msgid "Enable NProgress progress bar"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1105
-msgid ""
-"Real-time search in the foreground, call the Rest API to update the cache every hour, you can "
-"manually set the cache time in api.php"
+#: options.php:1115 options.php:1122 options.php:1129
+msgid "Default off, check on"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1111
-msgid "Include comments in live search"
+#: options.php:1121
+msgid "Enable sidebar widget"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1112
-msgid ""
-"Search for comments in real-time search (not recommended if there are too many comments on the "
+#: options.php:1128
+msgid "Enable Announcement"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1118
-msgid "Enable baguetteBox"
+#: options.php:1135
+msgid "Announcement content"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1119
-msgid ""
-"Default off,please read wiki"
+#: options.php:1136
+msgid "Announcement content, the text exceeds 142 bytes will be scrolled display (mobile device is invalid)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1125
-msgid "Enable lazyload in posts"
+#: options.php:1141
+msgid "Bilibili UID"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1132
-msgid "lazyload spinner"
+#: options.php:1142
+msgid "Fill in your UID, eg.https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/, only fill in with the number part."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1133
-msgid "The placeholder to display when the image loads, fill in the image url"
+#: options.php:1148
+msgid "Bilibili Cookie"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1139
-msgid "Whether to enable the clipboard copyright"
+#: options.php:1149
+msgid "Fill in your Cookies, go to your bilibili homepage, you can get cookies in brownser network pannel with pressing F12. If left this blank, you'll not get the progress."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1140
-msgid ""
-"Automatically add a copyright to the clipboard when copying more than 30 bytes, which is "
-"enabled by default."
+#: options.php:1154
+msgid "The categories of articles that don't not show on homepage"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1146
-msgid "Email address prefix"
+#: options.php:1155 options.php:1162
+msgid "Fill in category ID, multiple IDs are divided by a comma \",\""
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1147
-msgid ""
-"For sending system mail, the sender address displayed in the user's mailbox, do not use "
-"Chinese, the default system email address is bibi@your_domain_name"
+#: options.php:1161
+msgid "Images category"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1153
-msgid "Comments reply notification"
+#: options.php:1168
+msgid "Statistics Interface"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1154
-msgid ""
-"WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply by default. Tick "
-"this item allows users to set their own comments reply notification"
+#: options.php:1173
+msgid "WP-Statistics plugin (Professional statistics, can exclude invalid access)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1160
-msgid "Administrator comment notification"
+#: options.php:1174
+msgid "Theme built-in (simple statistics, calculate each page access request)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1161
-msgid "Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive a reply"
+#: options.php:1178
+msgid "Statistical data display format"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1167
-msgid "Enable private comment"
+#: options.php:1183
+msgid "23333 Views (default)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1168
-msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
+#: options.php:1184
+msgid "23,333 Views (britain)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1174
-msgid "Human verification"
+#: options.php:1185
+msgid "23 333 Views (french)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1175
-msgid "Enable human verification"
+#: options.php:1186
+msgid "23k Views (chinese)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1181
-msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
+#: options.php:1190
+msgid "Enable live search"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1182
-msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
+#: options.php:1191
+msgid "Real-time search in the foreground, call the Rest API to update the cache every hour, you can manually set the cache time in api.php"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1187
-msgid "Off (default)"
+#: options.php:1197
+msgid "Include comments in live search"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1188
-msgid "use redirect (general security)"
+#: options.php:1198
+msgid "Search for comments in real-time search (not recommended if there are too many comments on the site)"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1189
-msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
+#: options.php:1204
+msgid "Enable baguetteBox"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1190
-msgid "fetch data at backend (high security,slow)"
+#: options.php:1205
+msgid "Default off,please read wiki"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1194
-msgid "Comment UA infomation"
+#: options.php:1211
+msgid "Enable lazyload in posts"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1195
-msgid "Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
+#: options.php:1218
+msgid "lazyload spinner"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1201
-msgid "Enable disqus"
+#: options.php:1219
+msgid "The placeholder to display when the image loads, fill in the image url"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1202
-msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
+#: options.php:1225
+msgid "Whether to enable the clipboard copyright"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1208
-msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
+#: options.php:1226
+msgid "Automatically add a copyright to the clipboard when copying more than 30 bytes, which is enabled by default."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1209
-msgid ""
-"If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an integer, the calculation "
-"method: actual_time = display_error_time - the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)"
+#: options.php:1232
+msgid "Email address prefix"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:1233
+msgid "For sending system mail, the sender address displayed in the user's mailbox, do not use Chinese, the default system email address is bibi@your_domain_name"
msgstr ""
#: search.php:19
@@ -1746,15 +1656,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "NOTHING"
msgstr ""
-#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:56 tpl/content.php:34
+#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:43
+#: tpl/content.php:34
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
-#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:56 tpl/content.php:34
+#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:43
+#: tpl/content.php:34
msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""
-#: tpl/content-image.php:38 tpl/content-status.php:34 tpl/content-thumb.php:55 tpl/content.php:37
+#: tpl/content-image.php:38 tpl/content-status.php:34 tpl/content-thumb.php:42
+#: tpl/content.php:37
msgid "Hit"
msgid_plural "Hits"
msgstr[0] ""
@@ -1793,10 +1706,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Remember Me"
msgstr ""
-#: user/page-register.php:14 user/page-register.php:16 user/page-register.php:19
-#: user/page-register.php:24 user/page-register.php:26 user/page-register.php:29
-#: user/page-register.php:34 user/page-register.php:36 user/page-register.php:41
-#: user/page-register.php:47
+#: user/page-register.php:14 user/page-register.php:16
+#: user/page-register.php:19 user/page-register.php:24
+#: user/page-register.php:26 user/page-register.php:29
+#: user/page-register.php:34 user/page-register.php:36
+#: user/page-register.php:41 user/page-register.php:47
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/languages/zh_CN.mo b/languages/zh_CN.mo
index cb60c6cd..6c3001b7 100644
Binary files a/languages/zh_CN.mo and b/languages/zh_CN.mo differ
diff --git a/languages/zh_CN.po b/languages/zh_CN.po
index 9e9ae71d..0333a4d9 100644
--- a/languages/zh_CN.po
+++ b/languages/zh_CN.po
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sakura\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-06 17:55+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-06 17:56+0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-08-06 17:39+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-06 17:42+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3.1\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n"
@@ -21,24 +21,24 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
-#: 404.php:17
+#: 404.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "page %s"
msgstr "第 %s 页"
-#: 404.php:46
+#: 404.php:47
msgid "return to previous page"
msgstr "返回上一页"
-#: 404.php:47
+#: 404.php:48
msgid "return to home page"
msgstr "返回首页"
-#: 404.php:50
+#: 404.php:51
msgid "Don't worry, search in site?"
msgstr "别着急,试试站内检索?"
-#: 404.php:53 footer.php:62 search.php:42
+#: 404.php:54 footer.php:62 search.php:42
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "搜索..."
@@ -126,15 +126,15 @@ msgstr "禁止小广告😀"
msgid "Site"
msgstr "网站"
-#: footer.php:75 footer.php:83
+#: footer.php:76 footer.php:84
msgid "Want to find something?"
msgstr "想要找点什么呢?"
