GitHub Action
Upload Android Release to Play Store
This action will help you upload an Android .apk
or .aab
(Android App Bundle) file to the Google Play Console using the Google Play Developer API v3.
Required: The service account json private key file to authorize the upload request
Required: The package name, or Application Id, of the app you are uploading
Required: The Android release file to upload (.apk or .aab)
Required: The track in which you want to assign the uploaded app.
Default: production
Values: alpha
, beta
, internal
, production
Portion of users who should get the staged version of the app. Accepts values between 0.0 and 1.0 (exclusive-exclusive). Omitting this value will execute a full rollout.
The directory of localized whats new files to upload as the release notes. Using the pattern whatsnew-<LOCALE>
i.e. whatsnew-en-US
The mapping.txt file used to de-obfuscate your stack traces from crash reports
uses: r0adkll/upload-google-play@v1
serviceAccountJson: ${{ SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON }}
packageName: com.example.MyApp
releaseFile: ${{ SIGNED_RELEASE_FILE}}
track: beta
userFraction: 0.33
whatsNewDirectory: /distribution/whatsnew
mappingFile: /app/build/outputs/mapping/release/mapping.txt