This is a pluggable application for theme supporting on Django. But together with the themes, it is a good way to support templates stored in database by an easy way.
- the applications register their templates they are able to load from Themes (this is important for security, but there's a setting to allow not registered templates with standard configuration);
- each Theme has the templates the project registered;
- a Theme is set as default Theme, but a function can set it dinamically from the current request;
- when a template is required, our template loader tries to load it from current Theme, if it finds, so returns that template (instead from file system);
- you can upload static files for the themes;
- you can download and import themes;
- works with Django's template renderer and Jinja2 (still in development).
If you want to test, do this (somewhere):
$ git clone git://
$ cd django-themes
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r test_project/requirements.txt
$ cd test_project
$ ln -s ../themes .
$ # run syncdb and create a superuser when asked
$ python syncdb
$ python runserver
So you are able to visit in the browser:
- http://localhost:8000/ - firstly this will show a "Template not found" error
- http://localhost:8000/admin/ - log in using the admin interface
- http://localhost:8000/themes/ - here you can create your first template. Save as the home template and set the theme as default
- http://localhost:8000/ - come back here to see it working