-#: footer.php:85
+#: footer.php:86
msgid "Search"
msgstr "搜索"
-#: footer.php:144
+#: footer.php:145
msgid "Widgets"
msgstr "小工具"
@@ -183,35 +183,35 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This guy is so lazy ╮(╯▽╰)╭"
msgstr "这家伙好懒╮(╯▽╰)╭"
-#: functions.php:1334
+#: functions.php:1335
msgid "All expand/collapse"
msgstr "全部展开/收缩"
-#: functions.php:1355 options.php:834
+#: functions.php:1356 options.php:980
msgid " "
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1359
+#: functions.php:1360
msgid " post(s)"
msgstr " 篇文章"
-#: functions.php:1382 functions.php:1385 inc/theme_plus.php:478
+#: functions.php:1383 functions.php:1386 inc/theme_plus.php:478
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "管理中心"
-#: functions.php:1611
+#: functions.php:1612
msgid "ERROR: This email domain (@"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1716
+#: functions.php:1717
msgid "QQ"
msgstr ""
-#: functions.php:1788
+#: functions.php:1779
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "侧栏"
-#: functions.php:1900
+#: functions.php:1892
msgid ""
" For a better experience, please do not set permalink as plain. To do this, you may need to "
@@ -443,31 +443,31 @@ msgstr "退出登录"
msgid "View comments"
msgstr "查看评论"
-#: options.php:34 options.php:45 options.php:299
+#: options.php:34 options.php:45 options.php:312
msgid "1"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:35 options.php:46 options.php:300
+#: options.php:35 options.php:46 options.php:313
msgid "2"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:36 options.php:47 options.php:301
+#: options.php:36 options.php:47 options.php:314
msgid "3"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:37 options.php:48 options.php:302
+#: options.php:37 options.php:48 options.php:315
msgid "4"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:38 options.php:49 options.php:303
+#: options.php:38 options.php:49 options.php:316
msgid "5"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:39 options.php:304
+#: options.php:39 options.php:317
msgid "6"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:40 options.php:305
+#: options.php:40 options.php:318
msgid "7"
msgstr ""
@@ -501,59 +501,16 @@ msgstr "切换主题菜单透明度"
#: options.php:137
msgid ""
-"Adjust the theme scheme menu transparency, the smaller the value, the more "
-"transparent. The default value is 0.8"
-msgstr "调整切换主题菜单透明度,值越小越透明。默认透明度0.8"
-#: options.php:142
-msgid "Transparent"
-msgstr "全透明"
+"Adjust the theme scheme menu transparency, fill in decimals between 0 and "
+"1, the smaller the value, the more transparent. The default value is 0.8"
+msgstr ""
#: options.php:143
-msgid "Transparency 0.1"
-msgstr "透明度0.1"
-#: options.php:144
-msgid "Transparency 0.2"
-msgstr "明度0.2"
-#: options.php:145
-msgid "Transparency 0.3"
-msgstr "透明度0.3"
-#: options.php:146
-msgid "Transparency 0.4"
-msgstr "透明度0.4"
-#: options.php:147
-msgid "Transparency 0.5"
-msgstr "透明度0.5"
-#: options.php:148
-msgid "Transparency 0.6"
-msgstr "透明度0.6"
-#: options.php:149
-msgid "Transparency 0.7"
-msgstr "透明度0.7"
-#: options.php:150
-msgid "Transparency 0.8"
-msgstr "透明度0.8"
-#: options.php:151
-msgid "Transparency 0.9"
-msgstr "透明度0.9"
-#: options.php:152
-msgid "Opaque"
-msgstr "Opaque"
-#: options.php:156
msgid "Change web background"
msgstr "切换网页背景"
-#: options.php:157
+#: options.php:144
msgid ""
"The foreground switches the background of the webpage. There are 8 urls "
"separated by commas. The order corresponds to the foreground scheme tool "
@@ -568,19 +525,27 @@ msgstr ""
-#: options.php:163
+#: options.php:150
+msgid "Darkmode"
+msgstr "暗黑模式"
+#: options.php:151
+msgid "Automatically turn on dark mode from 10:00 p.m. to 06:00 a.m."
+msgstr "晚上10点到早上6点自动打开暗黑模式。"
+#: options.php:157
msgid "Personal avatar"
msgstr "个人头像"
-#: options.php:164
+#: options.php:158
msgid "The best size is 130px*130px."
msgstr "最佳尺寸130px*130px。"
-#: options.php:169
+#: options.php:163
msgid "Text LOGO"
msgstr "文字版LOGO"
-#: options.php:170
+#: options.php:164
msgid ""
"The home page does not display the avatar above, but displays a paragraph of "
"text (use the avatar above if left blank).The text is recommended not to be "
@@ -589,271 +554,285 @@ msgstr ""
-#: options.php:176
+#: options.php:170
msgid "logo"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:177
+#: options.php:171
msgid "The best height size is 40px。"
msgstr "最佳高度尺寸40px。"
-#: options.php:182
+#: options.php:176
msgid "Favicon"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:183
+#: options.php:177
msgid "It is the small logo on the browser tab, fill in the url"
msgstr "就是浏览器标签栏上那个小 logo,填写url"
-#: options.php:189
+#: options.php:183
msgid "Custom keywords and descriptions "
msgstr "自定义关键词和描述 "
-#: options.php:190
+#: options.php:184
msgid "Customize keywords and descriptions after opening"
msgstr "开启之后可自定义填写关键词和描述"
-#: options.php:196
+#: options.php:190
msgid "Site keywords"
msgstr "网站关键词"
-#: options.php:197
+#: options.php:191
msgid "Each keyword is divided by a comma \",\" and the number is within 5."
msgstr "各关键字间用半角逗号\",\"分割,数量在5个以内最佳。"
-#: options.php:203
+#: options.php:197
msgid "Site descriptions"
msgstr "网站描述"
-#: options.php:204
+#: options.php:198
msgid "Describe the site in concise text, with a maximum of 120 words."
msgstr "用简洁的文字描述本站点,字数建议在120个字以内。"
-#: options.php:210
+#: options.php:204
msgid "Expand the nav menu"
msgstr "展开导航菜单"
-#: options.php:211
+#: options.php:205
msgid "Check to enable, default shrink"
msgstr "勾选开启,默认收缩"
-#: options.php:217
+#: options.php:211
msgid "Head decoration"
msgstr "头部装饰图"
-#: options.php:218
+#: options.php:212
msgid ""
"Enable by default, check off, display on the article page, separate page and "
"category page"
msgstr "默认开启,勾选关闭,显示在文章页面,独立页面以及分类页"
-#: options.php:224
+#: options.php:218
msgid "Search button"
msgstr "搜索按钮"
-#: options.php:229 options.php:270 options.php:574 options.php:584
-#: options.php:594 options.php:604
+#: options.php:223 options.php:283 options.php:587 options.php:597
+#: options.php:607 options.php:617
msgid "Open"
msgstr "启用"
-#: options.php:230 options.php:271 options.php:575 options.php:585
-#: options.php:595 options.php:605
+#: options.php:224 options.php:284 options.php:588 options.php:598
+#: options.php:608 options.php:618
msgid "Close"
msgstr "关闭"
-#: options.php:234
+#: options.php:228
msgid "Home article style"
msgstr "首页文章风格"
-#: options.php:239
+#: options.php:233
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "标准"
-#: options.php:240
+#: options.php:234
msgid "Graphic"
msgstr "图文"
+#: options.php:238 options.php:390
+msgid "Cover manifest"
+msgstr "封面图片库选项"
+#: options.php:239
+msgid ""
+"Select how to call the post featue image, only for the post without feature "
+msgstr "选择文章特色图的调用方式,只对没有设置特色图像的文章生效"
#: options.php:244
+msgid "same as the cover of the first screen (default)"
+msgstr "跟随第一屏封面"
+#: options.php:245 options.php:398
+msgid "custom api (advanced)"
+msgstr "外部随机图API"
+#: options.php:250 options.php:403
+msgid "Cover images url"
+msgstr "封面图片库url"
+#: options.php:251
+msgid "Fill in the custom image api url."
+msgstr "填写图片库API地址"
+#: options.php:257
msgid "Home article feature images (only valid for standard mode)"
msgstr "首页文章特色图(仅对标准风格生效)"
-#: options.php:249
+#: options.php:262
msgid "Round"
msgstr "圆形"
-#: options.php:250
+#: options.php:263
msgid "Square"
msgstr "方形"
-#: options.php:254
+#: options.php:267
msgid ""
"Home article feature images alignment (only for graphic mode, default left "
"and right alternate)"
msgstr "首页文章特色图对齐方式(仅对图文风格生效,默认左右交替)"
-#: options.php:259
+#: options.php:272
msgid "Left"
msgstr "向左对齐"
-#: options.php:260
+#: options.php:273
msgid "Right"
msgstr "向右对齐"
-#: options.php:261
+#: options.php:274
msgid "Alternate"
msgstr "左右交替"
-#: options.php:265
+#: options.php:278
msgid "Comment shrink"
msgstr "评论收缩"
-#: options.php:275
+#: options.php:288
msgid "Display author information at the end of the article?"
msgstr "文章末尾显示作者信息?"
-#: options.php:276
+#: options.php:289
msgid "Check to enable"
msgstr "勾选启用"
-#: options.php:282
+#: options.php:295
msgid "Paging mode"
msgstr "分页模式"
-#: options.php:287
+#: options.php:300
msgid "Ajax load"
msgstr "Ajax 加载"
-#: options.php:288
+#: options.php:301
msgid "Previous and next page"
msgstr "上一页和下一页"
-#: options.php:292
+#: options.php:305
msgid "Automatically load the next page"
msgstr "自动加载下一页"
-#: options.php:293
+#: options.php:306
msgid ""
"(seconds) Set to automatically load the next page time, the default is not "
"automatically loaded"
msgstr "(秒)设置自动加载下一页时间,默认不自动加载"
-#: options.php:298
+#: options.php:311
msgid "0"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:306
+#: options.php:319
msgid "8"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:307
+#: options.php:320
msgid "9"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:308
+#: options.php:321
msgid "10"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:309
+#: options.php:322
msgid "Do not load automatically"
msgstr "不自动加载"
-#: options.php:313
+#: options.php:326
msgid "Blogger description"
msgstr "博主描述"
-#: options.php:314
+#: options.php:327
msgid "A self-described statement"
msgstr "一段自我描述的话"
-#: options.php:320
+#: options.php:333
msgid "Footer info"
msgstr "页脚信息"
-#: options.php:321
+#: options.php:334
msgid "Footer description, support for HTML code"
msgstr "页脚说明文字,支持HTML代码"
-#: options.php:327
+#: options.php:340
msgid "Google analytics"
msgstr "Google 统计代码"
-#: options.php:328
+#: options.php:341
msgid "UA-xxxxx-x"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:334
+#: options.php:347
msgid "CNZZ Statistics (not recommand)"
msgstr "站长统计(不建议使用)"
-#: options.php:335
+#: options.php:348
msgid "Statistics code, which will be invisible in web page."
