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Custom domains are a very valuable feature for enterprise clients in the Saas world. This project will help you add custom domain to your enterprise SaaS using a Vercel Proxy and a basic frontend to manage the API.
This solution is pefect for adding a custom domain on a js file or any type of files that your clients need to import in their website.
For this tutorial you'll need a Vercel account.
Create a new storage Edge Config.
Add the required env vars for the configuration-api
VERCEL_CUSTOM_DOMAIN_PROXY_EDGE_CONFIG_ID= # You can find the edge config id when you click on the storage
VERCEL_TEAM_ID= # Your vercel team id
VERCEL_PROJECT_ID= # must be the project id of the custom-domain-proxy because this is on this project that we want to add domains
AUTH_BEARER_TOKEN= # create your own bearer token that can access the projects
- Add a new domain using the configuration-api using the deployed project.
- Finish the domain configuration.
- Use the proxy with the new domain and slug you added.