v3.6 by Gideon
Difference with previous release V1.21 / V1.22 (Initial Elite release)
- Changes / Improvements to the U64 FPGA
- Added Drive B activity to the possible Case LED outputs
- Increased the number of UltiSIDs from two to eight
- Fixed Jailbar issue on HDMI output
- Fixed a Ledstrip issue that slipped into one of the previous versions
- Improved EMC performance
- Added Paddle Swap for the U64 Elite
- Increased application CPU performance
- Changes / Improvements to the 1541 Ultimate FPGA
- Improvements to the 6502 CPU for improved 1541 compatibility
- Changes to the application
- Added support for 8-SID configuations (Ultimate 64 only)
- Split the U64 configuration settings for better overview (Ultimate 64 only)
- Added possibility to load / save and reset configuration settings
- Added the possibility to have temporary configuration settings
- Added choice of which UltiSID causes the LED strip to light up (Ultimate 64 only)
- Added a Visual SID addressing editor (Ultimate 64 only)
- Added detection and real time configuration of FPGASID (Ultimate 64 only)
- Added detection and real time configuration of SwinSid Ultimate (Ultimate 64 only)
- Added detection and real time configuration of ARMSID (Ultimate 64 only)
- Fixed screen title when connecting to the machine through Telnet
- Added joyswap to the configuration menu (Ultimate 64 only)
- Option to use Final Cart V1/V2 re-enabled
- Upgraded the OS to a newer version
- Easyflash: Clearing of sectors much faster, therefore much better performance when saving to easyflash