msgstr "填写统计代码,将被隐藏。"
-#: options.php:341
+#: options.php:354
msgid "Customize CSS styles"
msgstr "自定义CSS样式"
-#: options.php:342
+#: options.php:355
msgid "Fill in the CSS code directly, no need to write style tags"
msgstr "直接填写CSS代码,不需要写style标签"
-#: options.php:349
+#: options.php:362
msgid "First screen"
msgstr "第一屏"
-#: options.php:353
+#: options.php:366
msgid "Main switch"
msgstr "总开关"
-#: options.php:354 options.php:398
+#: options.php:367 options.php:411
msgid "Default on, check off"
msgstr "默认开启,勾选关闭"
-#: options.php:360
+#: options.php:373
msgid "Social information"
msgstr "社交信息"
-#: options.php:361
+#: options.php:374
msgid "Enable by default, check off, display avatar, signature, SNS"
msgstr "默认开启,勾选关闭,显示头像、签名、SNS"
-#: options.php:367
+#: options.php:380
msgid "Social information style"
msgstr "社交信息样式"
-#: options.php:372
+#: options.php:385
msgid "Merge with signature"
msgstr "与签名合并"
-#: options.php:373
+#: options.php:386
msgid "Independent line"
msgstr "独立成行"
-#: options.php:377
-msgid "Cover manifest"
-msgstr "封面图片库选项"
-#: options.php:378
+#: options.php:391
msgid "Select how to call the cover random image"
msgstr "选择封面随机图的调用方式"
-#: options.php:383
+#: options.php:396
msgid "webp images (optimization)"
msgstr "webp优化随机图"
-#: options.php:384
+#: options.php:397
msgid "built-in api (default)"
msgstr "内置原图随机图(默认)"
-#: options.php:385
-msgid "custom api (advanced)"
-msgstr "外部随机图API"
-#: options.php:390
-msgid "Cover images url"
-msgstr "封面图片库url"
-#: options.php:391
+#: options.php:404
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Fill in the manifest path for random picture display, please refer to Wiki,,如果你在上面选择了webp优化,点击这里更新 manifest"
-#: options.php:397
+#: options.php:410
msgid "full-screen display"
msgstr "全屏显示"
-#: options.php:404
+#: options.php:417
msgid "Enable video"
msgstr "开启视频"
-#: options.php:405
+#: options.php:418
msgid "Check on"
msgstr "勾选开启"
-#: options.php:411
+#: options.php:424
msgid "Live"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:412
+#: options.php:425
msgid ""
"Check to enable, the video will continue to play automatically, you need to "
"enable Pjax"
msgstr "选开启,视频自动续播,需要开启Pjax功能"
-#: options.php:418
+#: options.php:431
msgid "Video address"
msgstr "视频地址"
-#: options.php:419
+#: options.php:432
msgid ""
"The source address of the video, the address is spliced below the video "
"name, the slash is not required at the end of the address"
msgstr "视频的来源地址,该地址拼接下面的视频名,地址尾部不需要加斜杠"
-#: options.php:425
+#: options.php:438
msgid "Video name"
msgstr "视频名称"
-#: options.php:426
+#: options.php:439
msgid ""
"abc.mp4, just fill in the video file name abc, multiple videos separated by "
"commas such as abc, efg, do not care about the order, because the loading is "
@@ -910,287 +889,287 @@ msgstr ""
"abc.mp4 ,只需要填写视频文件名 abc 即可,多个用英文逗号隔开如 abc,efg ,无需"
-#: options.php:432
+#: options.php:445
msgid "Background image filter"
msgstr "背景图滤镜"
-#: options.php:437
+#: options.php:450
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr "无"
-#: options.php:438
+#: options.php:451
msgid "Undertint"
msgstr "浅色"
-#: options.php:439
+#: options.php:452
msgid "Dim"
msgstr "暗淡"
-#: options.php:440
+#: options.php:453
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "网格"
-#: options.php:441
+#: options.php:454
msgid "Dot"
msgstr "点点"
-#: options.php:445
+#: options.php:458
msgid "Whether to turn on the top-feature"
msgstr "是否开启聚焦"
-#: options.php:446 options.php:1126
+#: options.php:459 options.php:1212
msgid "Default on"
msgstr "默认开启"
-#: options.php:452
+#: options.php:465
msgid "Top-feature style"
msgstr "聚焦样式"
-#: options.php:457
+#: options.php:470
msgid "Alternate left and right"
msgstr "左右交替"
-#: options.php:458
+#: options.php:471
msgid "From bottom to top"
msgstr "从下往上"
-#: options.php:462
+#: options.php:475
msgid "Top-feature title"
msgstr "聚焦标题"
-#: options.php:463
+#: options.php:476
msgid ""
"Default is Discovery, you can also change it to other, of course you can't "
"use it as an advertisement!Not allowed!!"
msgstr "默认为聚焦,你也可以修改为其他,当然不能当广告用!不允许!!"
-#: options.php:470
+#: options.php:483
msgid "Top-feature 1 image"
msgstr "聚焦图一"
-#: options.php:471 options.php:499 options.php:527
+#: options.php:484 options.php:512 options.php:540
msgid "size 257px*160px"
msgstr "尺寸257px*160px"
-#: options.php:477 options.php:478
+#: options.php:490 options.php:491
msgid "Top-feature 1 title"
msgstr "聚焦图一标题"
-#: options.php:484 options.php:485
+#: options.php:497 options.php:498
msgid "Top-feature 1 description"
msgstr "聚焦图一描述"
-#: options.php:491 options.php:492
+#: options.php:504 options.php:505
msgid "Top-feature 1 link"
msgstr "聚焦图一链接"
-#: options.php:498
+#: options.php:511
msgid "Top-feature 2 image"
msgstr "聚焦图二"
-#: options.php:505 options.php:506
+#: options.php:518 options.php:519
msgid "Top-feature 2 title"
msgstr "聚焦图二标题"
-#: options.php:512 options.php:513
+#: options.php:525 options.php:526
msgid "Top-feature 2 description"
msgstr "聚焦图二描述"
-#: options.php:519 options.php:520
+#: options.php:532 options.php:533
msgid "Top-feature 2 link"
msgstr "聚焦图二链接"
-#: options.php:526
+#: options.php:539
msgid "Top-feature 3 image"
msgstr "聚焦图三"
-#: options.php:533 options.php:534
+#: options.php:546 options.php:547
msgid "Top-feature 3 title"
msgstr "聚焦图三标题"
-#: options.php:540 options.php:541
+#: options.php:553 options.php:554
msgid "Top-feature 3 description"
msgstr "聚焦图三描述"
-#: options.php:547 options.php:548
+#: options.php:560 options.php:561
msgid "Top-feature 3 link"
msgstr "聚焦图三链接"
-#: options.php:555
+#: options.php:568
msgid "Post page"
msgstr "文章页"
-#: options.php:559
+#: options.php:572
msgid "Post style"
msgstr "文章样式"
-#: options.php:564
+#: options.php:577
msgid "Sakura"
msgstr "默认样式"
-#: options.php:565 options.php:660
+#: options.php:578 options.php:673
msgid "GitHub"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:569
+#: options.php:582
msgid "Post like"
msgstr "文章点赞"
-#: options.php:579
+#: options.php:592
msgid "Post share"
msgstr "文章分享"
-#: options.php:589
+#: options.php:602
msgid "Previous and Next"
msgstr "上一篇下一篇"
-#: options.php:599
+#: options.php:612
msgid "Author profile"
msgstr "博主信息"
-#: options.php:609
+#: options.php:622
msgid "Alipay reward"
msgstr "支付宝打赏"
-#: options.php:610
+#: options.php:623
msgid "Alipay qrcode"
msgstr "支付宝二维码"
-#: options.php:615
+#: options.php:628
msgid "Wechat reward"
msgstr "微信打赏"
-#: options.php:616
+#: options.php:629
msgid "Wechat qrcode "
msgstr "微信二维码 "
-#: options.php:622
+#: options.php:635
msgid "Social network"
msgstr "社交网络"
-#: options.php:626
+#: options.php:639
msgid "Wechat"
msgstr "微信"
-#: options.php:627
+#: options.php:640
msgid "Wechat qrcode"
msgstr "微信二维码"
-#: options.php:632
+#: options.php:645
msgid "Sina Weibo"
msgstr "新浪微博"
-#: options.php:633
+#: options.php:646
msgid "Sina Weibo address"
msgstr "新浪微博地址"
-#: options.php:639
+#: options.php:652
msgid "Tencent QQ"
msgstr "腾讯QQ"
-#: options.php:640
+#: options.php:653
msgid ""
"tencent://message/?uin={{QQ number}}. for example, tencent://message/?"
