Windows 10 Spotlight Background images for Gnome
- /usr/bin/
- /usr/lib/systemd/user/spotlight.service
- /usr/lib/systemd/user/spotlight.timer
- /usr/share/applications/spotlight.desktop
- ~/.local/bin/
- ~/.local/share/systemd/user/spotlight.service
- ~/.local/share/systemd/user/spotlight.timer
- ~/.local/share/applications/spotlight.desktop
- wget
- jq
- sed
- glib2 (gnome)
- systemd
Run systemctl --user enable spotlight.timer
to get a new picture every day.
To fetch a new background manually you can either use the desktop entry by looking for spotlight in your gnome application menu ([SUPER] spot... [ENTER]
) or trigger the service from command line with systemctl --user start spotlight.service
Use the system log to get the past image descriptions, e.g. for the the current background journalctl -t spotlight -n 1
Spotlight does not require particular configuration.
The default behavior of spotlight is to discard the previous image when it fetches a new one. This behavior can be alter from the command line:
- -h shows a help message
- -k keeps the previous image
- -d stores the image into the given destination. Defaults to "$HOME/.local/share/backgrounds".
In order to modify the behavior of the service systemctl edit --user spotlight.service
can be used to overwrite the program invocation:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env bash -k -d %h/Pictures/Spotlight
Notifications can be controlled via the Gnome Control Center.