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FDS Profiling and Tracing

Randy McDermott edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 3 revisions

This page provides notes on performing profiles and traces of FDS using Score-P, Scalable Performance Measurement Infrastructure for Parallel Codes. This software builds instrumentation into the FDS executable that generates either a profile or trace of a given FDS simulation. A profile is basically an accounting for how much CPU time is expended by various FDS routines and MPI/OpenMP calls. A trace is a time history of the CPU usage by each MPI or OpenMP process.

Note that these notes only pertain to linux systems.


A special entry for the Score-P compilation has been added to the makefile in FDS_Compilation:

mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep : FFLAGS = -m64 -O2 -ipo -traceback $(GITINFO)
mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep : LFLAGS = -static-intel
mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep : FCOMPL = scorep --mpp=mpi mpifort
mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep : FOPENMPFLAGS =
mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep : obj = fds_mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep
mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep : setup $(obj_mpi)
        $(FCOMPL) $(FFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $(FOPENMPFLAGS) -o $(obj) $(obj_mpi)

Notice that scorep --mpp=mpi has been added in front of the compiler mpifort, and the OpenMP directives have been deleted so that we only focus on MPI functionality. Score-P can analyze OpenMP as well, and if you want to do that, add back the OpenMP compiler options.


The first thing to do after compiling the instrumented executable is to perform a profile. Use the script in Utilities/Scripts to generate a PBS batch script: -p 8 -v -e /home/mcgratta/FireModels_fork/fds/Build/mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep/fds_mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep case_name.fds

The -v directs FDS to simply write out the script. Save it to a file. It will look something like the following:

#PBS -N case_name
#PBS -e /home/mcgratta/.../case_name.err
#PBS -o /home/mcgratta/.../case_name.log
#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=2
#PBS -l walltime=999:0:0
cd /home/mcgratta/.../working_directory
echo `date`
echo "Input file: case_name.fds"
echo " Directory: `pwd`"
echo "      Host: `hostname`"
/shared/openmpi_64ib/bin/mpirun --report-bindings --bind-to socket --map-by socket -np 8 /home/mcgratta/FireModels_fork/fds/Build/mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep/fds_mpi_intel_linux_64ib_scorep case_name.fds

The SCOREP environment variables indicate whether to do a profile or a trace, the name of the directory (under the working directory) to store the results, a filter file, and the amount of memory required to perform the operation. The SCOREP_FILTERING_FILE contains a list of the FDS routines to include in the profile or trace. However, when you first do a profile, leave out the

Execute the script

qsub script

and after the job finishes, type

scorep-score -r my_profile/profile.cubex

and you will see a summary of the CPU time usage for all routines. Issue the command

scorep-score -f $FDSSMV/Utilities/Profiling/scorep_include.filt profile/profile.cubex

and you will see a profile of only those routines listed in the file $FDSSMV/Utilities/Profiling/scorep_include.filt. In particular, you will see the SCOREP_TOTAL_MEMORY required to perform a trace of those same routines, which is described next.


Once you have finished the profile, edit your PBS script as follows:

export SCOREP_FILTERING_FILE=$FDSSMV/Utilities/Profiling/scorep_include.filt

The SCOREP_FILTERING_FILE contains a list of the major subroutines called from the main routine. These are the routines that we want to trace; that is, get a time history of when each MPI process begins and ends that particular routine. The total memory required is obtained from the profiling. Run the case again, and now you will have a file in the directory my_trace called traces.otf2. The suffix otf2 (Open Trace Format 2) is a commonly used file format for event traces. There are a variety of visualization tools available that can read and graphically display the event timeline which helps identify bottlenecks in the code execution.

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