msgstr "tencent://message/?uin={{QQ号码}},如tencent://message/?uin=123456"
-#: options.php:646
+#: options.php:659
msgid "Telegram"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:647
+#: options.php:660
msgid "Telegram link"
msgstr "Telegram链接"
-#: options.php:653
+#: options.php:666
msgid "Qzone"
msgstr "QQ空间"
-#: options.php:654
+#: options.php:667
msgid "Qzone address"
msgstr "QQ空间地址"
-#: options.php:661
+#: options.php:674
msgid "GitHub address"
msgstr "GitHub地址"
-#: options.php:667
+#: options.php:680
msgid "Lofter"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:668
+#: options.php:681
msgid "Lofter address"
msgstr "Lofter 地址"
-#: options.php:674
+#: options.php:687
msgid "BiliBili"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:675
+#: options.php:688
msgid "BiliBili address"
msgstr "B站地址"
-#: options.php:681
+#: options.php:694
msgid "Youku video"
msgstr "优酷视频"
-#: options.php:682
+#: options.php:695
msgid "Youku video address"
msgstr "优酷地址"
-#: options.php:688
+#: options.php:701
msgid "Netease Cloud Music"
msgstr "网易云音乐"
-#: options.php:689
+#: options.php:702
msgid "Netease Cloud Music address"
msgstr "网易云音乐地址"
-#: options.php:695
+#: options.php:708
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:696
+#: options.php:709
msgid "Twitter address"
msgstr "推特地址"
-#: options.php:702
+#: options.php:715
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:703
+#: options.php:716
msgid "Facebook address"
msgstr "脸书地址"
-#: options.php:709
+#: options.php:722
msgid "Jianshu"
msgstr "简书"
-#: options.php:710
+#: options.php:723
msgid "Jianshu address"
msgstr "简书地址"
-#: options.php:716
+#: options.php:729
msgid "CSDN"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:717
+#: options.php:730
msgid "CSND community address"
msgstr "CSND社区地址"
-#: options.php:723
+#: options.php:736
msgid "Zhihu"
msgstr "知乎"
-#: options.php:724
+#: options.php:737
msgid "Zhihu address"
msgstr "知乎地址"
-#: options.php:730
+#: options.php:743
msgid "Email-name"
msgstr "邮箱-用户名"
-#: options.php:731
+#: options.php:744
msgid ""
"The name part of name@domain.com, only the frontend has js runtime "
"environment can get the full address, you can rest assured to fill in"
@@ -1198,23 +1177,224 @@ msgstr ""
"name@domain.com 的 name 部分,前端仅具有 js 运行环境时才能获取完整地址,可放"
-#: options.php:737
+#: options.php:750
msgid "Email-domain"
msgstr "邮箱-域名"
-#: options.php:738
+#: options.php:751
msgid "The domain.com part of name@domain.com"
msgstr "name@domain.com 的 domain.com部分"
-#: options.php:745
+#: options.php:758
+msgid "Comment field"
+msgstr "评论区"
+#: options.php:762
+msgid "Gravatar avatar proxy"
+msgstr "Gravatar头像代理"
+#: options.php:763
+msgid ""
+"A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it "
+"blank if you do not need."
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:769
+msgid "Comment image upload API"
+msgstr "评论上传图片接口"
+#: options.php:774
+msgid "Imgur (https://imgur.com)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:775
+msgid "SM.MS (https://sm.ms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:776
+msgid "Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:780
+msgid "Imgur Client ID"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:781
+msgid ""
+"Register your application here, note we only need the Client ID here."
+msgstr ""
+"在这里注册你的 "
+"application , 注意此处只需要填写 Client ID."
+#: options.php:787
+msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:788
+msgid ""
+"Register your application here."
+msgstr "在这里获取 key."
+#: options.php:794
+msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:795
+msgid "Get your API key here: "
+msgstr "在这里获取你的 API key: "
+#: options.php:801
+msgid "Chevereto URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:802
+msgid ""
+"Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto."
+msgstr ""
+"你的 Chevereto 首页 url, 注意结尾没有 /, 例如:https://your.cherverto.com"
+#: options.php:808
+msgid "Comment images proxy"
+msgstr "评论图片代理"
+#: options.php:809
+msgid ""
+"A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
+msgstr "前端显示的图片的代理。"
+#: options.php:815
+msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
+msgstr "Imgur 上传代理"
+#: options.php:816
+msgid ""
+"A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with "
+"Nginx, following my turtal. This feature is mainly for Chinese who "
+"cannot access to Imgur due to the GFW. The default and official setting is "
+msgstr ""
+"后端上传图片到 Imgur 的时候使用的代理。你可以参考我的教程,借助 "
+"Nginx 部署自己的代理。目前 Imgur 在国内处于被墙状态,国内服务器上传和浏览器前"
+#: options.php:822
+msgid "Comments reply notification"
+msgstr "邮件回复通知"
+#: options.php:823
+msgid ""
+"WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply "
+"by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply "
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:829
+msgid "Administrator comment notification"
+msgstr "邮件回复通知管理员"
+#: options.php:830
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive "
+"a reply"
+msgstr "当管理员评论收到回复时是否使用邮件通知"
+#: options.php:836
+msgid "Enable private comment"
+msgstr "允许私密评论"
+#: options.php:837
+msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
+msgstr "允许用户设置自己的评论对其他人不可见"
+#: options.php:843
+msgid "Human verification"
+msgstr "机器人验证"
+#: options.php:844
+msgid "Enable human verification"
+msgstr "开启机器人验证"
+#: options.php:850
+msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
+msgstr "QQ头像链接加密"
+#: options.php:851
+msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
+msgstr "不直接暴露用户QQ头像链接。"
+#: options.php:856
+msgid "Off (default)"
+msgstr "关闭(默认)"
+#: options.php:857
+msgid "use redirect (general security)"
+msgstr "使用重定向(安全性低)"
+#: options.php:858
+msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
+msgstr "后端获取头像数据(安全性高)"
+#: options.php:859
+msgid "fetch data at backend (high security,slow)"
+msgstr "后端解析QQ头像接口(安全性高,慢)"
+#: options.php:863
+msgid "Comment UA infomation"
+msgstr "评论UA信息"
+#: options.php:864
+msgid ""
+"Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
+msgstr "勾选开启,显示用户的浏览器,操作系统信息"
+#: options.php:870
+msgid "Comment location infomation"
+msgstr "评论位置信息"
+#: options.php:871
+msgid "Check to enable, display the user's location info"
+msgstr "勾选开启,显示用户的位置信息"
+#: options.php:877
+msgid "Enable disqus"
+msgstr "开启多说插件支持"
+#: options.php:878
+msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
+msgstr "多说已经凉了~~"
+#: options.php:884
+msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
+msgstr "时区调整"
+#: options.php:885
+msgid ""
+"If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an "
+"integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - "
+"the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)"
+msgstr ""
+#: options.php:891
msgid "Dashboard configuration"
msgstr "后台配置"
-#: options.php:750
+#: options.php:896
msgid "Dashboard panel custom color scheme"
msgstr "后台面板自定义配色方案"
-#: options.php:751
+#: options.php:897
msgid ""
"You can design the dashboard panel (/wp-admin/) style yourself below, but "
"before you start, please go to here to "
@@ -1227,79 +1407,79 @@ msgstr ""
-#: options.php:757
+#: options.php:903
msgid "Panel main color A"
msgstr "面板主色调A"
-#: options.php:760 options.php:768 options.php:776 options.php:784
+#: options.php:906 options.php:914 options.php:922 options.php:930
msgid ""
"(array) (optional) An array of CSS color definitions which are used "
"to give the user a feel for the theme."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:765
+#: options.php:911
msgid "Panel main color B"
msgstr "面板主色调B"
-#: options.php:773
+#: options.php:919
msgid "Panel main color C"
msgstr "面板主色调C"
-#: options.php:781
+#: options.php:927
msgid "Panel main color D"
msgstr "面板主色调D"
-#: options.php:789
+#: options.php:935
msgid "Panel icon color——base"
msgstr "面板图标配色——base"
-#: options.php:792 options.php:800 options.php:808
+#: options.php:938 options.php:946 options.php:954
msgid ""
"(array) (optional) An array of CSS color definitions used to color "
"any SVG icons."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:797
+#: options.php:943
msgid "Panel icon color——focus"
msgstr "面板图标配色——focus"
-#: options.php:805
+#: options.php:951
msgid "Panel icon color——current"
msgstr "面板图标配色——current"
-#: options.php:813
+#: options.php:959
msgid "Other custom panel styles(CSS)"
msgstr "其他自定义面板样式(CSS)"
-#: options.php:814
+#: options.php:960
msgid "If you need to adjust other styles of the panel, put the style here."
