Choose your next UVa problem to solve, from the exercises proposed in Competitive Programming.
Try it! 🤓
next2solve is an HTTP server developed in Go that uses the uHunt API to show your unsolved UVa-CP problems.
First download and build the code:
mkdir src
export GOPATH=$(pwd)
cd src/
git clone
cd next2solve/
go build
Run (default listening port is 8002):
Usage of ./next2solve:
-api string
API URL (default "")
-p string
Listening port (default "8002")
Finally, open http://localhost:8002/ in your browser.
go test next2solve/server next2solve/uhunt next2solve/problems
Code coverage:
go test -coverprofile=cover.out next2solve/server next2solve/uhunt next2solve/problems
go tool cover -html=cover.out
You can also use a local testing server to provide the uHunt API responses,
instead of the uHunt live server
(see files in testing
Terminal 1:
cd testing/
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
Terminal 2:
./next2solve -api http://localhost:8080