msgstr "如果还需要对面板其他样式进行调整可以把style放到这里。"
-#: options.php:820
+#: options.php:966
msgid "Login interface background image"
msgstr "后台登陆界面背景图"
-#: options.php:821
+#: options.php:967
msgid "Use the default image if left this blank"
msgstr "该地址为空则使用默认图片"
-#: options.php:826
+#: options.php:972
msgid "Login interface logo"
msgstr "后台登陆界面logo"
-#: options.php:827
+#: options.php:973
msgid "Used for login interface display"
msgstr "用于登录界面显示"
-#: options.php:833
+#: options.php:979
msgid "Login/registration related settings"
msgstr "登陆/注册相关设定"
-#: options.php:840
+#: options.php:986
msgid "Specify login address"
msgstr "指定登录地址"
-#: options.php:841
+#: options.php:987
msgid ""
"Forcibly do not use the background address to log in, fill in the new "
"landing page address, such as http://www.xxx.com/login [Note] Before you "
@@ -1310,49 +1490,49 @@ msgstr ""
-#: options.php:847
+#: options.php:993
msgid "Specify registered address"
msgstr "指定注册地址"
-#: options.php:848
+#: options.php:994
msgid "This link is used on the login page as a registration entry"
msgstr "该链接使用在登录页面作为注册入口,建议填写"
-#: options.php:854
+#: options.php:1000
msgid "Allow users to register"
msgstr "允许用户注册"
-#: options.php:855
+#: options.php:1001
msgid "Check to allow users to register at the frontend"
msgstr "勾选开启,允许用户在前台注册"
-#: options.php:861
+#: options.php:1007
msgid "Automatically redirect after login"
msgstr "登录后自动跳转"
-#: options.php:862
+#: options.php:1008
msgid ""
"After checken, the administrator redirects to the background and the user "
"redirects to the home page."
msgstr "勾选开启,管理员跳转至后台,用户跳转至主页。"
-#: options.php:868
+#: options.php:1014
msgid "Registration verification (frontend only, backend forced open)"
msgstr "注册验证(仅前端,后端强制开启)"
-#: options.php:869
+#: options.php:1015
msgid "Check to enable slide verification"
msgstr "勾选开启滑动验证"
-#: options.php:876
+#: options.php:1022
msgid "CDN"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:880
+#: options.php:1026
msgid "Images CDN"
msgstr "图片库"
-#: options.php:881
+#: options.php:1027
msgid ""
"Note: Fill in the format http(s)://your CDN domain name/.
In other "
"words, the original path is http://your.domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx."
@@ -1362,33 +1542,33 @@ msgstr ""
"domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx.png 的图片将从 http://你的CDN域"
"名/2018/05/xx.png 加载"
-#: options.php:887
+#: options.php:1033
msgid "Use the front-end library locally (lib.js、lib.css)"
msgstr "本地调用前端库(lib.js、lib.css)"
-#: options.php:888
+#: options.php:1034
msgid "The front-end library don't load from jsDelivr, not recommand"
msgstr "前端库不走 jsDelivr,不建议启用"
-#: options.php:894
+#: options.php:1040
msgid "Use js and css file of the theme (sakura-app.js、style.css) locally"
msgstr "本地调用主题 js、css 文件(sakura-app.js、style.css)"
-#: options.php:895
+#: options.php:1041
msgid ""
"The js and css files of the theme do not load from jsDelivr, please open "
"when DIY"
msgstr "主题的 js、css 文件不走 jsDelivr,DIY 时请开启"
-#: options.php:902
+#: options.php:1048
msgid "Others"
msgstr "其他"
-#: options.php:906
+#: options.php:1052
msgid "About"
msgstr "关于"
-#: options.php:907
+#: options.php:1053
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Theme Sakura v %s | Theme "
@@ -1403,47 +1583,47 @@ msgstr ""
"img.shields.io/github/release/mashirozx/Sakura.svg?style=flat-square\" alt="
"\"GitHub release\">"
-#: options.php:913
+#: options.php:1059
msgid "Check for Updates"
msgstr "检查更新"
-#: options.php:925
+#: options.php:1071
msgid "Footer float music player"
msgstr "页脚悬浮播放器"
-#: options.php:926
+#: options.php:1072
msgid "Choose which platform you'll use."
msgstr "选择你要使用的平台。"
-#: options.php:931
+#: options.php:1077
msgid "Netease Cloud Music (default)"
msgstr "网易云音乐(默认)"
-#: options.php:932
+#: options.php:1078
msgid "Xiami Music"
msgstr "虾米音乐"
-#: options.php:933
+#: options.php:1079
msgid "KuGou Music"
msgstr "酷狗音乐"
-#: options.php:934
+#: options.php:1080
msgid "Baidu Music"
msgstr "百度音乐"
-#: options.php:935
+#: options.php:1081
msgid "QQ Music (may fail) "
msgstr "QQ音乐(可能解析失败) "
-#: options.php:936
+#: options.php:1082
msgid "Off"
msgstr "关闭"
-#: options.php:940
+#: options.php:1086
msgid "Song list ID"
msgstr "「歌单」ID"
-#: options.php:941
+#: options.php:1087
msgid ""
"Fill in the \"song list\" ID, eg: https://music.163.com/#/playlist?"
"id=2288037900 The ID is 2288037900"
@@ -1451,11 +1631,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: options.php:947
+#: options.php:1093
msgid "Netease Cloud Music cookie"
msgstr "网易云音乐 Cookies"
-#: options.php:948
+#: options.php:1094
msgid ""
"For Netease Cloud Music, fill in your vip account's cookies if you want to "
"play special tracks.If you don't know what does mean, left it blank."
@@ -1463,44 +1643,44 @@ msgstr ""
-#: options.php:954
+#: options.php:1100
msgid "Version Control"
msgstr "版本控制"
-#: options.php:955
+#: options.php:1101
msgid ""
"Used to update frontend cookies and browser caches, any string can be used"
msgstr "用于更新前端 cookie 及浏览器缓存,可使用任意字符串"
-#: options.php:961
+#: options.php:1107
msgid "Enable PJAX (recommand on)"
msgstr "开启PJAX局部刷新(建议开启)"
-#: options.php:962
+#: options.php:1108
msgid "The principle is the same as Ajax"
msgstr "原理与Ajax相同"
-#: options.php:968
+#: options.php:1114
msgid "Enable NProgress progress bar"
msgstr "开启NProgress加载进度条"
-#: options.php:969 options.php:976 options.php:983
+#: options.php:1115 options.php:1122 options.php:1129
msgid "Default off, check on"
msgstr "默认不开启,勾选开启"
-#: options.php:975
+#: options.php:1121
msgid "Enable sidebar widget"
msgstr "支持侧栏小部件"
-#: options.php:982
+#: options.php:1128
msgid "Enable Announcement"
msgstr "开启公告"
-#: options.php:989
+#: options.php:1135
msgid "Announcement content"
msgstr "公告内容"
-#: options.php:990
+#: options.php:1136
msgid ""
"Announcement content, the text exceeds 142 bytes will be scrolled display "
"(mobile device is invalid)"
@@ -1508,22 +1688,22 @@ msgstr ""
"公告内容,文字超出142个字节将会被滚动显示(移动端无效),一个汉字 = 3字节,一"
"个字母 = 1字节,自己计算吧"
-#: options.php:995
+#: options.php:1141
msgid "Bilibili UID"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:996
+#: options.php:1142
msgid ""
"Fill in your UID, eg.https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/, only fill in with "
"the number part."
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1002
+#: options.php:1148
msgid "Bilibili Cookie"
msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1003
+#: options.php:1149
msgid ""
"Fill in your Cookies, go to your bilibili homepage, you can get cookies in "
"brownser network pannel with pressing F12. If left this blank, you'll not "
@@ -1532,152 +1712,56 @@ msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1008
+#: options.php:1154
msgid "The categories of articles that don't not show on homepage"
msgstr "首页不显示的分类文章"
-#: options.php:1009 options.php:1016
+#: options.php:1155 options.php:1162
msgid "Fill in category ID, multiple IDs are divided by a comma \",\""
msgstr "填写分类ID,多个用英文“ , ”分开"
-#: options.php:1015
+#: options.php:1161
msgid "Images category"
msgstr "图片展示分类"
-#: options.php:1022
+#: options.php:1168
msgid "Statistics Interface"
msgstr "统计接口"
-#: options.php:1027
+#: options.php:1173
msgid ""
"WP-Statistics plugin (Professional statistics, can exclude invalid access)"
msgstr "WP-Statistics 插件(专业性统计,可排除无效访问)"
-#: options.php:1028
+#: options.php:1174
msgid "Theme built-in (simple statistics, calculate each page access request)"
msgstr "主题内建(简单的统计,计算每一次页面访问请求)"
-#: options.php:1032
+#: options.php:1178
msgid "Statistical data display format"
msgstr "统计数据显示格式"
-#: options.php:1037
+#: options.php:1183
msgid "23333 Views (default)"
msgstr "23333 次访问(默认)"
-#: options.php:1038
+#: options.php:1184
msgid "23,333 Views (britain)"
msgstr "23,333 次访问(英式)"
-#: options.php:1039
+#: options.php:1185
msgid "23 333 Views (french)"
msgstr "23 333 次访问(法式)"
-#: options.php:1040
+#: options.php:1186
msgid "23k Views (chinese)"
msgstr "23k 次访问(中式)"
-#: options.php:1044
-msgid "Gravatar avatar proxy"
-msgstr "Gravatar头像代理"
-#: options.php:1045
-msgid ""
-"A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it "
-"blank if you do not need."
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1051
-msgid "Comment image upload API"
-msgstr "评论上传图片接口"
-#: options.php:1056
-msgid "Imgur (https://imgur.com)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1057
-msgid "SM.MS (https://sm.ms)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1058
-msgid "Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1062
-msgid "Imgur Client ID"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1063
-msgid ""
-"Register your application here, note we only need the Client ID here."
-msgstr ""
-"在这里注册你的 "
-"application , 注意此处只需要填写 Client ID."
-#: options.php:1069
-msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1070
-msgid ""
-"Register your application here."
-msgstr "在这里获取 key."
-#: options.php:1076
-msgid "Chevereto API v1 key"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1077
-msgid "Get your API key here: "
-msgstr "在这里获取你的 API key: "
-#: options.php:1083
-msgid "Chevereto URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1084
-msgid ""
-"Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto."
-msgstr ""
-"你的 Chevereto 首页 url, 注意结尾没有 /, 例如:https://your.cherverto.com"
-#: options.php:1090
-msgid "Comment images proxy"
-msgstr "评论图片代理"
-#: options.php:1091
-msgid ""
-"A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need."
-msgstr "前端显示的图片的代理。"
-#: options.php:1097
-msgid "Imgur upload proxy"
-msgstr "Imgur 上传代理"
-#: options.php:1098
-msgid ""
-"A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with "
-"Nginx, following my turtal. This feature is mainly for Chinese who "
-"cannot access to Imgur due to the GFW. The default and official setting is "
-msgstr ""
-"后端上传图片到 Imgur 的时候使用的代理。你可以参考我的教程,借助 "
-"Nginx 部署自己的代理。目前 Imgur 在国内处于被墙状态,国内服务器上传和浏览器前"
-#: options.php:1104
+#: options.php:1190
msgid "Enable live search"
msgstr "启用实时搜索"
-#: options.php:1105
+#: options.php:1191
msgid ""
"Real-time search in the foreground, call the Rest API to update the cache "
"every hour, you can manually set the cache time in api.php"
@@ -1685,21 +1769,21 @@ msgstr ""
"前台实现实时搜索,调用 Rest API 每小时更新一次缓存,可在 api.php 里手动设置缓"
-#: options.php:1111
+#: options.php:1197
msgid "Include comments in live search"
msgstr "实时搜索包含评论"
-#: options.php:1112
+#: options.php:1198
msgid ""
"Search for comments in real-time search (not recommended if there are too "
"many comments on the site)"
msgstr "在实时搜索中搜索评论(如果网站评论数量太多不建议开启)"
-#: options.php:1118
+#: options.php:1204
msgid "Enable baguetteBox"
msgstr "启用 baguetteBox"
-#: options.php:1119
+#: options.php:1205
msgid ""
"Default off,please read wiki"
@@ -1707,33 +1791,33 @@ msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1125
+#: options.php:1211
msgid "Enable lazyload in posts"
msgstr "文章内图片启用 lazyload"
-#: options.php:1132
+#: options.php:1218
msgid "lazyload spinner"
msgstr "lazyload 占位图"
-#: options.php:1133
+#: options.php:1219
msgid "The placeholder to display when the image loads, fill in the image url"
msgstr "图片加载时要显示的占位图,填写图片 url"
-#: options.php:1139
+#: options.php:1225
msgid "Whether to enable the clipboard copyright"
msgstr "是否开启剪贴板版权标识"
-#: options.php:1140
+#: options.php:1226
msgid ""
"Automatically add a copyright to the clipboard when copying more than 30 "
"bytes, which is enabled by default."
msgstr "复制超过30个字节时自动向剪贴板添加版权标识,默认开启。"
-#: options.php:1146
+#: options.php:1232
msgid "Email address prefix"
msgstr "发件地址前缀"
-#: options.php:1147
+#: options.php:1233
msgid ""
"For sending system mail, the sender address displayed in the user's mailbox, "
"do not use Chinese, the default system email address is bibi@your_domain_name"
@@ -1741,99 +1825,6 @@ msgstr ""
"地址为 bibi@你的域名"
-#: options.php:1153
-msgid "Comments reply notification"
-msgstr "邮件回复通知"
-#: options.php:1154
-msgid ""
-"WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply "
-"by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply "
-msgstr ""
-#: options.php:1160
-msgid "Administrator comment notification"
-msgstr "邮件回复通知管理员"
-#: options.php:1161
-msgid ""
-"Whether to use email notification when the administrator's comments receive "
-"a reply"
-msgstr "当管理员评论收到回复时是否使用邮件通知"
-#: options.php:1167
-msgid "Enable private comment"
-msgstr "允许私密评论"
-#: options.php:1168
-msgid "Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others"
-msgstr "允许用户设置自己的评论对其他人不可见"
-#: options.php:1174
-msgid "Human verification"
-msgstr "机器人验证"
-#: options.php:1175
-msgid "Enable human verification"
-msgstr "开启机器人验证"
-#: options.php:1181
-msgid "QQ avatar link encryption"
-msgstr "QQ头像链接加密"
-#: options.php:1182
-msgid "Do not display the user's qq avatar links directly."
-msgstr "不直接暴露用户QQ头像链接。"
-#: options.php:1187
-msgid "Off (default)"
-msgstr "关闭(默认)"
-#: options.php:1188
-msgid "use redirect (general security)"
-msgstr "使用重定向(安全性低)"
-#: options.php:1189
-msgid "fetch data at backend (high security)"
-msgstr "后端获取头像数据(安全性高)"
-#: options.php:1190
-msgid "fetch data at backend (high security,slow)"
-msgstr "后端解析QQ头像接口(安全性高,慢)"
-#: options.php:1194
-msgid "Comment UA infomation"
-msgstr "评论UA信息"
-#: options.php:1195
-msgid ""
-"Check to enable, display the user's browser, operating system information"
-msgstr "勾选开启,显示用户的浏览器,操作系统信息"
-#: options.php:1201
-msgid "Enable disqus"
-msgstr "开启多说插件支持"
-#: options.php:1202
-msgid "Enable disqus for comment"
-msgstr "多说已经凉了~~"
-#: options.php:1208
-msgid "Time Zone adjustment"
-msgstr "时区调整"
-#: options.php:1209
-msgid ""
-"If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an "
-"integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - "
-"the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)"
-msgstr ""
#: search.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "search result: %s"
@@ -1843,17 +1834,17 @@ msgstr "关于 %s 的搜索结果:"
msgid "NOTHING"
msgstr "啥也没有呀"
-#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:56
+#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:43
#: tpl/content.php:34
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "条评论"
-#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:56
+#: tpl/content-image.php:35 tpl/content-status.php:31 tpl/content-thumb.php:43
#: tpl/content.php:34
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "条评论"
-#: tpl/content-image.php:38 tpl/content-status.php:34 tpl/content-thumb.php:55
+#: tpl/content-image.php:38 tpl/content-status.php:34 tpl/content-thumb.php:42
#: tpl/content.php:37
msgid "Hit"
msgid_plural "Hits"
@@ -1961,6 +1952,39 @@ msgstr "注册成功!正在跳转......"
msgid "Registration is not open yet."
msgstr "暂未开放注册。"
+#~ msgid "Transparent"
+#~ msgstr "全透明"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.1"
+#~ msgstr "透明度0.1"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.2"
+#~ msgstr "明度0.2"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.3"
+#~ msgstr "透明度0.3"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.4"
+#~ msgstr "透明度0.4"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.5"
+#~ msgstr "透明度0.5"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.6"
+#~ msgstr "透明度0.6"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.7"
+#~ msgstr "透明度0.7"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.8"
+#~ msgstr "透明度0.8"
+#~ msgid "Transparency 0.9"
+#~ msgstr "透明度0.9"
+#~ msgid "Opaque"
+#~ msgstr "Opaque"
#~ msgid "G+ address"
#~ msgstr "G+地址"
diff --git a/options.php b/options.php
index 8624ac32..3b99b612 100644
--- a/options.php
+++ b/options.php
@@ -134,23 +134,10 @@ function optionsframework_options()
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Theme scheme tool transparency', 'sakura'), /*切换主题菜单透明度*/
- 'desc' => __('Adjust the theme scheme menu transparency, the smaller the value, the more transparent. The default value is 0.8', 'sakura'), /*调整切换主题菜单透明度,值越小越透明。默认透明度0.8*/
+ 'desc' => __('Adjust the theme scheme menu transparency, fill in decimals between 0 and 1, the smaller the value, the more transparent. The default value is 0.8', 'sakura'), /*调整切换主题菜单透明度,值越小越透明。默认透明度0.8*/
'id' => 'sakura_skin_alpha',
'std' => '0.8',
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'options' => array(
- '0' => __('Transparent', 'sakura'), /*全透明*/
- '0.1' => __('Transparency 0.1', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.1*/
- '0.2' => __('Transparency 0.2', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.2*/
- '0.3' => __('Transparency 0.3', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.3*/
- '0.4' => __('Transparency 0.4', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.4*/
- '0.5' => __('Transparency 0.5', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.5*/
- '0.6' => __('Transparency 0.6', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.6*/
- '0.7' => __('Transparency 0.7', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.7*/
- '0.8' => __('Transparency 0.8', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.8*/
- '0.9' => __('Transparency 0.9', 'sakura'), /*透明度0.9*/
- '1' => __('Opaque', 'sakura'), /*不透明*/
- ));
+ 'type' => 'text');
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Change web background', 'sakura'), /*切换网页背景*/
@@ -159,6 +146,13 @@ function optionsframework_options()
'std' => 'none,https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/spirit1431007/cdn@1.6/img/sakura.png,https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/spirit1431007/cdn@1.6/img/plaid2dbf8.jpg,https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/spirit1431007/cdn@1.6/img/star02.png,https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/spirit1431007/cdn@1.6/img/kyotoanimation.png,https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/spirit1431007/cdn@1.6/img/dot_orange.gif,https://api.mashiro.top/bing/,https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/moezx/cdn@3.1.2/other-sites/api-index/images/me.png',
'type' => 'textarea');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Darkmode', 'sakura'),
+ 'desc' => __('Automatically turn on dark mode from 10:00 p.m. to 06:00 a.m.', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'darkmode',
+ 'std' => '1',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox');
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Personal avatar', 'sakura'), /*个人头像*/
'desc' => __('The best size is 130px*130px.', 'sakura'), /*最佳尺寸130px*130px。*/
@@ -240,6 +234,25 @@ function optionsframework_options()
'imageflow' => __('Graphic', 'sakura'), /*图文*/
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Cover manifest', 'sakura'), /*首页文章特色图选项*/
+ 'desc' => __('Select how to call the post featue image, only for the post without feature image', 'sakura'), /*选择文章特色图的调用方式,只对没有设置特色图像的文章生效*/
+ 'id' => 'post_cover_options',
+ 'std' => "type_1",
+ 'type' => "select",
+ 'options' => array(
+ 'type_1' => __('same as the cover of the first screen (default)', 'sakura'), /*跟随第一屏封面图*/
+ 'type_2' => __('custom api (advanced)', 'sakura'), /*外部随机图API*/
+ )
+ );
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Cover images url', 'sakura'), /*图片库url*/
+ 'desc' => __('Fill in the custom image api url.', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'post_cover',
+ 'std' => '',
+ 'type' => 'text');
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Home article feature images (only valid for standard mode)', 'sakura'), /*首页文章特色图(仅对标准风格生效)*/
'id' => 'list_type',
@@ -740,6 +753,139 @@ function optionsframework_options()
'std' => '',
'type' => 'text');
+ //评论区
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Comment field', 'sakura'), /*评论区*/
+ 'type' => 'heading');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Gravatar avatar proxy', 'sakura'),
+ 'desc' => __('A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it blank if you do not need.', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'gravatar_proxy',
+ 'std' => "gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar",
+ 'type' => "text");
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Comment image upload API', 'sakura'), /*评论图片上传接口*/
+ 'id' => 'img_upload_api',
+ 'std' => "imgur",
+ 'type' => "radio",
+ 'options' => array(
+ 'imgur' => __('Imgur (https://imgur.com)', 'sakura'),
+ 'smms' => __('SM.MS (https://sm.ms)', 'sakura'),
+ 'chevereto' => __('Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)', 'sakura'),
+ ));
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Imgur Client ID', 'sakura'),
+ 'desc' => __('Register your application here, note we only need the Client ID here.', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'imgur_client_id',
+ 'std' => '',
+ 'type' => 'text');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('SM.MS Secret Token', 'sakura'),
+ 'desc' => __('Register your application here.', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'smms_client_id',
+ 'std' => '',
+ 'type' => 'text');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Chevereto API v1 key', 'sakura'),
+ 'desc' => __('Get your API key here: ' . akina_option('cheverto_url') . '/dashboard/settings/api', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'chevereto_api_key',
+ 'std' => '',
+ 'type' => 'text');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Chevereto URL', 'sakura'),
+ 'desc' => __('Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto.com', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'cheverto_url',
+ 'std' => 'https://your.cherverto.com',
+ 'type' => 'text');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Comment images proxy', 'sakura'),
+ 'desc' => __('A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need.', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'cmt_image_proxy',
+ 'std' => 'https://images.weserv.nl/?url=',
+ 'type' => 'text');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Imgur upload proxy', 'sakura'),
+ 'desc' => __('A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with Nginx, following my turtal. This feature is mainly for Chinese who cannot access to Imgur due to the GFW. The default and official setting is 【https://api.imgur.com/3/image/】', 'sakura'),
+ 'id' => 'imgur_upload_image_proxy',
+ 'std' => 'https://api.imgur.com/3/image/',
+ 'type' => 'text');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Comments reply notification', 'sakura'), /*邮件回复通知*/
+ 'desc' => __('WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply notification', 'sakura'), /*WordPress默认会使用邮件通知用户评论收到回复,开启此项允许用户设置自己的评论收到回复时是否使用邮件通知*/
+ 'id' => 'mail_notify',
+ 'std' => '0',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Administrator comment notification', 'sakura'), /*邮件回复通知管理员*/
+ 'desc' => __('Whether to use email notification when the administrator\'s comments receive a reply', 'sakura'), /*当管理员评论收到回复时是否使用邮件通知*/
+ 'id' => 'admin_notify',
+ 'std' => '0',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Enable private comment', 'sakura'), /*允许私密评论*/
+ 'desc' => __('Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others', 'sakura'), /*允许用户设置自己的评论对其他人不可见*/
+ 'id' => 'open_private_message',
+ 'std' => '0',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Human verification', 'sakura'), /*机器人验证*/
+ 'desc' => __('Enable human verification', 'sakura'), /*开启机器人验证*/
+ 'id' => 'norobot',
+ 'std' => '0',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('QQ avatar link encryption', 'sakura'), /*QQ头像链接加密*/
+ 'desc' => __('Do not display the user\'s qq avatar links directly.', 'sakura'), /*不直接暴露用户qq头像链接*/
+ 'id' => 'qq_avatar_link',
+ 'std' => "off",
+ 'type' => "select",
+ 'options' => array(
+ 'off' => __('Off (default)', 'sakura'), /*关闭(默认)*/
+ 'type_1' => __('use redirect (general security)', 'sakura'), /*使用 重定向(安全性一般)'*/
+ 'type_2' => __('fetch data at backend (high security)', 'sakura'), /*后端获取数据(安全性高)*/
+ 'type_3' => __('fetch data at backend (high security,slow)', 'sakura'), /*后端获取数据(安全性高, 慢)*/
+ ));
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Comment UA infomation', 'sakura'), /*评论UA信息*/
+ 'desc' => __('Check to enable, display the user\'s browser, operating system information', 'sakura'), /*勾选开启,显示用户的浏览器,操作系统信息*/
+ 'id' => 'open_useragent',
+ 'std' => '0',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Comment location infomation', 'sakura'), /*评论位置信息*/
+ 'desc' => __('Check to enable, display the user\'s location info', 'sakura'), /*勾选开启,显示用户的位置信息*/
+ 'id' => 'open_location',
+ 'std' => '0',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Enable disqus', 'sakura'), /*开启多说插件支持*/
+ 'desc' => __('Enable disqus for comment', 'sakura'), /*多说已经凉了*/
+ 'id' => 'general_disqus_plugin_support',
+ 'std' => '0',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox');
+ $options[] = array(
+ 'name' => __('Time Zone adjustment', 'sakura'), /*时区调整*/
+ 'desc' => __('If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)', 'sakura'), /*如果评论出现时差问题在这里调整,填入一个整数,计算方法:实际时间=显示错误的时间-你输入的整数(单位:小时)*/
+ 'id' => 'time_zone_fix',
+ 'std' => '0',
+ 'type' => 'text');
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Dashboard configuration', 'sakura'), /*后台配置*/
@@ -1040,66 +1186,6 @@ function optionsframework_options()
'type_4' => __('23k Views (chinese)', 'sakura'), /*23k 次访问(中式)*/
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Gravatar avatar proxy', 'sakura'),
- 'desc' => __('A front-ed proxy for Gravatar, eg. gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar . Leave it blank if you do not need.', 'sakura'),
- 'id' => 'gravatar_proxy',
- 'std' => "gravatar.2heng.xin/avatar",
- 'type' => "text");
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Comment image upload API', 'sakura'), /*评论图片上传接口*/
- 'id' => 'img_upload_api',
- 'std' => "imgur",
- 'type' => "radio",
- 'options' => array(
- 'imgur' => __('Imgur (https://imgur.com)', 'sakura'),
- 'smms' => __('SM.MS (https://sm.ms)', 'sakura'),
- 'chevereto' => __('Chevereto (https://chevereto.com)', 'sakura'),
- ));
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Imgur Client ID', 'sakura'),
- 'desc' => __('Register your application here, note we only need the Client ID here.', 'sakura'),
- 'id' => 'imgur_client_id',
- 'std' => '',
- 'type' => 'text');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('SM.MS Secret Token', 'sakura'),
- 'desc' => __('Register your application here.', 'sakura'),
- 'id' => 'smms_client_id',
- 'std' => '',
- 'type' => 'text');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Chevereto API v1 key', 'sakura'),
- 'desc' => __('Get your API key here: ' . akina_option('cheverto_url') . '/dashboard/settings/api', 'sakura'),
- 'id' => 'chevereto_api_key',
- 'std' => '',
- 'type' => 'text');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Chevereto URL', 'sakura'),
- 'desc' => __('Your Chevereto homepage url, no slash in the end, eg. https://your.cherverto.com', 'sakura'),
- 'id' => 'cheverto_url',
- 'std' => 'https://your.cherverto.com',
- 'type' => 'text');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Comment images proxy', 'sakura'),
- 'desc' => __('A front-ed proxy for the uploaded images. Leave it blank if you do not need.', 'sakura'),
- 'id' => 'cmt_image_proxy',
- 'std' => 'https://images.weserv.nl/?url=',
- 'type' => 'text');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Imgur upload proxy', 'sakura'),
- 'desc' => __('A back-ed proxy to upload images. You may set a self hosted proxy with Nginx, following my turtal. This feature is mainly for Chinese who cannot access to Imgur due to the GFW. The default and official setting is 【https://api.imgur.com/3/image/】', 'sakura'),
- 'id' => 'imgur_upload_image_proxy',
- 'std' => 'https://api.imgur.com/3/image/',
- 'type' => 'text');
$options[] = array(
'name' => __('Enable live search', 'sakura'), /*启用实时搜索*/
'desc' => __('Real-time search in the foreground, call the Rest API to update the cache every hour, you can manually set the cache time in api.php', 'sakura'), /*前台实现实时搜索,调用 Rest API 每小时更新一次缓存,可在 functions.php 里手动设置缓存时间*/
@@ -1149,67 +1235,5 @@ function optionsframework_options()
'std' => 'bibi',
'type' => 'text');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Comments reply notification', 'sakura'), /*邮件回复通知*/
- 'desc' => __('WordPress will use email to notify users when their comments receive a reply by default. Tick this item allows users to set their own comments reply notification', 'sakura'), /*WordPress默认会使用邮件通知用户评论收到回复,开启此项允许用户设置自己的评论收到回复时是否使用邮件通知*/
- 'id' => 'mail_notify',
- 'std' => '0',
- 'type' => 'checkbox');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Administrator comment notification', 'sakura'), /*邮件回复通知管理员*/
- 'desc' => __('Whether to use email notification when the administrator\'s comments receive a reply', 'sakura'), /*当管理员评论收到回复时是否使用邮件通知*/
- 'id' => 'admin_notify',
- 'std' => '0',
- 'type' => 'checkbox');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Enable private comment', 'sakura'), /*允许私密评论*/
- 'desc' => __('Allow users to set their own comments to be invisible to others', 'sakura'), /*允许用户设置自己的评论对其他人不可见*/
- 'id' => 'open_private_message',
- 'std' => '0',
- 'type' => 'checkbox');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Human verification', 'sakura'), /*机器人验证*/
- 'desc' => __('Enable human verification', 'sakura'), /*开启机器人验证*/
- 'id' => 'norobot',
- 'std' => '0',
- 'type' => 'checkbox');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('QQ avatar link encryption', 'sakura'), /*QQ头像链接加密*/
- 'desc' => __('Do not display the user\'s qq avatar links directly.', 'sakura'), /*不直接暴露用户qq头像链接*/
- 'id' => 'qq_avatar_link',
- 'std' => "off",
- 'type' => "select",
- 'options' => array(
- 'off' => __('Off (default)', 'sakura'), /*关闭(默认)*/
- 'type_1' => __('use redirect (general security)', 'sakura'), /*使用 重定向(安全性一般)'*/
- 'type_2' => __('fetch data at backend (high security)', 'sakura'), /*后端获取数据(安全性高)*/
- 'type_3' => __('fetch data at backend (high security,slow)', 'sakura'), /*后端获取数据(安全性高, 慢)*/
- ));
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Comment UA infomation', 'sakura'), /*评论UA信息*/
- 'desc' => __('Check to enable, display the user\'s browser, operating system information', 'sakura'), /*勾选开启,显示用户的浏览器,操作系统信息*/
- 'id' => 'open_useragent',
- 'std' => '0',
- 'type' => 'checkbox');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Enable disqus', 'sakura'), /*开启多说插件支持*/
- 'desc' => __('Enable disqus for comment', 'sakura'), /*多说已经凉了*/
- 'id' => 'general_disqus_plugin_support',
- 'std' => '0',
- 'type' => 'checkbox');
- $options[] = array(
- 'name' => __('Time Zone adjustment', 'sakura'), /*时区调整*/
- 'desc' => __('If the comment has a time difference problem adjust here, fill in an integer, the calculation method: actual_time = display_error_time - the_integer_you_entered (unit: hour)', 'sakura'), /*如果评论出现时差问题在这里调整,填入一个整数,计算方法:实际时间=显示错误的时间-你输入的整数(单位:小时)*/
- 'id' => 'time_zone_fix',
- 'std' => '0',
- 'type' => 'text');
return $options;
diff --git a/style.css b/style.css
index ce049aed..9c01b529 100644
--- a/style.css
+++ b/style.css
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Theme URI: https://github.com/mashirozx/Sakura/
Author: Mashiro, Spirit, Louie, Fuzzz
Author URI: http://2heng.xin
Description: A wonderful branch of theme Akina
-Version: 3.3.8
+Version: 3.3.9
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Text Domain: sakura
@@ -1278,12 +1278,20 @@ a:hover {
padding: 40px 0 0
+.site-content.notransition {
+ -webkit-transition: none !important;
+ -moz-transition: none !important;
+ -o-transition: none !important;
+ -ms-transition: none !important;
+ transition: none !important;
.site-content {
max-width: 800px;
padding: 0 10px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
- background-color: #fff
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8)
.post-list {
@@ -1576,22 +1584,6 @@ i.iconfont.hotpost {
overflow: hidden
-.post-list-thumb-left .post-content-wrap {
- float: left;
- padding-left: 30px;
- padding-right: 0;
- text-align: right;
- margin: 20px 10px 10px 0
-.post-list-thumb-left .post-thumb {
- float: left
-.post-list-thumb-left .post-thumb a {
- border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px
@media (max-width:768px) {
.float-content p {
height: auto;
@@ -1611,12 +1603,11 @@ i.iconfont.hotpost {
width: 100%;
left: 0
- .post-content-wrap,
- .post-list-thumb-left .post-content-wrap {
- text-align: left;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 20px;
- float: none;
+ .post-list-thumb .post-content-wrap {
+ text-align: left !important;
+ margin: 0 !important;
+ padding: 20px !important;
+ float: none !important;
box-shadow: none;
border-top: 0
@@ -3648,7 +3639,7 @@ a.page-numbers {
font-size: 14px
-.siren-checkbox-label input {
+.siren-checkbox-label input,#wp-comment-cookies-consent {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
float: none;
diff --git a/tpl/content-thumb.php b/tpl/content-thumb.php
index c59747b0..5af043ff 100644
--- a/tpl/content-thumb.php
+++ b/tpl/content-thumb.php
@@ -11,21 +11,8 @@
//add_filter('the_excerpt', 'custom_short_excerpt');
$i=0; while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $i++;
-switch (akina_option('feature_align')) {
- case "left":
- $class = 'post-list-thumb-left';
- break;
- case "right":
- $class = '';
- break;
- case "alternate":
- $class = ($i%2 == 0) ? 'post-list-thumb-left' : ''; // 如果为偶数
- break;
- default:
- $class = ($i%2 == 0) ? 'post-list-thumb-left' : '';
if( $i == 1 ){
- $class .= ' post-list-show';
+ $class = ' post-list-show';
$large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'large');